38. A horror blockbuster

01 December 1992.

Nearly a month later, Sam and the crew completed all of their shooting in England and are returning to Los Angeles today.

Arriving at the airport, Sam looks at the producer William and asks, "Everything is neatly put into the cargo ship, right? And is everyone ready to go back yet?

William, "Yes, boss, camera rolls, equipment and luggages are packed and shipped as well as everyone from our crew is ready to go back home."

Sam nodded and waited until everyone had boarded the checking counter, after which he and William were the final ones to leave.

Sam was bored on his journey and thought about smartphones, which were so comfortable and simple to use and included built-in entertainment or gaming apps.

Sam recalled Apple's Steve Jobs, who transformed mobile phones by introducing touch screen phones.

And there is no Steve Jobs in this parallel world currently, so he wondered who would make touch screen phones in this world if Steve Jobs was no longer present.

Sam gave himself a small facepalm and said, "If no one makes smart phones, I should, but that's for later because I'm currently busy making films."

After the 12-hour flight, Sam and their group returned to Los Angeles, and everyone went home on their own, with some receiving transportation back by the company vehicle.

But before sending them all away, Sam promises everyone on the crew a three-day vacation for working a month in a foreign country.

Sam returned home in a car with Claire and immediately had a fast shower before getting to sleep due to exhaustion from the travel.

Claire did not bother Sam, who was fatigued from his travels, and returned to the company alone.

But before falling asleep, Sam took one more check at the system panel to see the points that he has accumulated for more than a month;

Name: Sam Sandles

Health: 100/100 (full health)

Skill: {Director (medium)

;management (medium)

;Driving (medium)}

FP: 3,510,890

The next morning, Sam was sitting in his office, reading the box office income for the film 1820 from the month prior to the most present weeks. Another million or additional individuals attended to see their dark film, which enhanced his result even further.

This film once again bolstered Sam's position in the industry, since it became a blockbuster, grossing $52 million in North American theaters. He likewise had another successful film in a row.

After deducting all other shares, their studios received $12.5 million from cinemas and an additional $5 million from the videotape market.

This horror film made a total of $18 million after just investing $3 million in its development.

After a while, he considers selling the following sequels for roughly $50 million in order to make more revenue for the company in the shortest amount of time possible. Because he still needs to spend money to improve the graphics for the visual effects company.

Following that, he spends a considerable amount of time reviewing the studio's working report for the previous month and half.

Sam is relieved that he has already improved his management skills to a medium level; otherwise, he may not be able to comprehend this report.

After finishing the reading of the company reports, Sam calls Claire in his office to discuss book publishing, as he has already finished writing the first book in the Harry Potter series.

He also got various cartoonist illustrators to make pictures of certain significant characters, the four colleges' sigils, and some renowned locations such as Hogwarts Castle, Diagon Alley, and Hogsmeade Village.

He included these drawings in the book so that readers may better imagine the wizarding world.

Because, in his previous world, the Harry Potter novel did not become an instant success like some fairy tale, but after Warner Bros. purchased the novel, they assisted the novel series with more promotions and distribution, as well as media coverage from their parent company Times-Warner throughout the English-speaking world.

Claire took her seat and promptly handed her the information on the publishing houses that Sam had asked her to enquire about last month.

Claire responds, "I already knew that you might want these reports today, so I brought them with me."

Sam agreed and began reading about the biggest publishing houses, which have some overseas markets as key aims.

After reviewing the list for a time, Sam inquires, "What about the details of this Western-myers Publication?"

Claire hands him another report about this specific company and narrates verbally, "Bad news is that this was once second only to Grand Kepler Publication Company in terms of book circulations, but the owner Billy Myers's two sons died one after the other five years ago, and he hasn't paid much attention to his publication company since.

So this corporation has been reduced to the third tier from the first, but the good news is that its distribution channels throughout the North American continent are still operational."

Sam thinks about it and responds: "Alright then, try to arrange a meeting for me with him the weekend and you also try to help me by providing the details of his personality."

Sam was considering buying a couple publishing companies and merging them to cover the entire North American region for book publishing, but who thought he'd have the opportunity to buy a whole company with full distribution networks.

Sam is familiar with another Chinese quote by Sun Tzu, which roughly translates as "know your enemy and yourself to fight a hundred rounds," implying that you can predict your opponent's methods before they even move an inch.

In business, this term is useful when bargaining with someone when you know their preferences well enough.

After concluding his instructions for Claire, Sam sends her away while he considers the future scripts that must be redeemed by him.