Attending School as His Betrothed

That morning, Emily followed Lady Catherine into the dining room and sat down at the table. She kept her head lowered, her eyes nervously tracing the lines of the cutlery in front of her, mentally preparing herself for whatever was about to come. Suddenly, the air felt colder, heavier.

"Ryan, come have breakfast," Lady Catherine called out gently.

Emily glanced up to see a tall figure in the doorway. Ryan Lancaster stood there, his presence even more intimidating than she had imagined. Dressed in a sharp suit, his dark hair slightly tousled, but it only added to his effortless elegance. His gaze swept across the room before landing on Emily, cold and assessing.

Her heart sped up. Almost instinctively, she rose from her seat and whispered, "Good morning, young master."

Ryan's brow furrowed, clearly displeased by the formality. His icy stare made Emily feel small, an oppressive weight settling over her. She immediately lowered her gaze, nervously rubbing her hands together, unable to look at him again.

But just then, Lady Catherine's warm voice broke the tension. She smiled, placing a reassuring hand on Emily's shoulder. "No need to be so formal, Emily. Just call him Ryan."

Emily nodded, though she still felt a wave of nerves wash over her. Catherine's kindness helped ease some of her tension, but only a little.

The atmosphere at breakfast that morning was even more tense than usual. Emily, now dressed in the uniform Catherine had given her, quietly entered the dining room. Ryan was already there, dressed in his own school uniform, his posture lazy but his sharp eyes missing nothing. The pressure in the room was palpable.

"You're wearing the uniform too?" Ryan spoke suddenly, surprise and suspicion lacing his words.

Emily glanced down at the school uniform, feeling her cheeks flush. She wasn't used to wearing something like this, especially the short skirt that made her feel exposed. "Yes," she replied softly. "Madame asked me to."

Just then, Lady Catherine walked in, her usual gentle smile brightening the room. She took a seat beside Emily and, patting her hand, said, "I have something to tell you both."

Ryan looked up at his mother, confusion clear in his expression. Emily, too, felt a sense of unease.

"As of today," Catherine began, "Emily will be attending school with you, Ryan."

Emily's eyes widened in shock, and Ryan's expression darkened instantly. His frown deepened, and he muttered under his breath, "Why?"

Ignoring his irritation, Catherine continued calmly, "Emily is living with us now, so it makes sense for the two of you to go to the same school. Besides, you could use a companion." Her tone was soft but firm, leaving no room for argument.

Ryan was clearly unhappy, grumbling, "I don't need a companion."

Emily sat quietly, her own anxiety growing. She knew Ryan didn't like her, and the idea of attending school with him only added to the weight of her worries.

But then Catherine dropped the real bombshell. Still smiling, she said, "One more thing: from now on, you two will be attending school as an engaged couple."

Emily's jaw dropped. Engaged? To Ryan?

Ryan immediately stood up, his voice cold and sharp. "You've got to be kidding."

Catherine's smile didn't waver as she spoke calmly, "It's not a joke, Ryan. It would cause too much of a stir if people suddenly learned we have a new 'daughter.' So, to avoid unnecessary attention, Emily will be introduced as your fiancée."

Ryan glared at his mother, then turned his icy gaze to Emily, as if she were somehow responsible for this absurd situation. "You expect me to pretend to be engaged? That's ridiculous."

Catherine sighed, turning back to Emily with a kind but firm expression. "Emily, I know this is a lot to ask, but I need your cooperation. You've been staying with us, and we've come to care for you. I'll make sure things are as smooth as possible for you at school."

Emily nodded, though her nerves were still buzzing. She knew she had no real choice in the matter.

Catherine's tone changed as she turned to her son, her smile fading. "Ryan, if you don't treat Emily well, I'll freeze your credit cards."

Ryan stiffened. He glared at his mother, clearly unhappy but knowing she wasn't bluffing. His jaw clenched as he finally grumbled, "Fine. Whatever."

As they got ready to leave for school, Emily stood in front of the mirror, frowning at her reflection. The school uniform's skirt was far too short for her liking. Whenever she sat down, it felt like it rode up too high, leaving her feeling exposed and uncomfortable.

Emily stood on the steps, her heart heavy with unease. She was about to go to school with Ryan, and now she found herself standing in front of the garage, staring at the stretch Lincoln limo before her. Its sleek black body gleamed under the morning light, and inside, she knew, was an extravagant setup complete with a KTV system and a dining bar. It felt more like a mobile palace than a car.

"This is way too much…" Emily muttered under her breath. She never thought she'd be riding in such luxury, especially just to go to school.

