After explaining to the Beta what really happened earlier and how I got involved, he only lowered his head looking like he was thinking of what he'll do next. I bit my lip in fear however something about his gentle actions assured me. 

Beta Ello stood up and walks around the room while he thinks of what to do. I on the other hand, can't stop looking.

"There is only one way for you to survive this awkward situation. Jada already told me of your circumstances and I may understood your reasons but it's a different story for the Alpha. You should be aware by now how much he hates...pack-less wolves" Beta pauses for a second to avoid using rouge to describe me.

I've heard how ruthless the new alpha is and how he likes his people to be either under him or under someone he knows. Both obviously not working out for me. The beta knows I'll be dead if the Alpha finds out that I'm not part of any pack or of any known supernatural beings in the company. My only chance of survival is if the beta vouches for me, however, I do not have the right things to say for him to save me. 

"You'll have to explain to me the reason why you're not in any pack?" Beta Ello spoke in his calmest voice, he is treating me like someone so fragile. I may still have another shot if the beta is willing to understand me. I may still manage to survive this.

"I was born half-human, half-wolf. I grew up under a pack who hates half-breeds like me. They treated me like garbage day in, day out. For thirteen years I was treated less than a human. I was a vermin to them so when I had a chance of escape. I ran." I recall every memory of pain inflicted to me when I was just five and barely walking.

I knew then that I was not accepted. The difference in treatment between my and the others, were too wide to even make reason. 

 "I ran as far away as I can to survive. I met some good human family along the way and they accepted me but then my old pack was able to track me and I had to run again. But before they could even catch up to me, I escaped and ended up here in New Davies. Surviving."

 I chose honesty. If Beta Ello wants to hear the whole story, honesty is my only key. Lying won't save me. I knew that for so long now. 

I felt Beta Ello's gaze. I heard some rumors about how good he was about judging a character, that is why he is a trusted person of the Alpha. He can easily spot people who is going to betray them or defend them until death if needed to. Compared with the Alpha, he is much reasonable and merciful to those that he knows he can trust. 

 "Can you tell me the name of this pack?" Beta Ello asked while having this internal conversation with Jada. It was obvious because they were looking at each other even when he was asking me the question.

I never told anyone the name of my old pack. Jada knows about what I went through with them, but I never told her who my Alpha was. The world may look big but for us that's been blessed with enhanced senses, the world becomes smaller. Knowing all the leaders of every pack, kingdom, race and groups, is somewhat, required.

My old pack was already known to many other packs, its one of the oldest packs created but its not as big nor as strong as the ones Beta Ello has.

"Don't make me ask you twice here. Even if I'm asking you nicely it doesn't mean you have any other choice." Beta Ello snaps for the first time and right now he was looking at me. I look at Jada only to meet her pleading eyes.

 I lower my head and close my eyes before speaking.

"Whitefang" I said in distaste. Saying the packs name brought back so many painful memories. I still have the wounds they inflicted and up until today, even when I'm already miles and miles away from them, they still have an influence in me.

A tear slips down my face and even with my head low, I know that both Jada and the Beta are feeling sorry for my state.

Its never a secret how my old pack operates. The Alpha is ruthless, he would kill mercilessly anyone that stands in his way. Its one of the biggest packs to ever exist and with their number and richness, small packs never dared to come cross them.

"Did they ever touch you in a different way?" Beta Ello asks me carefully. 

I shake my head to answer. They would never see me as someone worthy of entertaining their desires that way. They would rather put me as target for their bow and arrow training or when they need a punching bag.

"Good. Whitefang has a long history of mistreatment when it comes to their omegas. They only want the best of the best within their pack and they would settle to make their weak members into slaves. Ever since the new Alpha led that pack, things had been that way." Beta Ello explains. "When the Alpha comes, I'll talk to him and you need to stay silent until we ask you to speak. I get that your reasons are for your own survival but right now, your life is in much danger because of the deception you made. We would have given you refuge if only you had told us your reason for running."

