
With this Erika returned home. It was a tough day. She had Emil announce her plans to recruit people in the market and then go through interview one person after another. Many who came were not even craftsmen or alchemist. They thought that since it was a 10 years old girl maybe they can fool. As a result the whole day passed just for recruiting six people. She was very tired and wanted to go to sleep. Just as she was going to bed, in comes her mother, "Where were you the whole day young lady? You didn't even come for lunch and when I asked about it to your maid, even she didn't know." "I- I'm sorry mother." Erika stammered "But Emil was with me all day. We just went to the market." surprised by this sudden intrusion as she was but still tried to maintain a steady face.

"Just what did a young lady as yourself needed to buy at the market? You know if you need anything you could just ask me or the workers in the castle. Or were trying something fishy being with a boy alone, Erika?" It seemed her mother was furious while at the same time concerned. "Not in a million years mom. I am just a 10 year old and I don't like romance. I was simply out to see my father's territory and since Bauer was busy, I went with Emil. And I lost count of time as wandered around the town. I am sorry mother." "You know I was worried about you. I understand that you will be bored being cooped up in the castle all day, but please try to return before dinner. You know I want to have most of the time I can with my daughter. Okay now go take bath and we will have dinner together. I want to know how you spend the day." She looked as her daughter went inside the bath. She was a very caring mother and preferred to stay with her daughter whenever possible. "As she takes her bath I will prepare something for her dinner." With this thought in her mind Lady Raubenbraum went to the kitchen. "Ouch. I was so tired that I dug a grave for myself!" Erika exclaimed in her mind. "Now I have to cover things up somehow." She started thinking while lying in her bathtub. It was a very big bathroom and very luxurious one. The only person there beside her was her maid Bauer. Though sometimes her mother would accompany her but today she was busy preparing a dinner for her herself. Which is pretty rare among nobles. At first Erika thought it was awkward to have someone accompany her in her bath but she started enjoying it. "Milady you look troubled. Is something wrong?" asked Bauer who was massaging Erika's head. "Oh, Bauer! Erika exclaimed, I have dug a massive grave for myself. My mother wants to know what I did in the market and she is waiting for me to have dinner with her." "Now that's a pretty big dilemma you have got yourself into milady." Bauer replied shrugging. "Yeah, yeah. Stop laughing. If you don't come up with something to save my ass you'll pay for it. I will make you go through hell tomorrow." "Ah... please forgive me milady and also please, such vulgar language is very unladylike." "Stop with giving me such instructions and save me. How will I face my mother or what will I do if she finds out what I am trying to do?" "Fret not milady, I know the town market like the back of my hand. Just tell madam that you went to shops and enjoyed talking to various people and played with kids your age in the playground behind the big fruit market. Also tell her how there is this one kid named Emma who was always wary about those she didn't know and was not really wanted to play with you. Then you can add on the fruit market where this one seller named Karl who was actually a lesser noble but ran away from home to marry a commoner girl he loves." "Thanks Bauer you are a life saver." "But milady please don't make a habit out of lying to the madam." "I know that. sigh.... I also don't want to lie to her. I love her too. But I am doing this to save my family and myself. Otherwise a very bad fate awaits all of us." Replied Erika with a heavy tone and a sad look in her eyes. "Milady sometimes I feel that God's revelation has taken away your childhood and your innocence by the way you are acting now."