63. Galaxy Company General Manager

With the matter of Willis resolved, Sam exhaled with relief.

He is aware that it was dangerous, but the rewards are also very high.

However, since everything is running smoothly for all of his businesses, Sam is currently sitting around doing nothing.

However, as he sat quietly in his office, he missed his smartphone and the online movies and television series that he used to kill time when he was bored.

When he thought about smartphones, he researched the market and found that even the best phones readily accessible are only those with keypads.

His current circumstances prevent him from realizing his dream of owning or creating a smartphone company. He must therefore wait until his strength and ability to manufacture it are equal.

Since Sam has already been reborn in this world, he has a simple yet lofty goal: to one day dominate all of Hollywood.

However, a single production studio will not suffice; he will need to dabble in almost every aspect of this industry, from filmmaking to CD sales, as well as having control over information and narratives.

So he asked someone to bring him detailed information about the current CD and DVD market in Hollywood, given that he was thinking about it while thinking about online series and films.

Sam finds the early development of CD technology a little odd, but it is what it is, in contrast to the most technologically backwardness in this world.

This is also why, despite the fact that film studios do not make much money in theaters, they can make up the difference in the CD market by selling CDs of their movies.


A few minutes later, Johnny hands Sam the CD and DVD market report that he requested.

After flipping through and reading the entire report, Sam sets it aside to consider his next step, which is whether or not to enter this market at this time.

The report states that there are three major players in this market. The first is 'AcrossLine,' which has approximately 2000-2500 stores across the country and accounts for at least 30% of the market.

"CD'REAM" and "HMall" are two other competitors with at least 20% of the market each.

According to the report in his hand, these three companies account for roughly 70% of the market, with the remaining 30% spread among the other small retailers.

So he reflected for a while before concluding that he didn't need to enter this market at the moment of mindless money burning.

But he has an idea for how he can participate in this market without competing with these people.

Roxy Fox, 35, is a single mother with a child around the age of eight.

She is currently applying for the position of general manager at a well-known real estate company named Galaxy, but she has no idea what the results will be.

Despite being a very capable and hardworking woman, she has never had the opportunity to demonstrate her abilities to others.

And she left her previous job a few months ago due to workplace tensions, while she is now working part-time as a waitress in a restaurant.

Despite not being wealthy, her deceased husband did leave enough money for her and her child to live a comfortable life.

When she returns home in the evening to prepare dinner for her son, her cell phone rings. After answering the phone and talking for a minute, she appeared visibly excited.

And as soon as the phone call ended, she grabbed her son, kissed him, and expressed her joy to him.

Despite her confusion over the chairman's decision, she was pleased to be chosen as the general manager of the Galaxy Company.

And right after cleaning the dining table, she goes to her closet to choose the best outfit for tomorrow's meeting with the chairman.


Next day;

She wakes up and finishes her morning chores before heading to the Sparkling Studios.

After dropping her son off at the school bus stop, she hails a taxi and heads to the Sparkling Studios.

When she arrived, she noticed the old building, which she had not expected, but she went inside right away.

Before she can ask the receptionist for directions to the chairman's office, a bodyguard-looking man approaches her and asks if she is Roxy Fox.

She nods, and the man tells her to follow him. Along the way, he advises her not to address the boss as chairman because he dislikes that title and instead to address him as managing director or director.

After a while, she arrives outside the office and notices 5-6 tough-looking bodyguards guarding the door diligently. Her attention then shifts to the plaque that reads 'Managing Director,' and she is amused by his erratic behavior.

After knocking on the door for a second, she entered the office space and noticed a young man sitting in the main seat, who appeared to be too young to run a business.

Sam coughs as he notices her standing there in a stupor and tells her to take a seat in the chair.

Roxy smiles wryly and says, "Sorry, director, seeing how young you look, I couldn't believe it for a second."

Sam nods and tells her not to be concerned about his age, but he also warns her not to underestimate him based on his age.

Looking at her again, he realized she was hesitant to ask him something, so he told her, "Ask whatever you have in mind."

She nodded and inquired, "Why did you choose me?" My CV is not as good as those who submitted before me."

Sam chuckles and asks, "So, did you research the candidates who submitted their resumes before you?"

She concurred and clarified: "Before submitting my resume, I already collected all the data, and my conclusion was that my chances were slim to be selected."

Sam responded with a low chuckle: "Alright, no need to be surprised; the reason why I selected you is simple, which is that I have plenty of information about you from your college to your old company."

Roxy was surprised, but she accepted it without hesitation, considering she knew that the position of general manager cannot be given easily to a person of unknown origin.