The story follows a woman, the last descendant of her family, who lives alone in the Kalimantan jungle. She resides in a Betang house in the heart of the forest because she feels responsible for the deaths of her entire family, making her the sole remaining member of her lineage.
While living in this house, she frequently encounters a mysterious guest, a woman who once asked for coffee powder and sugar. The conflict begins when a group of bandits plans to rob a wealthy individual in the village and uses the Betang house where Marna lives alone as their base of operations. They take Marna hostage as their cook, promising not to harm or rape her as long as she complies with their demands.
Among the nine bandits, there are two with malicious intentions who break this agreement. When the other seven go out to commit the robbery, these two bandits attempt to rape Marna. However, this Dayak woman is not easily subdued. She fights back against the bandits and brings their heads to the police station.