Chapter 15

Chapter 15


Not even a dim light to guide him in his dream.

He was scared.

For the first time, Hae Jin was scared of the dark. Why? He meant, he has been living in darkness for six years, well, it wasn't that dark thanks to the neighbors lights which were on at night.

Still, why was he scared?

And.........what was this......this.... Strange feeling of..............

"Hae Jin" his name was called in the darkness, followed by a bright light which appeared out of thin air, a few steps away from him.

In the bright light stood a figure. A male figure.

And the voice, sounded familiar, but he couldn't remember whom it belonged to.

Who was this person? God? Could it be God? Or is it Jesus? An angel?

Okay on second thought, no, it was none of them. They weren't even humans.

Seriously, he must be losing his mind after all this time spent with Sung-Yoon. And it hasn't even been that long.

*Sigh, he sighed, looked up into the light, only to see another figure. This time, it was a female.

What was this? This feeling of familiarity.

"Jin, don't forget me" said the female and suddenly, Hae Jin felt a sharp pain in his heart and he clutched his chest.

This was it. The strange feeling he had. A mix of hatred, anger, betrayal and disgust.

What was going on?

"Promise to come back to me. I'm waiting" both said at the same time with a smile. One he could see and remembered.

Yes! He remembered! These two were the same people he saw when he first experienced that headache.

But then.............his thoughts were interrupted as he felt an excruciating pain in his head. He held his head, screaming out in pain, and with bloodshot eyes, he yelled at them angrily, "Go away!!"

It hurt. It hurt so much. His head and heart.

He hated them.

So much.



Sung-Yoon woke up hours ago, waited in the living room for the one who knew where breakfast was.

However, the sleepy head has been out for far too long. It was already one pm, of course, Sung-Yoon didn't know this but she did believe it was noon judging by how bright the sun was.

Sung-Yoon couldn't take it anymore and that was why she was here, to wake up Hae Jin just so she would have her stomach filled.

Heavens knew, she was so hungry. Hungry to the point of swallowing up a whole human being if that was possible and given a chance.

Inside the master bedroom she slept in with Hae Jin last night, she sat on the bed. The annoyed expression she had on her face earlier was now replaced with concern. Hae Jin seemed to be having a nightmare.

What was he dreaming of?

She moved closer to Hae Jin.

He was crying, he had a hurtful look on his face now. Gosh, he was also sweating, sweating like crazy!

How was this possible? He was a ghost.

"Hae Jin, Hae Jin wake up" she said, patting his hand. The moment her hand touched his, she realised how hot Hae Jin was.

Thinking of confirming her suspicions, she placed her hand on his forehead.

Damnit! Hae Jin was running a fever.

How the heck was that even possible? Hae Jin was a ghost, a soul. He had no body, so how come he was running a fever?

Could it be......this also happened to ghosts with situations like his own?

"Hae Jin, wake up"

"Leave! Leave me alone!!" Hae Jin shouted in his sleep, looking sad, hurt and tears streaming down.

"Wake up!!" Sung-Yoon yelled worriedly and this time, Hae Jin did wake up. He jolted awake, sitting up on the bed, panting, and sweating profusely.

The white t-shirt he has been wearing since his death had traces of sweat.

What did he dream about?

"Hae Jin........." Sung-Yoon called out to him softly, looking concerned. Hae Jin wiped the tears streaming down from his eyes with his hand, sniffing, he stated, "I'm okay" before getting off the bed and heading for the bathroom.

Sung-Yoon watched him, worried and curious to know what he dreamt about. But then, she was even more curious to know why a ghost (Hae Jin) was running with a fever.

She guessed there was a lot more she still didn't know about ghosts.



Sung-Yoon stood at the button of the staircase, watching as Hae Jin came down.

He looked calm, and his white t-shirt was no longer drenched in sweat. That was because time reversed back to its original state.

Sung-Yoon came to this conclusion with the knowledge she gained from Chae Joon and she believed this. She had no idea why Hae Jin went into the bathroom or what he did in there but she didn't dare ask.

The guy didn't look like he wanted to talk about it.

Silently, she watched as Hae Jin walked into the living room, to the couch he usually sat on. Laid down and stared up at the ceiling. She joined him, taking a seat on the couch on his right and stared at him.

