"You?" I heard the Alpha's word directed to me while my head is bent low and almost touching the floor. "Defend yourself rouge. Why should I spare you? I am done listening to others trying to defend your cause but I will hear your defense. So speak" The Alpha commanded using his power, and as someone with the weakest wolf inside the room, I immediately spoke without hesitation.


It felt as if someone else is explaining for my sake, but it was using my mouth. I felt my mind form every coherent word I could use to justify my actions. It felt like I was trapped while watching myself beg for my life.


The Alphas eyes.


I don't recall looking up and looking directly into his eyes, but then there it was. I was trapped.


I was looking directly into two silver-gray eyes. Just like in the stories , the Alpha possesses a unique eye color and strength that's been granted to him by the Moon Goddess.


Those in the lower ranks would always tell these stories of their encounter with the Alpha and how he can easily push anyone into submission with just a look. Some Alpha would have a distinctive eye color that separates them from others. Others may possess the usual red irises, that usual iris gifted to those with an Alpha blood.


I wanted to avert my eyes away from his penetrating gaze, but it felt like I was internally being commanded to stand down and keep my eyes fixed and waiting for his next move.


Then I felt a sudden urge inside my head, a hold I couldn't resist, an invisible hand searching every corner of my mind. I should feel pain but that didn't happen, I only felt discomfort. I know that I was being controlled, I couldn't move, nor could I speak. I wanted to scream for Jada for help or at least for anyone to release me from this hold, but no one came.


Just like before.


I felt every muscle in my head move and I was rendered defenseless. At this point I already gave up the idea of finding someone to help me or to even save me from the discomfort I was feeling. Maybe this is one of the Alpha's strengths, one of his gifts from the goddess, enabling him to enter minds and play with them until we could no longer defend ourselves.


Maybe this is going to be my end.


A tear slips out of my eye and the next thing I knew I was being released. I blinked once, twice and I was now able to control my body. I slowly look up daring to see the eyes of the one who held me. But then it was no longer there.


I looked to the other side, to where the beta was standing together with Jada, and all I could see in their eyes were pity. I looked down, avoiding their eyes, the kind of impression I never wished to see.


I heard his footsteps again but this time he was behind me.


"Your mind is weak and so is your wolf. Halfling." He groans in annoyance, but he strides around me with such calm, it scares me. "My people here are begging for your chance to live, maybe I should consider. Judging at how Whitefang mistreated you, I shall grant you at the very least a month to prove yourself, worthy."


The Alpha with finality. A sense of relief flash through my body and I was able to breathe again. I lived.


"Ello will bring you to my land where you can train and learn. Jada will help you reach out to your wolf. You are in luck halfling. I am in my best element right now and I am able to see your reasons. But mark my word, this is your one and only chance. Fail and I'll be the last Alpha you'll ever see in your life." He ordered behind me and soon after I heard a retreating footstep followed by the closing of the door.


Thereafter, I felt Jada running to my side and aiding me to stand and sit on one of the couches.


"The heaviness will clear out after a while. Slow down you're breathing and relax, you are safe now." Jada softly instructed. Beta Ello was still in the room and waiting for me to calm down.


Though it may look like I have been given a chance to survive and hopefully redeem myself, this is just another trick to put me into slavery. He is just another Alpha who would want to dominate me and my weak self. This is a trap and I just know it.


"You're wrong. And I do not need to form a mental link with you just for me to know what you are thinking." Beta Ello spoke still in his calm tone. He walks in front of me with Jada trying her best to stop herself from shielding me. She was on a defensive stand, and she looks like she was about to curse anyone who wishes to come near me again.


"Stand down Jada, I'm just giving your friend a warning before she decides to waste this opportunity." The beta ordered Jada and for some reason, Jada simply retreated.


Historically speaking, witches are far more respected and treated higher than any creature ever created in this world. They hold magnificent power that no creature of the night would dare cross their paths or wage war against them.


I may need to update what I know about them if I am to survive yet again.


"This is an opportunity for you to fight back. This is your true survival and not some opportunity for you to run, you can stop running and face this situation once and for all. Give yourself a little credit and fight." The beta was seriously encouraging me. He even raise his fist, while looking away and nodding like a crazy person talking in the air.


One second he was so serious and the next he acts like a man with a cuckoo head. I turn my had to Jada in hopes that she might clear out to me what was happening but she was just looking at the Beta, unsatisfied.


"You read way too many books Beta, you're starting to confuse Cyndra" Jada blurted out.


"Ahh but knowledge comes from pages of those who grew up in the past. I won't be seated at my place now if it wasn't for the vast knowledge I have acquired over the centuries. You must know this too Jada, since all your crafts are basically written by your predecessors." Beta Ello pointed out.


