Jill Alexander was slumped over the front desk at the police station, his face pressed against his arm. The dull hum of the overhead lights and the occasional creak of the old building were the only sounds filling the quiet room. Northern Ireland had been in a bad state lately—crime was on the rise, and the tension in the air seemed to thicken with each passing day. The weight of the past few weeks had taken its toll on Jill, a twenty-two-year-old police constable who was fresh out of the academy.

He stirred slightly in his sleep, his body giving in to exhaustion after another grueling shift. The station was quiet now, with only him and his colleague Mike, who was dozing at the other end of the desk. Jill's mind, however, was anything but calm.

His body twitched, his breaths coming out in ragged gasps as his nightmare unfolded. In his dream, the world was plunging into chaos—scientists and technologists were being assassinated one after another, their deaths shrouded in mystery. He saw the country scrambling, its military weakened by shortages of weapons and medicine. With each passing moment, the situation worsened, other nations circling like vultures, ready to pounce on Northern Ireland in its vulnerable state.

His dream shifted to a battlefield littered with fallen soldiers, and there in the distance, he saw his own body—lifeless and cold. News of his death reached his parents, and the devastation in their eyes tore at him. He had disobeyed their wishes by joining the force, and now, their worst fears were realized.

"Jill! Wake up!" A voice broke through the haze, and Jill jolted awake, his heart pounding in his chest.

Mike stood over him, concern etched across his features. "You okay, man? You were shaking like a leaf," he said, passing Jill a cup of water.

Jill took the cup with trembling hands, still struggling to separate the vivid images from reality. "Mike… you're alive?" he asked, his voice hoarse.

"Of course, I'm alive. What kind of question is that?" Mike shot back, a puzzled expression crossing his face.

"It was… just a nightmare," Jill murmured, rubbing his temples. "It felt so real."

"Nightmares usually do when you're stressed out," Mike replied, though his tone was laced with skepticism. "You need a break, mate."

"Maybe you're right," Jill conceded, though a lingering unease sat in his chest like a stone. "Can I head out for the night? I'll cover your shift if you need it later this week."

"Fine, just remember, you owe me," Mike agreed, his mood brightening at the thought of finally taking his girlfriend out.

Jill thanked him before making his way out of the station. As he walked down the dimly lit streets, the chill in the air seemed to seep into his bones. His house wasn't far, a small comfort amidst the strange sense of foreboding that clung to him.

The nightmare had been recurring, but tonight it felt more vivid—more like a warning than a dream. Every detail played over in his mind as though he were reliving it. The scientists, the deaths, the chaos… Could it all be a coincidence? Or was there some truth buried in his subconscious?

By the time Jill reached his home, his head was throbbing. He quickly undressed and made his way to the bathroom, hoping a hot shower would wash away the unease. As the water poured over him, he closed his eyes, trying to push away the haunting images of his parents' devastated faces.

The silence of the bathroom was shattered by a voice.

"Hello, Host. This is System 010, say 'activate' to complete the process…"

Jill jumped, his heart hammering in his chest. He spun around, his eyes searching the empty space. "Who's there?!" he shouted, his voice echoing off the tiles. "If this is a joke, it's not funny!"

"Activate in ten seconds. Ten, nine, eight…"

"What the—?!" Jill's pulse raced. He could feel a tingling sensation spreading across his chest, a pressure that built with each passing second. Panic surged as the counting continued.

"Activate!" he blurted out when the voice reached nine, the word spilling from his lips as though driven by instinct.

"Activation successful," the voice responded smoothly. "Hello, Host. I am System 010 of the future. We need to save the future before it arrives. I reside within you and am connected to your vital functions. For easier communication, please assign me a name."

Jill's legs gave out beneath him, and he collapsed against the wall. His vision blurred, darkness closing in as he whispered, "Inside…me?"

The world faded to black before he could find the strength to scream.

