"Delivery from the accounting department." One of the assistants knocks at the little window of my office. Though the window is small, the room inside is big. It is even bigger than my place and here I can freely roam without anyone questioning my every move. 

Aside from me only the Alpha, the beta and his assistants are allowed to enter the place, however, being as they are always busy, they often send someone to deliver the files or take something. Of course for the retrieval of files, they have to present me with the Alpha's seal, otherwise, I cannot release any file.

Every files brought in to this place are delivered through the window, no one else is allowed to enter the place aside from the people I said before.

I opened the window to receive the files and signed the clerks log book for receiving. I check every file and seeing as everything is as is with the log book, I gave it back to the clerk and when he left, I closed the window and drop the files I just received to the bunch of other papers, still waiting for me to read and sort.

"Today is going to be a long tiring day" I talked to myself.

It's no secret that a lot of files now a days are stored digitally and being kept with multiple passcodes to secure whatever secret a company possess. However, the company has been conducting business for so long that their files could date from decades ago up until now. I also know that besides me, theres a department responsible at making sure that every file in this room has a digital copy secured and hidden from those who wants to destroy the company.

I do not know who's in charge at keeping those files safe but if anything goes wrong, they still have the physical files here in this room.

For things that needs to be disposed, before I send them to the people in charge of waste, I make sure to shred the file first and apply acid on each paper to remove the inks. This way it becomes safe to dispose and no one will be able to read nor retrieve the file. It's safe and secure.

As I was reading through the files I managed to sort them according to where they should go. I didn't even notice the time if it wasn't for the rattling sound coming from outside of my office. It's late and most probably the night staff are already here and going on with their jobs. Unlike the rest, the position I have right now is the only one that has no other staff other than me.

Anything that needs to be filed will be sent during the morning when I am on duty and available. I usually exceed my time anyways so the management didn't see the need to hire someone I can endorse with. Plus, it's safer for me. No one else other than me knows what's inside the rooms. 

It is late and roaming around New Davies during this hour could be dangerous, however if I don't go home now, I won't be able to until tomorrow afternoon. I can't stay here that long or human resources would summon me and question me again as to why I had to stay that long inside the filling room. Though I am the only one who is allowed to file and sort the papers, if I show a record of not being able to follow what was written on my contract, they'll immediately replace me for someone who can.

Without thinking about the situation, I fixed my things and resolve to leaving the rest of the pile for tomorrow. I went out of the room and made sure that the room is locked and secured before going to the secret corridor that leads to the exit. No one really knows this way out of the company, except the head of security, which is the beta of the pack, and those who was before me. 

Since our identities are pretty much a secret, we can't be seen coming in and out of the room, that is why the corridor is made. And now I am comfortably walking out of the company and not minding if anyone would see me.

Not until I heard some voices at the end of the corridor.

My first thought was it could be just the beta and the alpha's assistant but then I heard multiple angry voice coming from the same direction as the door. My heart then started beating fast and I was contemplating whether to keep going or go back to where it is safe. However, there is a part in me that keeps on telling me to go on and see for myself what's happening outside.


I'm pretty positive, in my mind I was begging my wolf to come out if anything goes wrong, my usual first instinct is to run at the first sight of trouble, but running is never good in New Davies, everyone can easily catch up to me and even if I do get away, someone else could easily spot me and alert those who are after me.


Right when I was about to open the door, a hand covers my mouth and drags me behind the darkest part of the corridor. I wanted to scream but someone is preventing me from calling anyone's attention.


An arm encircles around my waist, that's how I knew that I was being held captive by a man I do not know. His scent lingered in my nose and as soon as I recognize the scent, I knew that I was at a mercy of someone who can easily snap my head and kill me.

I felt weak and my strength was completely drained, I even tried wiggling my body to shake the perpetrators hold on me, but it was useless. I felt a sharp object behind me, slowly making a whole on the satin blouse I wore earlier. If I move another inch, the sharp cold metal pushing behind me could easily slash the skin on my back, and if my blood drips, this person will know. Everyone will know. 

