15. Assistant director

Two days later,

Sam was ready to meet the assistant director introduced by Elijah and also watch the movies recommend to him by Elijah which were made by this Assistant director and he also thinks that they are good movies.

The name of the assistant direct is Andrew Mason, a well known in the circle of third tier studios but Andrew is a quirky guy who only works in the films which seems new and exiting to him.

It is also the reason why he agreed to meet Sam because he loved the script after reading it and was surprised that a newcomer could write such good comedy movie without much vulgarity and abusive words.

Locking the door of house, Sam got into the car and drove away to his new

Office, which was location for meeting.

His new office was just twenty minutes drive away, it was a two storey old building on the suburbs of los Angeles which he leashed for a year with monthly price of $10,000.

The staff there is bare minimal as it had only few people from Watchmen to receptionist as well as some staff because it is just an shell for now.

Arriving at the office, he parked the car and went inside the building and asked the receptionist,if Elijah had arrived.

Walking inside the meeting room, he saw Elijah and a middle aged man around 40 years old sitting on the chair having a conversation.

Sam walked upto them while greeting, he took a sit at the centre chair while decreasing the AC temperature in the room as he was feeling a little bit of heat as Elijah introduced Andrew to him.

"This is Andrew Mason, a well known assistant director and this is Sam Sandles a USC graduate as well the script writer for this movie", said Elijah.

"I have seen the script and storyboard amd both of that are amazing, young man", Exclaimed Andrew.

Sam smiled, "it is okay, and I have also seen your movies and they are also great with camera lens".

Andrew just shook his head and said nothing because this was his work of more than 20 years.

Sam and Andrew had a few more words of chatting and after a while Elijah interjected.

"So Andrew, what do you think about joining our crew, now that you met Sam?" chuckled Elijah.

Elijah was surprised that Sam was so good at socializing as he looked like someone hates trouble speaking even few more extra words.

Sam knew what Elijah might be thinking about but he didn't care, as he was also an adult in his mind.

He knew that if he wants to climb higher here, he will need to socialize and make more friends and fewer enemies, so although he may not like it but he will follow the rules here.

Ultimately the best thing about the Hollywood in any of the world is, no matter who you are or from where you might be from, the profit triumpt everything here.

Andrew just laughed off and agreed to join the crew, for rest of the crew, Elijah was responsible for looking.

Andrew," If you are looking for a cinematographer, I know someone who is good capturing movies for comedy genre".

Sam nodded as he didn't have any problem and said," Elijah you will be responsible for signing the contract of Andrew and the whole crew".

Elijah nodded and complied with Sam's request.

Then Sam took both of them to a nearby restaurant for a meal as it was noon already.

While eating and drinking, Sam and Andrew exchanged a few more ideas about shooting of the film.

Andrew was also delighted as Sam not the type of guy who was arrogant and muddleheaded.

Because in many cases, the enemy of geniuses who have not grown are not from outside but within themselves.

Sam parted ways with Andrew and Elijah as he returned home quickly as tomorrow they have decided to meet and select the crew as Philips will also be there as producer.