61. Unfortunate Fate of Willis

Inside the Battleground base.

When the guard reveals the cloth, the face of the person imprisoned here is revealed, which is, of course, Willis Bradenton.

Then Sam, Pedro, and Johnny enter the prison to meet with Willis Bradenton.

Sam asks with a flat face, "Are you surprised to see me?"

Willis Bradenton slowly opened his eyes and looked at the person from whose lips he heard the voice.

And he wasn't prepared for Sam to appear before him. He did not consider him to be one of the many people who could have kidnapped him.

Willis was stunned and enraged to see Sam before him, but he quickly calmed down and glared at Sam with reddened eyes.

Sam looked at his face and said calmly, "Don't overstress yourself. This is your ultimate location."

Willis broke out of his thoughts and pleaded with Sam, "What do you want? You've already taken my business; what else do you want?"

Sam laughed and responded, "Did you think that by letting you be caught by police and helping you escape from them, it was just to blackmail you?"

Willis was surprised and inquired, "Was it you? Did you give that video evidence to the police? Why?"

"Because I know what kind of person you are, and I have absolutely no interest in engaging with people like you," Sam replied. "So if we can send you to jail, then we can also make you disappear from the world."

Willis then threatened, "Don't be so proud; police will be coming at any moment, and they will find me as well as catch you all for attacking a police convoy."

Sam chuckled and responded, "No, they won't be coming here because we have already made arrangements that will make it look like you have escaped from the country with your comrades."

"Yes, those same gangsters, with whose help you have made a fortune by making this Galaxy company," completes Sam.

Yes, Pedro has already made several gangsters close to Willis disappear from the world, and the cars Pedro used to help Willis escape from police control were also used by these gangsters.

So the police will conclude that all of the gangsters, including Willis, have fled the country.

Willis asked, trembling, "So, what are you going to do to me?"

Sam, "My original plan was simply to give you a quick death and be done with it."

Then Sam moves forward and leans opposite Willis, saying, "But when I saw Claire upset because of you, I changed my mind."

"Now you will stay in this underground prison until your last breath, feeling the same pain as those women."

Then Sam gets up and leaves the prison with the others, leaving Willis there screaming and begging Sam to let him leave.

After arriving outside the base, Sam, Johnny, and their team leave on their way to the studio, while Pedro remains to take care of Willis until they settle him here.

Two days later,

Sam gets out of bed, then takes a shower and eats breakfast, which he made himself.

He gets ready to go to the studio, but first he checks his system panel to see the current FP he has collected.

Name: Sam Sandles.

Health: 100/100 (complete health)

Skill: {Director (medium)

Management (medium)

; Driving (medium)}

FP: 6,010,890.

He has acquired an additional 2.5 million Fame Points, including 1.5 million from the Pinocchio novel and 1 million from the Harry Potter novel.

He was pleased to have accumulated so many points, which will help him in his future writings of novels or scripts.

But first, he considers upgrading his directorial skill from medium to high, because the higher the skill, the more captivating films he can create for the audience.

[The skill levels are minimal < low < medium < high < perfect.]

[The required Fame points are 1,000 < 10,000 < 100,000 < 1,000,000 < 10,000,000.]

So, without much thought, he not only raises his directorial skill to a high level, but he also improves his management abilities.

Along with the changes in his skills, his panel changed, indicating that FP had decreased.

Name: Sam Sandles.

Health: 100/100 (complete health)

Skill: {Director (high)

Management (high)

Driving (medium)}

FP: 4,010,890.

After arriving at the studio, he enters his office; his phone vibrates. When he saw that the caller was Charles, he immediately picked up the phone.

Charles asks, "Has Willis Bradenton really fled the country?"

Sam said with an innocent face, "Yes, Uncle, that's what the police say, and my conclusion is the same in this scenario."

Charles inquires further, "There will be no additional problems that arise in the future, correct?"

Sam simply smiled and replied, "Don't worry, Uncle; he won't be a nuisance now that he has vanished from the eyes of the world."

Charles hangs up the phone after stating, "Okay, then, take care of yourself and Claire while she is working there."

Sam nodded and assured him that Claire was performing well while working.

Charles asked Sam about Willis Bradenton because it was his firm that had filed a case against Willis in court.

And Sam was the person behind the scenes who instructed Charles to do this.

So Charles suspected that Sam was behind Willis' disappearance. Although he doesn't care about Willis' disappearance, he became worried about Sam and called to inquire if everything was fine.

Sam sighed and turned on the television to watch the news.

According to the news, the police believe the perpetrator was seized by gangsters from downtown Los Angeles and fled the country together overnight.

Sam now only has to deal with the legality of buying the Galaxy Real Estate Company from Willis Bradenton, a wanted man.

He has a plan for dealing with this matter that will benefit him in the long run.

So he asks Johnny to go tell Claire to hold a press conference for him in the afternoon and let her invite as many reporters as possible.

She can even hint that the conference will be about Willis Bradenton, the runaway convict.

Johnny nodded and left the office to inform Claire about Sam's instructions.