Chapter 8: Thanks Dobby

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"Harry, do you remember that house-elf, Dobby?" asked Dudley.

"Yeah, I remember him," replied Harry.

"And do you remember the mess he left after he did magic?" Dudley asked again.

Of course, Harry still remembered it. That incident made him feel bad for Dudley. They had almost been kicked out and had their wands snapped because of a house-elf.

"Thanks to that little guy, because without him we wouldn't know the importance of runes," said Dudley.

"Importance of runes?" asked Harry. "Are runes really that useful?"

"Hahaha, that's why I didn't want you to be friends with the Weasley boy," said Dudley. "Isn't he the reason you rejected runes and arithmancy?"

"You..." But this time, Harry didn't argue with Dudley because he knew he was right. Ron was the reason he didn't take useful subjects like runes and arithmancy.

Looking at Harry, Dudley then remembered a fanfiction where Harry became friends with Neville. Instead of stumbling, Neville led Harry in the right direction, and he became stronger and smarter than the original Harry. Of course that version of Neville is a transmigrated like himself.

Friends really play an important role. Being with a good friend can lead you to success, while choosing the wrong friend might send you to prison.

During breakfast the next day...

"So, I plan to buy a pistol and a rifle," said Dudley while eating breakfast the next morning.

"Can a pistol fight a wizard?" asked Harry, dumbfounded.

"Are you stupid, Harry?" Dudley asked in disbelief. "Which is faster: 'Stupefy' or the click of a gun?"

"Ergh... the gun," answered Harry.

"To use magic, we need to say the incantation, move the wand, and aim at the enemy. But with a gun, you just click the trigger and aim. Not only that, a gun moves faster than sound—over 1000 meter per second and some gun can even move at 2500 meter per second. While spells are much slower, around 60 km/h, which is why we can dodge or block them," explained Dudley.

Hearing this, Harry's mind was blown. He had never thought about it before.

"Son, does that mean we can protect ourselves from that dark wizard?" asked Vernon.

"Yeah, Dad. You can also dodge their attacks. Plus, the Protego spell can't block bullets it only blocks magical curses," answered Dudley.

Dudley then shows the wand movement using the fork.

"This is stupefy curses wand movement and the colour of the curses is red. If you know what type of curses they will use it will be more easy to counter them of" explained Dudley.

Again, Harry's mind was opened to new possibilities.

"The best weapon for a non wizard is a Glock 19. Try to get an M15, but if not, an AR-15 is also good to use but the problem is we live in UK and unlike US which it easy to acquire gun and own it legally," said Dudley. "The problem could be solved with a magic help but right now I need Mom and Dad to come to my secret bunker."

"Can Muggles enter your briefcase?" asked Harry.

"Of course, Harry," replied Dudley.

"Briefcase?" said Dursleys couple with unison.

The day finally come...

"Welcome, Susan. Hello, Miss Amelia Bones. I've heard a lot about your accomplishments," Dudley greeted them with a big smile.

"Thank you, Mr. Dursley," smiled Amelia Bones.

"Hey, Dudley, long time no see," said Susan Bones.

"So, this is Harry Potter, my cousin. He'll tell you what really happened to him," said Dudley while introducing Harry to Amelia.

But before they could proceed, Vernon and Petunia decided to welcome their magical guests. Amelia and Susan were about to decline but accepted out of courtesy. Amelia decided to try the Muggle food.

"It's quite delicious," said Amelia. Even though they were British, there is a bit of a difference between Muggle and magical cuisine. Muggle food has evolved to another level, while wizard food is slowly developing.

It was Susan's first time eating Muggle food, which was a burger, and they were also introduced to carbonated drinks and guys it was better than the Hogwarts could offer.

"That's the television and that's the telephone," Dudley introduced the Bones family to Muggle technology one by one. Of course, they were amazed at how Muggles had invented such technology.

Suddenly amidst the conversation, the sky grew dark, and the temperature dropped. Harry and Susan tensed up while Amelia's eyes widened.

"Impossible," said Amelia.

"What's impossible?" asked Petunia.

"Why did it suddenly get colder?" Vernon suddenly spoke up.

"Dementors," Harry mumbled.

"Boom!" The door was blown open by two ghostly mummified being.

"Expecto Patronum!" Harry cast the spell, followed by Dudley. But Dudley's spell was different, he cast it with the intent of trapping the Dementors so they couldn't escape.

Amelia, who was surprised, also cast her Patronus.

The Dementors tried to flee, but Dudley's Patronus trapped one of them. Dudley smiled, pleased with his carefully laid trap.

"Why are you here?" Amelia demanded of the captured Dementor.

"Dolores Umbridge, the Senior Undersecretary to the Minister of Magic, ordered us to kill Harry Potter and Dudley Dursley," the ghostly Dementor spoke after recognizing Amelia as an Auror.

Harry had thought Dementors could only attack, he never knew they could speak.

"What?" Amelia and Susan Bones were utterly shocked.

Suddenly, an owl arrived, carrying a letter.

Mr. Potter and Mr. Dursley,

We detected the use of magic in front of two Muggles.

Since you have been warned before,

We will send an Auror to snap your wand, and you will be expelled from Hogwarts.

Mafalda Hopkirk.

Amelia and Susan Bones' faces turned very serious. Suddenly, there was a popping sound outside Harry Potter's house.