14. finalized the Deal

Inside Philips office

Philips knew that this kind guy was either a talented man or a madman, either he will have a bright future or go down the rugs, and Philips a saw natural aura in Sam which was also the reason why he was listening to him attentively or else if it were any other newcomer director, he would not even spare a glance at him.

The two movies in which Philips invested, he also chose to invest in the newcomers as he is fed up with being a tiny producer in a tiny company and he wanted a breakthrough to a higher position.

And Philips know that his company chairman wants stability rather than to strive for better resources, but he sometimes wonders that what kind of stability does their chairman want for a third tier studios as he knows that cash flow of these types of studios are tight and one wrong move can make them bankrupt. 

Philips looked at Sam thoughtfully and prayed in his heart that this time his bet should fulfilled as he at the end of his wits because he also knows that this is his last chance to soar in the sky.

And Philips was also a little bit happy about it, as if he were to discovered a good director, than his value would also soar and he might become the second James Crowe, an australian producer in hollywood who is well known to have discovered the talented director James Johnston who was also an australian, they also have a known nickname as 'double James' for having produced some of the best movies in past ten years.

And Philip is also waiting for his chances to make a turn around now.

Philips called his secretary through the intercom and told her to send the company's lawyer with a contract in his office.

After signing the contract which stated that Big E studios and Sparkling studios will each invest 50% in the movie "Laugh in mayhem", the pre-production will start in a few days while the release date is also set at three months from now and the distribution of the movie will be done by Big E studios with a minimum of 500 hundred guaranteed screens.

After finalizing the deal between the two, they started talking harmoniously about producing the movie and shaking hands with each other, Philips went with Sam and his group to send them until they reached the entrance of the studios and watched as they got in the car and drove away. 

As he walked through the corridor, he saw producer lewis who was also his rival (according to Lewis) in the company, chatting happily with someone, taking a quick glance and without minding much, he walk back to his office.

Lewis who was talking about a movie with the director in front of him, saw Philips from the corner of his eyes and his sunny face became cloudy, as he hates Philips very much because Philips is always ahead of him every where and while people compared the two he always number two.

But after thinking about Philips's last two films which were flops, Lewis once again become cheerful.

And just a while ago, he found out that Philips once again selected a newcomer director to invest in the new film, and he hopes that once Philips loses money this time, he'll have chance to be promoted in the place of Philips.

Both Philips and Lewis are number one and two producers of this studios and Lewis aims to replace him as a trusted man of the chairman.

But what he doesn't know is that, Philips is also not keen to keep his first place in this company because he sees no future for himself here.

On the other hand the chairman doesn't really care about trusting anybody, Philips is first is not because of trust but his ability to bring profits to this company, and as long as someone brings in the profits for him, the chairman will be trusting of him very much.

Saying goodbye to Elijah and Jason, he returned back to his home while stopping at the Mart to buy some fresh food for cooking.

Returning home he saw that it was nine o'clock in the evening and his stomach was also growling so that he enter the kitchen make some light meal like soup and a bit of steak to eat.

After finishing the food and cleaning the dishes, he looked at his bank account and thought of withdrawing $500,000 for the investment of movie, as well as investing the rest of money in the stock market because the depreciation of dollars is happening everyday and doesn't want rest of the money to stay in the account.

Back to his bedroom, he saw some promising tech stocks, and wrote down their name to invest in.

After a while, he started finishing the rest of the storyboard as crew will setup in five-ten days and Elijah has also arranged a meeting with an assistant director for his film.