62. Press Conference

Claire has completed all of the preparations for the conference that Sam has requested.

Then she orders her assistant to go inform the chairman that the conference will begin in 10 minutes.

The assistant nodded and proceeded to inform Sam about the conference.

Sam had already changed out of his casual clothes to wear an exclusive three-piece suit for his meeting with the reporters.

Almost all of the major news channels' and newspaper journalists have arrived here.

An intern from a small newspaper asks a senior next to him, "Why are there so many reporters today at this conference held by a mere third-tier studio?"

The senior shook his head and responded, "You don't even know who will be holding the interview today?"

The intern responded with a lack of interest. "No, I usually don't pay attention to these small studios."

The elder chuckles and offers guidance: "Then you ought to know that the person who will appear here is known as the best rookie of the year, and he has explicitly stated that today's interview is about the runaway convict Willis Bradenton."

This is the real reason these reporters have come here to interview Sam, and it is also Sam's first time interviewing in front of these reporters since the starting of his career a year ago.

A few minutes later, Sam arrives in the conference room, where everyone is waiting for him.

Sam takes center stage and orders the host to begin the meeting.

The host nodded and stated, "The purpose of today's interview is to discuss important matters. So we ask the reporters to listen quietly to our chairman first, and then you can ask any questions you want."

The host then takes a step back and leaves the stage in order to let Sam speak by himself.

Sam nodded to each reporter in front of him and informed them that he had recently acquired the Galaxy real estate company, Willis Bradenton's company.

Although shocking, he assured that he had no prior knowledge of Willis Bradenton's criminal history when he purchased the company.

A female reporter raises her hand and asks, "So, what is your next move with this company?"

Sma responded, "Although the last owner of this company might be a convict of a serious crime, we shall not focus too much upon this company, since this company feeds the mouths of its various employees along with their families, and our goal is simply to let these people have a stable job."

A reporter from a business newspaper inquires, "At what price rate did you buy this company?"

Sam responded, "Although this information should be confidential because he should be under some kind of debt that he accepted an offer from us to sell his company at a lower price."

"The price at which we bought that company was actually just one-fourth (¼) of its current market price, which means that we have spent $50 million to buy this company since it has an evaluation of around $200 million."

"However, because the convict is currently out of contact with us, we have decided to use this money to establish a charitable foundation known as 'Sparkling Hope.' The goal of this charity will be to work for the well-being of orphaned children while also assisting women who are physically or psychologically challenged."

A sharp-looking reporter asks, "Are you sure you're going to donate $50 million to charity?"

Sam responded with a nod: "Yes, and not just this money but also all the income that I earn from my novel 'Pinocchio' will be donated to help those orphan children."

The senior journalist who just advised his intern unexpectedly inquires, "Are you also the author of the novel 'Pinocchio'?"

"Yes," Sam responds in a single word, adding, "And we additionally allow anyone to audit this charity money for this foundation, making the process almost transparent."

After the end of an hour-long press conference, Sam exits the room and returns to his office to relax, since he is extremely exhausted from all this talking.

Claire and Philip follow Sam because they have some doubts in their hearts to ask him.

When they arrived at the chairman's office, they took a seat opposite Sam and made a cup of tea for themselves, since the hot water, a tea sachet, milk, and sugar were already on the table in front of them.

Then Philip exclaims, "Amazing strategy, boss; with this interview, you have not only distanced yourself from Willis' notoriety but also benefited from exposing yourself as the author of 'Pinocchio.'

Sam nodded calmly and didn't react much to Philip's words, because he had already calculated everything, such as distancing himself from Willis, increasing his face value among those journalists, and making his identity as an author public.

Claire then brought up the topic of selecting the Galaxy company's general manager.

They didn't understand why Sam chose the last interviewee, Roxy Fox, when there were better candidates before her.

For this, Sam simply smiled and said, "Don't worry about it; the one I chose is much better than those before her."

Philip and Claire simply nodded and moved on, knowing that Sam had already made up his mind and that his words were final in this company.

They also have a high level of trust in his judgment because he established this studio in just a year by starting from scratch.

Then Sam instructs Philip to notify Roxy Fox that she has been hired and invite her to his office tomorrow to discuss the real estate company.

Philip nodded and exited the chairman's office, carrying some files that he had previously given to Sam regarding the marketing strategy of his new film, which will release two months later.

After watching Philip leave, Sam instructs Claire to change his plaque from Chairman to 'Managing Director' because the term Chairman makes him feel old.

Claire nodded and agreed to Sam's tantrums because it doesn't matter given that Sam owns the entire company, including every position, considering it is not a publicly traded company.