The Beta scolded me like he was some kind of a parent. I know that he only wanted to help and that he is only speaking his mind but something about what he said ticked me off, and I wasn't planning to keep it to myself.

"It sounds so easy but it's not. There is no other slave in the pack aside from me. When they learned that I got away, they informed every nearby packs to hunt me down and if I resist, to snap me in half and leave to feed the rouges." Tears kept pouring out of my eyes as I recall the things I heard while I was running. Though my wolf never showed herself to me, she still manages to hear every word of instruction from the alpha and we both have the same mind, so whatever she's hearing, I also hear them.

"If I keep my wolf form and they get a whiff of my scent, they won't just let me go. They'll kill me for sure. So if you are thinking about getting rid of me, now is the best time. I would rather die is someone elses territory than under that ruthless alpha!" I uncontrollably said.

I never wished to see my old Alpha's face even in my death. He was supposed to save me but then he turned out to be one that would rather eat their weak members alive than let them live.

 "Cy..." Jada tried to approach me but when I flinch, even to her, she backs away. "I understand that you feel like you cannot trust anyone else and that no other alpha can protect you like they should be doing but maybe this is your chance. I can't always keep making you potions to hide your scent." Jada sounded so serious. This new side of hers is new to me, for the past months she's been nothing but a lady who loves to get naked while dancing and looking like she's on drugs. To be quite frank, this Jada is a stranger to me.

"You better make up your mind, he is here." Beta Ello spoke behind Jada and pulled her to stand up to welcome the alpha.

I remained kneeling with my back facing the door. I could hear the Alpha's heavy footsteps and a couple more following his.

Werewolf or not, anyone with a good ear and nose could recognize the powerful aura the Alpha was spreading all throughout the floor 

I heard the door opened and a couple of guys entered the room. As the Alpha walks inside, I unintentionally bowed. It's like instinct to submit in the presence of someone so powerful.

I remained still in position. In my years of working here, this is the first time I'm in the presence of the Alpha. I felt his every footstep behind me and when he was just behind me, he pauses 

"When you asked that we talk civil, I didn't realize it's going to involve…" He spoke in calm, firm voice. My back froze like a cold air suddenly passed through the room. I shivered to where I was kneeling and even if I wanted to cover myself, I couldn't.

"Cly, she's just a victim." Beta Ello suddenly spoke, defending me.

"She's not here like that." He continued with confidence radiating in each of his words.

"What is the point of having a mind link if you can't even use it in situations such as this" the Alpha groaned in anger and for some odd reason. It sent a different feeling inside me.

"We both know I do not like hearing you inside my head plus, there is no need for you to hide things from her. She practically knows everything there is to know about the company and the pack." The beta reminded the Alpha.

If I wasn't in such a dire position, I would have smiled at how the beta is answering the Alpha. They seem to be very close and it's admirable that they have these years of friendship which they can use during this time. Maybe, just a maybe. If Beta Ello supports me, maybe the Alpha could look past the situation and give me the protection I need within his pack.

Maybe there is little hope for me after all.

"Can't you be serious with me for one second? We have two rouges infiltrating a company filled with highly trained werewolves and one of them just happens to be someone who holds too many secrets. Tell me one good reason why am I still seeing her alive and smelling her wolf in distress" The alpha announces.

There is a moment of silence inside the room. I couldn't move in my place and there is this heavy energy that was pushing me down. I don't understand the sudden discomfort but everything inside me is in turmoil. I wonder what was happening behind me and the silence is killing my mind. The reality that the alpha is just standing behind me makes me think a lot.

I sensed that they were somehow talking about me through their mind link and one of them is already radiating with anger. Then I felt footsteps.

Two tailored shoes showed up before my eyes and when I was about to look up, I sensed the power which kept my head down even when I truly desire to look up.

"Submit "

I heard a faint whisper in my head, pushing me to completely bow down and relax my whole resisting muscles.

I listened and made myself bow down to someone I barely know anything about. I only know of his power, of his might and how he led his people.

Maybe this is the only way… my own survival will now depend on how he'll see my submission. I'm in at mercy of an Alpha who hates rouge all throughout his life.