"How did a person like you even manage to survive all these years? It's a shame that the goddess even gave you a wolf when you can't even give her the freedom to roam the world as she feels." One of the elders shouts at me as they punished me for stealing a piece of bread.

They have locked me down in the basement of the mansion, a place where most of those they caught within the pack, doing things that's illegal or rebellious, to punish and starve until we become weak so they could pushed us to submission. Punishments are like my everyday cup of tea.


Who would think that a ten-year-old me would have to endure such punishment and accept all their verbal abuse. Normal people would only assume, what I've gone through in the hands of those elders were unreasonable, but for werewolves and the pack, they are being lenient with my punishments.


They think like that because they never considered me as someone as strong as them. They always treated me like the ten-year-old weakling kid they mistreated and starved. They say its compassion that they are still allowing me to live with them when honestly, they only made me stay because they needed someone to entertain them. 


I'm a half human –half werewolf. It's not so uncommon as it was before, things have changed over the years and now humans and supernatural creatures lives comfortably amongst each other. The thing is, I do have the werewolf blood but I never once changed like the others.

Half-bloods like me would often have their first change at the age of five, but for my case, it never happened. Growing up, they made me do things I didn't wish to do. The elders branded me as someone useless to the pack and every member treated me like one. There was no day in my life where I didn't receive any wound from all the beating.


That is why the thirteen-years-old me decided to ran away from the pack and choose a life of being a human instead. If my werewolf family can't accept me, at the very least the human race should. So I ran and ran as far as I could from the pack. I might have crossed some borders and chased by some warrior werewolves but because of my physique, I am always able to slip away.


A good human family who owns a farmland were gracious enough to accept me when I was out in the cold and harsh rain, they saw me running towards one of their trees and though at first, they were skeptical about giving me refuge but seeing that I was harmless, they gave me a warmth. They were a good family. I would have stayed with them if it wasn't for the scent of werewolves roaming around the farm.


Borders are sacred to each pack, anyone who crosses one, would often lead to packs fighting or territorial expansions. When I crossed multiple pack borders, I carried the scent of my original pack. Naturally, my old Alpha should already report my actions to the other packs, alerting them in the process that I have become a rouge and needed to be captured.


I was grateful for the family who sheltered and gave me food when I needed one, however, I didn't want to cause trouble and put them in danger so on the night of full moon, where all packs are busy celebrating and unmated wolves look for their mates, I escaped. With so many testosterones in the air, it was able to mask my scent and I was able to flee and ride a train going to New Davies. It's the place full of opportunities and there I started to live a life of someone who is always on a ran.


10 years later.


"Jada, I think I'm going to need another bottle of that perfume." I said to my next-door friend, who happens to be a witch and someone who helped me a lot of times since I came to New Davies.


Jada emerged from her room with her curly brown hair, toss on all sides. She was only wearing her favorite red lingerie and her signature I-just-woke-up-so-go-fuck-somewhere-else look.


"You are using way too much of my precious gems. I should charge you for these things." She whines even when she's already preparing the thing that I asked of her. In folklores, witches and wolves are like sworn enemies. Stories tell that they don't have trust upon each other and that when given a chance, one would betray the other.


I once believe those stories but when I met Jada, things change. Drastically if I recall right. This witch right here would look like a devil, but she was my angel. She saved me multiple times and I couldn't be where I am today if it wasn't for her spells and potions.


"We both know I don't have enough money to pay you or your wonderful creations. I can barely survive out of my salary and when those vultures discover that I am a ran away wolf, they'd kick me out in a second and that would mean another problem for the both of us."


The world has already accepted that creatures of the dark roams around the city like how humans would on their day to day lives. Even with that acceptance, it still doesn't mean that they also accept facts as rouges could be around them.


Jada once told me that eventually I'll grew weak without the support of any pack. My wolf senses are slowly dwindling away, I notice that since I started working like any human would. Each day, I would feel a part of me being taken away, its like the wolf in me has finally decided that I'm no longer worthy of having her inside me. I guess the moon goddess has finally decided that I am no longer in need of her gift. Not that I'm using it anyways.


Judging by how I live my life right now, it is only natural that I shouldn't even be thinking about my wolf. She can just go if she wishes to go. I know I have been unfair to her all throughout the years she was inside me. Maybe it is only right that she completely leaves me and go to where she'll be loved and adorned by many.


Jada said, I'll become sickly and most likely I'll age fast after. I didn't really care if that would even happen. For me, it'll just mean I'd leave this god forsaken world earlier than usual. My stay here wasn't so pleasant after all so leaving it early, doesn't sound so bad.


"I can sense your wolf in distress. Have you talked to her lately?" Jada pauses in her tracks while pointing at my heart with her long nails.


"Again we both know I don't have that kind of relationship with my dear wolf. I try but she just doesn't want to respond to any of my efforts." I crossed my arms to cover up my embarrassment. Jada playfully laughs at my words then she hands me the mist I was asking earlier.


"Maybe we should try a different approach. I can feel your wolf trying too my dear baby girl. Maybe we need some outside force to make you two have that connection" Jada announces in hopeful voice then she started dancing like a crazy seductive woman.


With that, I immediately went out of her place because I didn't want to be dragged into her own world. Not when I'm already running late.


I rushed through the busy streets of New Davies as I try to make myself reach my workplace as early as I could. I don't want any tardiness on my records, especially when I'm trying to live my life according to what the world wants it to be.


For the last two years I have been trying to live a normal life, I've worked my ass out as an assistant clerk at a company called Orion. It used to be a small company however, over the years, they managed to branch out their business and right now, they almost have tons of business…not just in New Davies but around the world.


According to the predecessors, Orion has been founded by three leading alphas back in the day, Alpha Danilo of Darkfang pack, Alpha Reus of Shadow pack and Alpha Draco of Blackrose pack. However, because of multiple wars between packs and other supernatural creatures, two of the founding packs died and now only one remains. They are one of the biggest packs to ever lead the werewolf world and they have been known to be the fiercest and fearsome among all. The Blackrose pack, now known as Moon Silverblood Pack.


I know, I should be crazy for even daring to step inside a company ran by werewolves. Elite even. And here I am rushing inside a building, full of highly trained werewolves who can just easily snap me into half once they learned what my real identity is.


Fortunately, though I am working amongst them, my job at the company is far more secluded than the rest. New Davies is a busy place and seeing as it is open to any being known to man, it operates almost all the time. The only time it doesn't operate is on days of the full moon. That is self-explanatory but for those who doesn't know why, it's because during full moons, werewolves are much active, so they are either thirsty for blood or thirsty for their mates.


My job would often require me to work in seclusion since what I'm handling are either private matters or important information that needs to be stored, hidden, or disposed. They are all works from different departments in the company and oftentimes, I have to spend hours just to determine if the files are to be kept or disposed. For the past year that I have dedicated my life here and work my ass just so I can get a better, they finally place their trust on me and gave me a job that's secluded and hidden from the rest.


In other words, all of Orions dirty jobs and secrets, I know them all. If someday someone decides to put down this company, their first target would be me and let's just say, aside from my real identity, I am also hiding the company's dirty little secrets.