39. Selling The 1820 copyright

Sam is sitting comfortably in a comfy leather chair in the office, reviewing the most recent works and considering which scripts might be used for the future productions.

'While the musical movie Destined Across Time to Love You is still in production and should be completed within the next two to three months, the horror film 1820 is complete, and the next two sequels will also be sold to Rekzon Company when I talk to Philip. And in a month, I will also publish a fantasy book' Sam said to himself.

Since a studio cannot exist without working on any project, Sam must now consider the new script for the production.

After giving it some thought, Sam makes the decision to choose scripts for the future as he makes his way to Philip's office.

Sam informed Philip in his office about the sale of the 1820 sequels to Rekzon Studios, who may also be interested in purchasing the entire rights.

Even though Sam was in charge, Philip nodded and stated perplexing "But if we develop these sequels, we might earn more long term income from it."

"Even though these films and their follow-ups are good, we need quick money right now because we have big projects going on," Sam said, shaking his head.

Sam continues, "Additionally, also because I can always come up with new ideas for future scripts, I value my time more than this little money."

The boastful remarks made by the boss in front of Philip left him stunned and unable to speak.

He didn't mind, though, because Sam had already made the remarks he made impactful with the success of his last two movies.

"So, with me writing the script for the next two installments, I estimate that this horror sequel will sell for about $50 million to other studios," Sam stated.

And with this money, Sam can think of buying the publication house that he dreams to buy out.

Philip nodded in agreement, estimating that if they sell it, the price will be around this much as well.

"If the Rekzon studios agree, then nothing," Sam adds, "but if they are not willing to buy around at this amount, then you can also contact other studios like Dark Moon Pictures or whoever is interested."

"No need to worry about it, boss. I suppose they will agree because Timothy Lee, who worked with us on this film, has recently been eyeing the chairman's seat at Rekzon, and he will definitely grab it if such an offer of the sequel is presented to him to increase his chances," Philip replies.

Sam stated that since they already had a positive working relationship with Timothy Lee, he was okay with his taking over as chairman.


Conversely, Rekzon Studios' vice chairman, Timothy Lee, was discussing with his secretary reaching out to some shareholders to persuade them to elect him to the rank of chairman.

The Secretary's phone rang, and she appeared excited as she spoke with the person on the other end for a few minutes.

After the call ended, the secretary informed Timothy, that they could purchase the entire rights to the film 1820, of which they already owned half, and, if they wanted to, the next two sequels from the Sparkling companies can be sold too with script written by Sam.

The studios often don't sell the copyrights of successful films readily because they may produce steady income for more than ten to fifteen years, so Timothy Lee was momentarily bewildered.

The secretary responded sarcastically "Sir, I think they are not in their right minds to sell these good movie copyrights, right?"

Timothy chuckles and his mood grows worse listening to her, "Do you honestly believe that someone can make a $40 million in his debut and $50 million in his second film while also developing a newly operating studio on his own is an idiot or out of his mind?

Those who are capable of creating anything significant on their own are both unpredictable and brilliant, so no one can predict their thinking. So you, either change your attitude, or I will have to reconsider my choice to keep you in your position."

Secretary sweated and nodded, acknowledging her error, knowing that her boss Timothy was only kind to people who were geniuses or more powerful than him, and that he was merciless to others.

After that, Timothy directed his secretary to go to the legal affairs department and recommend them that they start negotiations with Sparkling Studios to purchase half of the copyrights to 'The 1820' as well as the upcoming sequels.

Big E Studios, on the other hand, has begun production on the film 'laugh in mayhem', which they want to release in early June of next year.

As Big E Studios presently has no projects in the works, Lewis is unsure about his film productions due to recent mishaps, and he also lacks faith in the studio's other producers.

Although occasionally Philip did not make good pictures, his movie never lost the production expenses since at least that money was recovered from the videotape market, which is also the motivation for Big E Studios' continued film productions.

But Philip is not a member of their studio now, so Lewis decided to develop a sequel to the film 'laugh in mayhem', which already has a script written by Sam, so they can produce and earn a continuous stream of money without taking too many chances and losing money.