The Cold Heir

Emily's first day in the Lancaster mansion felt as if she had stepped into a completely different world. She had never seen a house this large, let alone imagined living in such luxury. The mansion was so vast that it overwhelmed her, and every room was so richly decorated that even the dishes seemed to shimmer. Though she was only staying in a guest room, its comfort was beyond anything she had ever experienced, far surpassing the small apartment she shared with her mother.

While the surroundings were impressive, what truly made Emily nervous was the unexpected warmth of the Lancaster family. Ryan's mother, Catherine, always greeted her with a smile, making sure all her needs were met. Catherine frequently checked in on Emily's mother as well, kindly offering to cover all of her medical expenses. Her kindness brought Emily some comfort, though she knew deep down that this generosity came with an unspoken expectation.

Catherine seemed particularly pleased with Emily's quiet and respectful demeanor. At every meal, Catherine complimented her on her manners and poise. Upon learning that Emily excelled in school, she praised her even more, even going so far as to suggest helping her apply for scholarships to top universities.

Ryan's father, William, was more reserved but equally kind. A serious, composed man, William was always polite, asking Emily about her studies or offering a reassuring smile whenever they crossed paths. His presence, though minimal, added to the air of calm in the household.

Even Robert, the family's long-serving butler, liked Emily. He had managed the household for many years, and while strict in his duties, he made sure Emily's stay was comfortable, arranging every detail with precision. From her room to her daily routine, Robert handled everything with care. He often commended her for her quiet nature, treating her with the affection of a protective elder.

But despite the family's kindness, Emily couldn't shake her unease. She knew why she was there—to help cure Ryan. It wasn't lost on her that her place in the family hinged on her success in this daunting task, and that weight pressed heavily on her every day.

And then, Emily finally met Ryan.

That day, the air seemed to carry a sense of invisible tension. The sun streamed through the large floor-to-ceiling windows of the living room, casting warm light across the floor as Emily sat quietly reading. Suddenly, the door swung open, and it felt as though a chill had swept into the room along with the man who entered.

Emily looked up, and there he was—Ryan Lancaster, the sole heir of the Lancaster family. Tall, with a strikingly handsome yet aloof appearance, he stood at the doorway, exuding a cold confidence. His short black hair was slightly tousled, adding a touch of rebelliousness to his otherwise polished appearance. He wore a simple white shirt with the sleeves casually rolled up, and black trousers that accentuated his lean frame.

But what stood out the most were his eyes—deep, sharp, and cold. They gave off a clear message: stay away. He surveyed her with a gaze filled with disdain, as if her mere presence was an inconvenience.

Emily, unsure of how to react, quickly stood up, her heart racing. She lowered her head, avoiding his intense gaze, but the air between them felt heavy with his arrogance. His indifference was palpable, as if he considered her utterly insignificant.

After a long pause, Ryan finally spoke, his voice dripping with condescension. "So, you're the girl they brought in to 'treat' me?"

There was mockery in his words, as if the very idea that she could help him was laughable. To him, Emily was just another person who had come to the house for money, nothing more.

Feeling the sharpness in his tone, Emily became even more uneasy. Unsure of what to say, she simply nodded.

Ryan sneered, walking over to the couch, sitting down with an air of dismissal. He crossed his arms, his cold gaze sweeping over her once more. "Do they really think you can cure me?" He shook his head, his voice filled with contempt. "Ridiculous."

The Lancasters typically enjoyed meals together as a family, but since Emily had moved in, Ryan had made it a point to avoid the dinner table altogether.

Whenever it was time to eat, Catherine would cheerfully invite Emily to join, but as she sat down, Ryan's chair would remain conspicuously empty. Catherine, ever the optimist, tried to encourage Ryan's participation. "Ryan, why don't you sit with Emily? It would be nice for her to get used to things around here."

Without looking at either of them, Ryan always refused coldly, offering an excuse like, "I have other things to do. I'm not hungry." He would disappear without even sparing Emily a glance. On the rare occasions when he was forced to sit at the same table, Ryan remained silent, and the moment Emily began to eat, he would set down his cutlery in disgust, standing up and leaving the table without a word.

Since Emily was now living at the Lancaster estate, it would make sense for her and Ryan to commute to school together. But Ryan rejected this idea outright.

Once, Catherine hosted a family gathering, inviting friends and relatives over. She wanted to introduce Emily to more people and make her feel like part of the family. To help Emily feel included, she even seated her next to Ryan at the dinner table. But throughout the meal, Ryan maintained his icy attitude, refusing to acknowledge Emily's presence. Even when Catherine's friends asked about how the two of them were getting along, Ryan simply shrugged and replied, "We don't have much to talk about."

On several occasions, Emily tried to initiate a conversation, perhaps asking Ryan about school or making a polite comment, but he ignored her entirely. Instead, he would pick up his phone, scrolling through it with disinterest, leaving her to deal with the awkward silence.

From the very beginning, Ryan was deeply skeptical about Emily's role in helping with his illness. He completely resisted the idea of "contact therapy."

Whenever Catherine arranged for them to engage in simple activities—like walking together or attempting light physical contact to help Ryan adjust—he flatly refused. On one occasion, when Catherine asked them to take a walk in the family's garden, Ryan stopped after just a few steps. He turned to Emily with an icy tone and said, "You can go on. I don't need your help." Then, without waiting for a response, he left her standing there, alone.

Ryan never believed Emily could cure him. In fact, he suspected her motives, thinking she was only there for the money.

During a family meeting, Ryan didn't hold back his doubts. "Are you sure she's really here to help me?" he asked, making Emily feel deeply uncomfortable. Yet she said nothing, silently enduring his hostility. In private, his attitude was no different. One day, he caught Emily flipping through some books in his study, and without missing a beat, he sneered, "Planning how to spend that therapy money

Emily froze, not expecting Ryan to hit so directly at her deepest fears—being misunderstood, being judged for her motives. Her fingers gripped the edge of the dining table as a wave of anger surged through her chest. She had thought Ryan was slowly starting to open up to her, but his cold words now felt like a sharp sting.

"You really think I'm just here for the money?" Emily's voice trembled with anger, but she forced herself to stay calm. She lifted her head and met his gaze, her eyes resolute. "Yes, I need the money for my mother's treatment, but I never intended to trade anything for it. Do you really think I enjoy staying here and taking your snide remarks? Just because you're used to getting everything your way, do you think I'm here to flatter you and win you over?"

Ryan's frown deepened, clearly not expecting such a fierce response from her. For a moment, something like doubt flickered in his eyes, but he quickly masked it with the same cold indifference. "Then why are you still here?" he asked, his voice icy. "If not for the money, what other reason could you possibly have?"

That was it. Emily's anger finally erupted, and she stood up abruptly, her hands clenched into fists. Her voice rose as she said, "If it weren't for my mother's treatment, I wouldn't be here at all! Yes, I need the money, but that doesn't give you the right to insult and accuse me! Do you think everyone who approaches you only cares about your family's fortune? Have you ever trusted anyone's intentions before, Ryan?"

Ryan's silence was palpable, his expression unreadable. But Emily wasn't done.

"You can dislike me, and you can doubt me all you want, but I'm not going to back down just because you're skeptical." Her voice was steady, her eyes unwavering. "I didn't stay here to make you happy or seek your approval. I have my responsibilities, and you have your own problems. Stop assuming the worst about everyone."