66. Software department

One month later;

Today is March 28th, two days before the release of Sam's movie.

The Sparkling Studio and Rock Pebble's studio have been promoting the film for about a month now.

Because of its high production value, cinemas have set aside approximately 2000 screens for this film.

In addition to being involved with a veteran production like Rock Pebble Studio and having Sam, who has a track record of two successful films, a relative success is guaranteed for this film.

Sam has been busy for the past half-month, as controlling too many businesses can be stressful at times.

Roxy has begun working on things suggested and approved by Sam, and she also agrees with those ideas.

Sunset Villas' redecoration is progressing well, and Sam should be able to move in next month at the latest.

Although their company already owns a portion of the land near Sunset Valley, they intend to acquire more than half of the area before beginning to sell the Sunset Villas.

Because they do not intend to build just a single or double properties, rather to develop the area around the main road, approximately 100 meters from the residence, office building, schools, and hospitals.

Galaxy Holdings' vision is to provide all amenities within reach of those who purchase property from them.

As a result, general accessibility to the public and security can also improved.

It is well known that security in the United States is provided based on the area divided by taxpayers, the more taxes an area pays, the more security it receives from the local police.

And since the ownership of the restaurant's is transferred to New Galaxy Holdings, it has delayed the opening by a month.

This restaurant will open on April 4th, and they have also sent invitations to almost every acquaintance within the industry.

After arriving at the studio in the morning, Sam goes straight to the conference room, instructing the assistant to call President Philip and the 'Destined to be with you' team for a movie-related discussion.

Sam takes the seat and waits a few minutes for everyone to arrive, after which Philip, Ophelia, and the others who arrived take their seats.

Sam asks, "Is everything ready for this movie? There must be no mistakes, as this is our first major production project."

Philip nodded and reported, "Don't worry, director; we're collaborating with Rock Pebble Studios on this project."

"And we believe that working with those who are recognized as number one in the communication and marketing will yield us good results."

Sam responds with a nod: "I brought them together on this project with us, not solely for them to make free money from me but for you people to learn and experience from them."

Sam chose to co-produce this movie with Rock Pebble because he wants his employees to learn from their marketing and public relations teams, which will benefit his company in the future.

Sam is confident that his film will be a success, even if he collaborates with others.

They then discussed other aspects of the film to ensure that there were no mistakes at the end.

They finished the meeting in fifteen minutes and left the conference room once Sam was contented with their work.

After the meeting, Sam went to the upper floor to meet with members of the software department, rather than his office.

The software department was established just last month after Thomas brought back those software engineers.

This department employs a total of 15 people, with 10 working on the new software that Sam requested and the remaining 5 serving as background staff.

Sam arrives at the new department and observes the employees who are working on the software.

He also mentors some of the individuals who worked on the development of this software.

A while later, Robert arrives, greets Sam, and takes him to his office.

Robert Schwartz is the 'team leader/department head' for this team, which Sam created and Thomas recommended.

As for being able to advise those employees on software issues, Sam secretly began learning it a month ago from some books.

After acquiring a basic skill by studying software-related books, he advanced two levels through the system to the medium level.

In the current timeline of the world, having a medium level of software skills is considered to be at the top.

Even when Sam interviewed the people Thomas recommended, they scoffed because they didn't think Sam could interview them well enough.

However, after the interview, they all regarded him as an expert in software matters.

Even Thomas and Jason were astounded by Sam's talent for developing software.

This also explains why Robert was so polite when Sam arrived at their department.

When Sam arrives at the office, he sits down while Robert prepares tea for both of them, as Robert, like Sam, enjoys drinking tea.

Sam wants to know, "How much progress has been made by your team regarding this software?"

Robert takes a sip from the cup and responds, "The framework you gave us to work on is already halfway done, and we only need another month or two to finish developing this software."

Sam nodded and said, "Alright, good work done by the team."

Sam, who has a medium level of skill in software development, has already provided a basic framework for these people to work within.

And because the software development is not starting from scratch, they will not spend a year or two developing this software.

If someone develops software from scratch for the first time, it could take a year or two because they would lack prior experience.

After spending some time in the software department, Sam leaves because Robert has estimated that the software will take around three months to complete.

Sam returns to his office and, since it is lunchtime, takes Claire to the restaurant opposite their building to eat some Italian food.

After lunch, they both return to their respective offices, where Claire has been promoted from personal assistant to one of the studio's directors.

Claire now has her own office, right next to Sam's.