I have a feeling the person behind me is someone who sneaked inside, and maybe, just maybe, the arguing I heard from the outside could be people from the company. How could someone of his kind slip past the security of the company anyways? I'm pretty sure someone has caught on with his scent, and once a werewolf gets a whiff, they don't simply stop. They track and kill if they have to.

 "You know we can smell you, its useless for you to hide Rock." 

A much softer and familiar voice spoke, echoing inside the corridor. I let out a sub but not a sound can be heard, the mans hold on me was to strong and his hand was also big. Big enough that is he decided to cover my whole face, he won't have any problem with that.

The sharp object behind me started to sink in my skin, making me squirm in the process.

It's not silver but it was coated with something that burns the skin. At this point, I couldn't think straight and all I could do was think of someone helping me. 

The man kept on pulling me behind the dark area of the corridor, knowing that he is already trapped with no way to run. This corridor may have other areas to hide but with the number of careful footsteps I'm hearing, he has no other place to hide that cannot be detected by those haunting him.

And just like what I had in mind, a figure emerges in front of both me and the man behind me. The figure swiftly takes me away from the man who was holding me captive and gently pulls me to his side. I don't when do the others come but soon after, the figure who saved me covers my eyes as the rest of the other werewolves in the corridor snap and kills the person who was just seconds ago, restraining me from doing anything.

The rouge cry in pain as he was being punched by multiple black suited guys, my guess is, they are the warriors of the pack, or just a few of them anyways. They didn't need to change into their wolf form to beat the guy out, they only needed to use their massive strength to make the rouge give up.

The man who pulled me away earlier goes in front of me to cover the massacre happening behind him. I look up to him and saw that he was one of the delta's running the upper ground of the company.

I know all the delta's running each floors security and usually a pack would only have one to three delta's but for big packs like the one I'm employed now, they have delta's ranging from lowest of five to twenties.

Beta's remain the same. There is only one beta and one Alpha. Usually an Alpha would grant the beta's wife or mate the same title as their husbands so they can also help the beta manage some of the pack's businesses.

 Now that I'm facing one of the Delta's, I couldn't help the feeling of fear. The blood behind me is dripping and I know that they all recognize what I am.

 Are they going to kill me the same way they did with the other wolf? Maybe not. Maybe they'll interrogate me instead. I mean, a rouge, kidnapping another rouge.

 Anyone who would hear the story would just think that we're working together. I should just just assume the worst and expect my death. 

"You are coming with me" the delta spoke in his authoritative tone. All I could do was shake in submission. I do not know his name but I have a feeling that an Alpha's blood courses through him. Though he is a Delta, he could simply pass an alpha if he wishes to be.

I calmly followed the Delta back to the office and while I was walking with him, two of the other wolves follows me behind. I could feel their stare at the back of my skull, they are obviously disgusted by what I have become. 

I felt small, just like when I was back at my old pack, they made me feel small all the time and they always managed to make me feel less and less in each day that I spent with them.

I become unworthy because of what they have inflicted inside me and they managed to influence me into thinking that having to live and endure is useless. If I didn't escape, I might have considered killing myself.

 All I could think right now was how on Earth would I survive after this? Will they even give me a chance to live?

We were at the office and I kept my mouth shut as the Delta looked like he was talking to someone through their mind link.

Every pack member has this connection with the alpha so that they can easily communicate with him anything that requires his attention or participation.

There are also instances that wolf mates would have the same connection but only for the two of them.

With the blessing of mind link, any wolf would always have a way to reach for help. However, this is only for those who are part of a pack or if you ever find your mate.

For my case, I don't have any of those plus my wolf if pretty much dormant. I could never have the same feeling as those who are blessed enough to be part of a pack that takes care of one another.