"Go home for now, tomorrow we'll leave for the pack. Pack as many necessary things as you can. If you have a lover or someone whom you hold dearly, I suggest that you end it now. Days could take weeks and weeks into months. Though the Alpha gave you a month, I have a feeling that it would be long. And you must stay within the lands of the pack, its for your own good." Beta Ello continued with finality lingering in every bit of his word.


I didn't say a word and just let them plan things for me. Jada even told the beta how I was alone and that I have no one to say my farewells to. They both decided the time and the place where we'll convene. Jada will be coming along to help with my wolf.


The beta ordered one of the Delta's to drive me and Jada home. I didn't notice fading into the light, not until I felt Jada shaking my shoulder just to tell me that we're back. I must have been so tired and the toll of everything that happened tonight was weighing on me.


Jada helped me with my things and in the whole time we were packing she kept on talking. Talking about how the Alpha rules within his pack, how he was a softy inside and would hide his true nature whenever he visits the company or any of his outside businesses.


Jada even told me about how big the Alpha's current land now and how I'll be free to run and be at peace in that place. She spoke of a dream I once prayed and hoped from the moon goddess. Seeing myself in the mirror now and listening to Jada talk about the good things ahead makes me wonder if I even deserve to be in that place.


Fear was embedded in my heart and fear is causing me to doubt everything.


Jada took one look at me and she knows. She knew what was in my mind. She came rushing to my side right before my legs could buckle down. I felt my throat closing up on me and breathing felt difficult.


"Look me in the eye Cyndra. Breathe." Jada guided me on the floor and made sure that I was directly looking at her despite my difficulty in breathing. I was having another episode and it has been so long.


The very first time I experience a panic episode was when I was five and I had to hide from the other kids. They were all in training and I was their entertainment. I remember how they chased me through the forest so they could use me as their trophy for the alpha.


I remember how they all talked about how they'd beat me up once they found me and how much the Alpha would favor them when they present me lifeless, because that is how the Alpha wanted his pack warriors, strong, fearsome and brutal.


I could only hide and shake on my own as my breathing became hasty in fear, my lungs hanged on for what seemed to be hours of chasing and taunting.


When I finally came to New Davies, I thought I'd never experience it again. But here I am, trying every possible way just to keep my breathing steady and slow. Jada trying her best to make me calm with whatever trick she has, looks at me dead in the eyes and for a second I saw her chant something, then her eyes changed its color from her usual green ones to purple with a hue of red. It was beautiful and somehow it slowly calmed me down.


"There. Thats right. Keep breathing like that." Jada whispers as she guided me. Then there was a sudden burst of relief, the type of relief that would make you settle in deep slumber and a peaceful dream.



"Its been so long since the last time I stayed within the premises of the pack"


I hear voices around me but I can't seem to see anyone else.


"This time I'm pretty sure the elders will put a leash on you."


Another voice sounded and I have a feeling that I know both of the people talking, I just can't seem to call their attention. It feels like I'm in some sort of a trace, a mindless flow I can't seem to snap out.


"Yeah as if they could. We both know what happened the last time. If they wish for me to stay, they have to stop badgering me into marrying a warlock." The lady said with hatred.


"Not just any warlock Jada, he is THE WARLOCK. If you just give him a chance maybe you'd see that the two of you are actually a match made by the Goddess."


"Mate's are never a thing between my race. The elders value outcomes, if they wish to avoid disappointments, they simply ship off their acolytes to warlocks who is noble enough to accept them as their better half."


I felt the person speaking leans to me.


"I think she's conscious." She spoke more to me than to the person she is with. "I think you need to use your power on her, she's in trance."


"How could she when you didn't even cast the spell to wake her up?" the other person spoke, confused and probably looking at my way to see if I was indeed conscious. I tried wiggling but nothing really happened so I only felt stupid, however, Jada could sense me and so I focused my everything into getting more of Jada's attention.


"I already told you she has something special, none of my normal spells could work on her before. Even earlier, I had to use magic of the old just to make her calm down." I felt Jada move my body and the next thing I felt was someone's hand on my forehead.


I then somehow felt someone trying to enter my mind, like it was searching. It was uncomfortable and persistent but something inside of me doesn't wish the presence of the intruder that's trying to pry inside my head.


Then I started feeling this unwanted force building inside my gut, it felt unfamiliar but then it was right. It felt right. I wanted to say something but no words came out of my mouth but instead I hears someone growling.


"Her will is stronger than normal"


It was the last thing I felt before I heard someone chanting in my ear and my mind goes completely dark.