The butler, Robert, politely opened the door for her and gestured for her to enter first. Emily hesitated for a moment before stepping inside, immediately feeling out of place in the opulent interior. The leather seats were so soft she nearly sank into them, and a touchscreen in front of her allowed control of the lights and air conditioning. There was even a mini-bar stocked with fine pastries and juices. To her left, she noticed the KTV system, complete with top-of-the-line speakers.

She carefully got into the car, tugging at the hem of the skirt, trying to cover more of her legs. But no matter what she did, it wasn't long enough to ease her discomfort.

Ryan ,silent as usual, his face a mask of cold indifference. But Emily noticed his eyes flickering towards her legs every now and then. He quickly looked away, but his gaze lingered longer than it should have.

Feeling her cheeks heat up, Emily murmured under her breath, "This skirt is way too short. It's impossible not to feel exposed."

Ryan didn't respond to her complaint, but it was clear he hadn't stopped glancing at her legs. His face remained expressionless, but there was something beneath the surface—something he wouldn't admit.

The air in the car grew thick with tension. Emily kept her head down, focusing on her hands as she tugged at her skirt again. Meanwhile, Ryan sat rigidly beside her, his gaze fixed ahead but his thoughts clearly elsewhere.

Though he would never say it, he couldn't stop thinking about how unexpectedly beautiful she looked.

Ryan was already sitting at the far end of the limo, legs crossed, leaning back in his seat with an air of indifference. His cold gaze flicked towards Emily as she settled in, clearly less than thrilled with her presence.

"Don't get the wrong idea," Ryan's voice cut through the silence, sharp and icy. "This car isn't for your enjoyment. You just happen to be in it."

Emily felt a pang of discomfort at his hostility, but she kept her expression neutral. She pressed her lips together, pushing down her emotions, and sat quietly across from him, choosing not to respond.

The limo started moving, and the atmosphere inside was thick with tension. The only sounds were the low hum of the engine and the occasional rumble of the tires on the road. Emily considered breaking the silence to ease the tension, but she knew Ryan wouldn't welcome any attempts at conversation.

True to form, after a few minutes, Ryan spoke again, his voice laced with condescension. "At school, I don't want you to have anything to do with me. If anyone asks about you, just pretend we don't know each other."

Emily blinked in surprise, irritation bubbling up inside her. She looked up at Ryan, who remained utterly detached, his eyes devoid of any warmth—just cold arrogance. She frowned, suppressing the urge to snap back, and instead asked cautiously, "Are you serious?"

"Dead serious," Ryan replied, a hint of mockery playing at the corner of his mouth. "There's nothing between us worth discussing. If you see me at school, pretend I don't exist. And if you must acknowledge me, call me 'Young Master.' Got it?"

Emily almost laughed out loud at the absurdity. It was ridiculous—they were supposed to be going to school as an engaged couple, and yet here he was, demanding she pretend he didn't exist. And to top it off, he expected her to call him "Young Master"? It was like he believed they were living in some outdated feudal system.

She decided to play along, though. There was no point in arguing with him right now. With a falsely obedient nod and a sarcastic smile, she replied, "Yes, Young Master."

Ryan raised an eyebrow, clearly recognizing the sarcasm in her voice, but he didn't press the issue. Instead, a cold smile tugged at his lips as he turned his gaze back to the window, dismissing her once again.

Just then, the silence was broken by Robert, the butler, who turned around from the front seat. His tone was polite and measured as he addressed them both. "Young Master, Miss Emily, as your butler, I am here to oversee your well-being—your meals, your travel, and anything else you might need. If there are any issues, please inform me, and I will report them to Madame."

Emily looked up at Robert, sensing that there was more to his words than just formalities. Although his voice was as gentle and professional as always, there was a subtle warning behind his gaze—directed at Ryan.

Ryan caught it too. His expression darkened, and he glared at Robert, his displeasure evident. "So, you're spying on me?"

Robert remained calm, offering a faint smile. "Not at all, Young Master. My role is simply to ensure that everything proceeds smoothly, as per Madame's wishes. Naturally, she expects you to treat Miss Emily with respect. She doesn't want you to be unfair to her in any way."

That was when Emily fully understood—Robert wasn't just the butler. He was Lady Catherine's eyes and ears, sent to keep Ryan in check. A small wave of relief washed over her. At least in this extravagant limo, she didn't have to worry too much about Ryan bullying her.

Ryan's face hardened, clearly dissatisfied with this "supervision," but he knew resisting would be futile. With an annoyed grunt, he turned his gaze back to the window, his whole posture stiff and unyielding, like a statue carved from ice.

Emily remained quiet, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips. Despite Ryan's arrogance, it was comforting to know that he wouldn't have free rein to treat her poorly. Catherine had clearly set things up to protect her.