Hae Jin looked okay but definitely not okay. She wondered if the fever had gone down. But then,.....she believed it was completely gone. Why? Because time reversed back to when he was perfectly fine.

She meant, his clothes looked just like before, which meant, the fever was also gone.

Ghosts could change clothes using their powers but Sung-Yoon has never witnessed or seen a ghost's clothes get dirtied nor has she seen a ghost get sick.

This confused her a lot and she was also curious.

Moreover,.......she was so hungry! Where was the food?! She wanted to ask Hae Jin but didn't dare to.

Now, just wasn't the time. Hae Jin wasn't in a good mood, and she believed it was all because of the dream he had.

Just what did he dream about? What can she do to cheer him up?............Right, the kid could help but he wasn't here yet.

Hae Jin told her last night before they slept that the boy would be coming at late noon. Around 3 pm or so, if she remembered correctly.

*Sigh, she sighed exhaustedly. What was she going to do?

"Sung-Yoon" Hae Jin called out her name, surprising her and gaining her attention.

Hae Jin was still staring at the ceiling.

"Tell me" she said and silence blew once again. Hae Jin was taking his time to share what he wanted to and Sung-Yoon wasn't bothered by that.

She had all the time in the world. She was dead after all.

After a minute or two, Hae Jin spoke, "I saw them again. I'm sure of it now. They're from my past" Hae Jin finally looked up at Sung-Yoon for the first time since they entered this room.

He had a devastated look on his face, worrying Sung-Yoon even more.

"I saw them in my dream," Hae Jin stated. Sung-Yoon wasn't surprised with what he just said. People who had amnesia sometimes remembered something in their dreams, she thought.

Surely, it was the same for Hae Jin.

Sung-Yoon wasn't curious to know about the people Hae Jin dreamt of because she had an idea. It was definitely those two he saw when he first experienced that headache.

She was sure of it.

"Have you ever dreamt about them? I mean, since your death? Excluding now?" Hae Jin shook his head, saying, "No, the first time was when I experienced that headache. This is the second time"

And she was right. Hae Jin dreamt about those two. That man and that lady.

"Did you see their faces?"

"No, they were inside this….. bright light"

"Then how can you be sure it was them?" She said, convinced it was them. She just wanted to be sure it was really them even though she already believed it was them.

"That smile! The smile on their blurred faces matched the ones I saw when I experienced that headache!"

"Okay" Mission accomplished. She was right and they were on the same page.

"And that's not all. I felt this familiarity. I felt like I knew them. Know them very well"

"Then, they could be your family members or maybe your friends?" She had said this before (When Hae Jin told her about them the first time he experienced that headache) and still felt those two were closer to Hae Jin when he was alive.

"I don't know Sung-Yoon! But I felt this anger! Betrayal! Hatred! Disgust! I don't want to see them ever again!!" Hae Jin yelled, tears welled up in his eyes and the covered furniture began to float.

Even the couch she sat on was floating. Surprised and worried, Sung-Yoon looked around. Every piece of furniture was floating except the couch Hae Jin occupied.

Hae Jin's powers were manifesting and he had no idea.

Looking at Hae Jin again, she noticed how angry he was.

This was bad. If not stopped now, everything would be in chaos and might also attract unnecessary and unwanted attention.

They didn't need that.

"Hae....Hae Jin, calm down. Men don't cry" And I say, say that to the wind.

'Shut up! I'm busy here?!'

"Okay, calm down Hae Jin. You don't want Tae Jin to see you like this right? The kid will get worried" and just as she thought, Hae Jin immediately calmed down at the mention of Tae Jin.

The furniture floating some time ago were now falling back into its original places, making no sounds as they gently did. Same happened to the couch she sat on.

*Sigh, she sighed in relief, and then looked at his friend who now looked calm.

"I don't want him to see me like this. You're right. I might scare him like this"

"Hae Jin......." Sung-Yoon called out his name softly.

"I think I need some rest" Hae Jin stated and stood up, leaving for one of the rooms in the house.

Of course, the master bedroom was out. He didn't want to stay there, thinking he might dream of those two again.

He didn't want to see them.