59. Arrest of Willis Bradenton

A week had passed unconsciously, and Sam didn't have much to do because he had already made the movie, which will be released soon, and another one of his novels was already out on the market.

After a week of being published, Sam's novel sold over 2 million copies across the country, which is wonderful given that this number of copies in the children's genre can only be sold by top authors, and even then, they can only sell it after a month of release, unlike Sam, who sold it in a single week.

Sam currently owns a film studio, a 3D company for movies, and a publishing house that has produced two excellent novels. And each of his companies is doing extremely well.

It's just that he recently purchased a construction/real estate company and has tasked Philip with finding a general manager.

Inside the Sparkling Studios;

Sam, who was sitting in his office, heard a knock on the door and said, "Please come in," while turning away from the computer and looking at the door.

Alex and Thomas enter the office a moment later, each taking a seat after Sam nods at them.

Then he inquires, "So why have you come to meet me since you might both be super busy currently with making the movie?"

Alex, Thomas, and their team have stopped working on the part-time making of the movie studio's 3D logo modeling since Sam assigned them the task of making the 'Toy Story' film.

Alex says, "Boss, we have begun filming the movie in accordance with your instructions, and we believe that by November or the end of the year, we will have completed the film as well as post-production.

Sam nodded and asked them if the computer department had enough staff or if the computer software was working properly, as well as if the funding was adequate for them to continue filming, since making their first 3D film without prior experience can be a sure way to run out of money like water.

Both men shook their heads, indicating that everything was fine, before going on to inform him of some other details about the 3D department, which Sam might not be aware of because he rarely visits there.

After the briefing, Alex and Thomas leave the chairman's office and return to their own offices on the upper floor, as their office resides on the third floor of this building.

Philip and Claire, on the other hand, went over the profiles of about twenty people recommended by the talent hunting agency, but when their profiles showed up to Sam, he explicitly rejected them because he didn't like their profile or even the interview.

So today, another profile was sent by an agency, and when Philip and Claire saw the person's bio-data, they were not impressed, but they forwarded it to Sam anyway.

Roxy Fox is an intriguing name for someone seeking an interview for the position of general manager of a construction company, as there are few women in this field.

So, when Sam receives this profile, he becomes interested and instructs the Phantom to conduct an investigation into this woman; even the twenty people whose profiles Philip and Claire had previously sent were thoroughly investigated by the Phantom on Sam's behalf.

This is also why Sam rejected those twenty applicants: the majority of them were mediocre.

Additionally, some candidates who might have been qualified for the position had serious flaws, such as gambling, drug abuse, or beating subordinates.

Despite their best efforts to conceal their secrets from the public, Phantom discovered everything about them, including their birth and family.

On the other side, Claire quickly heads to Sam's office to speak with him about the shocking news she just watched.

As she enters the office and looks at Sam, who is working on some documents, she says, "Sam, turn on the TV right away; there's news on it."

After giving a nod, Sam took the remote control from a cabinet on his lower right side, turned on the TV, and selected the news channel.

The news channel's anchor was giving an explanation while the background showed a video of "Willis Bradenton," a well-known realtor in the Los Angeles area, being arrested by the LAPD (police) on suspicion of assaulting and torturing several women.

Although Sam didn't react much to the news, he noticed Claire's happy expression when he glanced at her from the side as the police took Willis away.

"Even though the lawsuit has been filed against the perpetrator, the police have yet to locate any of those women's bodies," the news anchor on the opposite side of the screen stated as she went on with her report.

The anchor concludes by saying, "So even though Mr. Willis won't be granted liberty easily, the punishment imposed on him will be reduced in accordance with the court's ruling if more substantial evidence is not found."

Despite having video recordings, the police have not been able to obtain the bodies of the women in the video because some of them have been missing for years, while others have been missing in recent months.

The police had been unable to find them previously and consequently declared them missing until they were able to obtain this video, which indicates that Willis Bradenton was behind the disappearance of these women.

Claire, who was initially delighted, started to feel a little uncomfortable about those girls after watching the entire news.

Even though Sam didn't share Claire's sympathy for those girls, he still felt sorry for her because he is not a person who can empathize with people who are unrelated to him.

"Don't be depressed," he said, "since I already told you that he wouldn't get out of my hands."

Sam then turns back to the television to check for any updates on Willis's journey to the police station.

Sam diverted Claire's attention by saying, "Look at the news again," even though Claire didn't understand what he had said.