Jill Alexander jolted awake to the harsh, shrill sound of the alarm blaring through the room. His eyes flew open, and he groaned, stretching out a hand to silence the noise. But his fingers grasped nothing but cold tile. Blinking in confusion, he sat up, his body stiff and aching. He wasn't in his bed—he was on the bathroom floor.

"What the…?" Jill muttered, rubbing his eyes. He struggled to piece together how he'd ended up here, his mind still foggy from the bizarre dream that clung to him like a shroud. The events of the previous night came rushing back—System 010, the voice, the strange activation. Was any of it real?

Scrambling to his feet, he scanned the small apartment for signs of an intruder. His pulse quickened, a mix of anxiety and skepticism fueling his frantic search. The apartment was quiet, the only sound coming from the still-blaring alarm.

He sighed heavily and silenced the alarm with a swift jab of his finger. "Get a grip, Jill," he muttered under his breath, trying to shake off the lingering unease. "Must've been a nightmare… just a really vivid nightmare."

But before he could convince himself, a voice broke the silence.

"Good morning, Host. Are you ready for today's mission?" The voice was clear and calm, echoing through the room as though it came from everywhere and nowhere all at once.

Jill's breath caught in his throat, and he spun around, his eyes wide with disbelief. "What the hell? Where are you?!" he yelled, his voice trembling as he backed away, scanning every corner for the source.

"No foul language, Host," the voice chided with a tone almost like a scolding parent. "I am System 010 from the future, now integrated with you. Please assign me a name for easier communication."

Jill's legs felt unsteady, and he sank onto the edge of his bed, his mind racing. "This is… this is insane," he stammered. "You're telling me this is real? That you're real?"

"Yes, Host," the voice responded evenly. "This is not a simulation or a dream. You have been chosen as the host for System 010. I am here to help you prevent the future you saw in your nightmares."

The room seemed to close in around him, and Jill rubbed his temples, trying to steady his breathing. "So… those nightmares—they weren't just bad dreams?"

"They were projections, Host. A glimpse of what is to come if the current course remains unchanged. The future of your country is bleak. There are forces already in motion, targeting scientists, technologists, and other critical individuals. Their aim is to destabilize and ultimately destroy the country."

Jill's stomach twisted with dread. "You mean the nightmare is actually going to happen?" he asked, his voice breaking slightly.

"Yes," the system confirmed. "What you saw was only the beginning—approximately ten percent of the full extent of the devastation that awaits."

Jill felt the blood drain from his face. His nightmare had seemed so vivid, but hearing it confirmed as reality made his skin crawl. "Why me?" he demanded, his voice tinged with desperation. "Why was I chosen for this?"

"Because you possess the qualities required for the task ahead, Host. Your resolve, background in law enforcement, and the fact that you had these premonitions made you a suitable candidate. Together, we can alter the future."

Jill clenched his fists, a mixture of fear and anger simmering inside him. "What exactly are you? Some kind of AI program? Why were you implanted in me without my consent?"

"I am a highly advanced artificial intelligence from the future, designed to assist in preventing catastrophic outcomes," System 010 explained. "My implantation was necessary to connect directly with your neural pathways for optimal response and support."

Jill shook his head, his thoughts a jumbled mess. "This is too much… I mean, how am I supposed to stop some grand conspiracy from unfolding?"

"Step by step, Host. Our first priority is to identify the individuals orchestrating these attacks on the scientists and begin protecting potential targets. I will provide guidance and information as needed."

Jill swallowed hard, trying to process everything. "Fine, but you're getting a name. I'm not calling you 'System 010' all the time."

"That would be acceptable. What name would you prefer?"

Jill paused, then said, "How about… SEA-Z? Sounds futuristic enough."

"SEA-Z it is. Now, Host, let us begin. Time is not on our side."

Jill took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. He didn't know if he could trust this System or if he even had a choice, but if his nightmare was indeed a glimpse of the future, then he had no time to waste.