Recalling this things pains me most of the time, sometimes I would curse at the Moon Goddess for making my life so miserable, however I can't completely give up hope. Like right now, all I want is for her to save me and get me out of this trouble. Because the last thing I need right now is another Alpha trying to kill and make me suffer.

"Beta Ello will see you now. Come with me" the Delta yanks my arm to drag me towards the Beta's office.

The last time I was sent to the upper floors was when they told me I got promoted and had to refrain from seeing anyone from the office, so that I can remain anonymous. I guess that's ruined now. I won't be so surprise if everyone in the company knows about what just happened to me, plus my wound is still open and the smell of my blood is mixed in the air, its hard to miss. 

Fortunately, we didn't encounter anyone else along the way. When we reached the Beta's office, the delta announces his presence with me and not before long, I heard a subtle come in from the other end and so we did. 

Upon entering the room, I could already sense the weight of power circulating the space. I couldn't help but bow down even when I wasn't told to do so. The delta pushed me to kneel at the center of the room and I winced due to the impact of my knee to the ground.

Beta Ello slowly turned around after hearing me winced from the pain. I heard some stories about how good looking he is and though this is not the first time I'm witnessing his handsome face, I am still awestruck by just how good looking he is. Unlike the rest of the pack warriors, Beta Ello has the most gentle handsome face. So when our eyes met, I immediately look down in embarrassment.

"Ricky, didn't I order you to bring the lady unscathed?" Beta Ello's voice was a little gentle but one cannot miss the authority in his voice.

"Yes sir, but she's just like the werewolf we caught inside." Ricky, the delta, answered in lowered tone. 

I couldn't see the expression they both have right now, seeming as I was looking down, however judging by the sounds I'm hearing, delta Ricky seems to be afraid.

 "Go and fetch her something to change into. We'll talk later about your behavior." Beta Ello ordered Ricky and when the Delta was about to say something else, I heard the Beta hissed which made the delta run back to the door and leaving me alone with the beta.


The air was cold and parts of my clothing are torn, I didn't know I was shivering until beta Ello drops a blazer over my body.


"You can stand and sit at one of the chairs" Beta Ello said in gentle tone, he is so unlike the Delta earlier or maybe, this is just his way of analyzing whether I'm a threat or not. So to not irritate the Beta, I slowly followed his order and sat on the nearest chair to me. "I have to apologize for how Ricky treated you, he shouldn't have done this to you. I already asked for someone to tend to your wound, she should be here any moment now." the Beta gently told me like I was about to break if he even tries to shake me.


Soon after we heard a slow knock on the Beta's office door. I look up to see who it was and to my surprise it was Jada. My eyes grew wide in shock but she only wave her hand to stop me from uttering a word.

 "You asked for me Beta?" Jada spoke in her rather unusual tone.

"You know why you are here, just do your thing. She needs help." Beta Ello said in bored tone and when I look at him he sat on his swivel chair with a book in his hand and a look that couldn't be bothered. 

Jada approached me then without saying anything she started chanting something behind my back. I let her do her thing because when she starts chanting something, she's usually on another dimention and it is best not to bother her when she's like that.

Once she was done chanting, I slowly felt my wound from behind closing and a warm sense of strength slowly rushed inside my body. Jada then opened her eyes, showing me that purplish Iris that only shows whenever she's using her witchy crafts. 

"There. She's patched Beta" Jada smiled at me while she spoke to the Beta with a stern voice. I returned my attention back at the Beta when he suddenly closed shut the book in his hand and stands up to go in front of me.

"Thank you Jada, you may go back now. I'll just talk to her." Beta Ello orders my friend like they always had this relationship before.

 "Beta, if I may... I think it would be best if I stay and accompany Cyndra while you question her." Jada reasons and I much rather have her here than no one else at all.

"Okay then since you insisted." Beta Ello smiled then he faces me. "Now then, Miss Cyndra, you mind telling me what exactly happened?"

All eyes inside the room were on me, and all I could do was look back and wonder the same thing.