65. 'New Galaxy Holdings' and hiring software experts.

A week has passed since Roxy took over the Galaxy company, and most of its employees are pleased, with the exception of a few executives who were fired for misconduct or were close to the previous owner, Willis Bradenton.

Roxy Fox also came today to meet and give Sam a list of people who were fired or new people who were hired to replace them, as well as to get some instructions from Sam.

When she arrived in the MD's office, she took a seat and presented Sam with a report and a document.

Sam reads the report while listening to Roxy's explanation for firing a few people and also the process of hiring new employees.

Then Sam nodded, satisfied, because he had already learned about these things through Phantom's intelligence before Roxy arrived at his office.

Then Sam says, "All right, let's talk about the next topic. You may not be aware, but prior to purchasing this real estate company, I owned and renovated a restaurant area into a large space with numerous amenities."

"So you will also include this property under the Galaxy company for convenience," according to Sam.

He also told her that their main goal for this year is to redecorate the entire Sunset Valley villa project, which has approximately 60-70 villas in total, by increasing the personal garden area in the front yard and backyard to make them larger as well as developing a pool in the villa.

Since last week, Philip and the Galaxy company have been attempting to repurchase all villas except Charles'.

He also gives her another assignment: the Galaxy company will combine with the SAM security company because it will be simpler for them to develop property, acquire land, and manage both security and property. 

This will allow them to offer a wide range of services to their clientele, who will be elite people in the industry.

So the parent company will be called 'New Galaxy Holdings,' and it will have two divisions: Galaxy Development and a split between the SAM Security Company.

A portion of the security company will merge with New Galaxy Holdings, while the remainder will operate independently under Pedro's leadership.

Sam also asked Roxy to develop the area below the Sunset Valley into apartments and row houses where people from the lower middle class could live and work in the Sunset Valley villas.

Sam's desire to develop this location is for the convenience of high-profile individuals like himself.

If people working for those living in the Sunset Valley villas stay nearby, they can also be monitored and be easier to access.

Sam has a strong paranoia about people who are distant or have little contact with him.

And the reason he wants to develop the area down the Sunset Valley is simple: he can station his security team and their immediate family there, preventing his enemies from targeting them.

But, by chance, he noticed Roxy's eyes twinkling and asked why.

Subsequently, she responds, "Amazing idea, director; by developing the Valley Villas, the land surrounding that area will become valuable. And developing that area will provide a good return; we will earn a lot of money."

Roxy clearly misunderstood Sam's intention, but Sam did not correct her because what she said is also a valid reason that he can provide to someone if they ask him for a reason to develop that location.

Meanwhile, Pedro enters his office and sits next to Roxy on another chair when Sam instructs and gives her pointers.

Then Sam instructs Pedro, "I have informed Roxy, and you must assist her in setting up a security division for the New Galaxy Holdings company."

Pedro nodded as Sam also asked him to meet with Claire about the registration of this new company.

Sam will be President of the New Galaxy Holdings, with Roxy serving as Vice President.

After this discussion, Sam looked out the window and saw the setting sun, indicating that it was already evening.

So he leaves the office with Pedro and Roxy and instructs the assistant to call Claire, as they have a habit of going home together.

A few minutes later, Sam and Claire get into the car, and he directs the driver to take them to their respective homes.

The next day, Thomas and Jason headed to Silicon Valley because Thomas had already promised to find some good software engineers for Sam, and Jason was accompanying Thomas to assist him because signing those people would require legal expertise.

After an hour-long journey, they arrived at the location and went straight to meet with the people Thomas had spoken with on the phone yesterday who were interested in Thomas' proposal.

They had already secured about five people by the time they ate lunch in the afternoon, and those people had planned to work for Sam in about a month, but a simple call from Sam changed their minds.

Simply because Sam is good with money, he gave a month's salary in advance, and those people couldn't resist money because the present state of the internet industry isn't paying well.

After lunch, Thomas goes for a walk, and what he sees is simply the rise of an upcoming industry; although he is unsure when and how, he is confident that the internet will change the world's landscape in the information sector, just as crude oil has done in the energy sector over the last 50 years.

And this is everything he has analyzed using Sam's insight. Although Sam may appear to be a youngster to those who do not know him, those who work with him understand that he is a treasure trove of knowledge on a variety of topics.

Thomas and Jason traveled throughout the area, meeting with numerous people and businesses.

Sam has already given them both a day off and instructed them to observe and survey all of the companies, as well as provide him with detailed information for an analysis.

This is also why, despite hiring only a few people, they are still lingering here on Sam's orders. Because Sam wants to learn about the present scenario of the internet industry firsthand in order to plan his future involvement in the industry.