The First Step

Jill's heart still raced as he tried to wrap his mind around SEA-Z's revelation. The concept of a future AI implanted in him, claiming to be able to prevent a national catastrophe, seemed like something out of a sci-fi movie. But if there was even a shred of truth to it, then he had no choice but to listen. The images from his nightmare flashed in his memory—screaming faces, burning cities, and chaos beyond comprehension. He could not shake the fear that it wasn't just a dream.

Taking a deep breath, Jill stood up, forcing himself to focus. "Alright, SEA-Z, if we're doing this, we start on my terms. I need to know exactly what kind of enhancements you've given me," he said, his voice steady but laced with determination.

"As I mentioned earlier, Host, I have integrated with your nervous system. The enhancements include accelerated reflexes, optimized processing speed for decision-making, and data access that extends beyond conventional human capabilities. You will also experience an increased resistance to fatigue, allowing you to operate for extended periods without rest," SEA-Z explained.

Jill ran a hand through his hair, still trying to process what SEA-Z was telling him. It sounded unreal, like some kind of superhuman upgrade. "And what's the catch?" he asked warily. "There's always a catch."

"Maintaining these enhancements comes at a cost, Host," SEA-Z replied. "Excessive use may result in mental and physical strain. You must learn to pace yourself and rely on the system only when necessary. Additionally, once integrated, it is impossible to return to your previous state. This connection is permanent."

Jill's chest tightened, and he turned to look at his reflection again. The man staring back was the same as always—lean but muscular, unshaven, with tired eyes—but there was something different in his gaze, a flicker of intensity he hadn't noticed before. The man in the mirror looked like someone on the edge of a great change.

"Permanent, huh?" he murmured, as if trying to convince himself that he could accept this. He had no other choice. If the future really was at stake, then the risk was worth taking. "Fine, SEA-Z. I'll start by investigating these scientists' deaths. Give me all the information you have on Dr. Robert Hayes."

"Accessing data," SEA-Z responded. Within seconds, a flood of information entered Jill's mind, projected through a faintly glowing interface that appeared in his field of vision—a heads-up display that streamed details as if he was reading them off a screen. "Dr. Robert Hayes, age 52, was a renowned physicist specializing in quantum computing. He was found dead two weeks ago in his laboratory. Cause of death was reported as a heart attack, but certain inconsistencies in the autopsy suggest foul play."

"Heart attack?" Jill frowned. "Seems a bit too convenient, doesn't it? Any leads on possible suspects?"

"Officially, there are none," SEA-Z answered. "However, there was a recent security breach in Dr. Hayes's research facility. Files related to experimental quantum communication systems were stolen, but the incident was quickly dismissed as industrial espionage."

"So, someone wanted his research bad enough to kill for it," Jill mused. "And if his research is connected to what's coming, then whoever did this might be planning something far bigger than just stealing tech."

Jill could feel his instincts kicking in, the ones honed from years on the force. He was no detective, but he could follow a trail, and this one reeked of something deeper than a simple robbery gone wrong. The stakes had been raised—SEA-Z's arrival was more than just a bizarre intrusion into his life. It was the start of something dangerous.

"Any clue where to start?" he asked.

"Yes, Host," SEA-Z replied. "Dr. Hayes had a colleague, Dr. Sandra Levine, who was working with him on the same project. She is now missing, and her whereabouts are unknown. Locating her may be crucial to understanding what happened to Dr. Hayes."

Jill nodded. "Alright then, Sandra Levine it is. I'll check her last known address first. If there's any sign of where she might have gone, I'll find it."

Before he could move, the voice returned in his head, this time with a different tone—more urgent. "Host, I am detecting a disturbance. There is a breach in your building's security system. Two armed men have just entered through the emergency exit on the ground floor."

Jill's muscles tensed, and adrenaline shot through his veins. "What? How the hell did they find me so fast?"

"I cannot confirm their purpose, but their presence here is suspicious, given the timing of my activation and the nature of the mission," SEA-Z answered. "You need to prepare for combat. They are heading toward your floor."

Jill's heart pounded in his ears as he quickly glanced around for something he could use as a weapon. He wasn't one to keep a firearm at home, but he did have a sturdy metal baton in the closet—a leftover from his early days in the academy. He grabbed it and moved to the door, pressing his ear against it to listen.

Footsteps echoed in the hallway, growing closer. The intruders were moving fast.

"SEA-Z, any idea who they might be?" Jill whispered, keeping his voice low.

"Based on the limited data I've accessed, they appear to be mercenaries affiliated with a group known as 'The Nexus,' a covert organization suspected of trafficking high-tech weaponry and conducting illegal experiments," SEA-Z replied. "Their presence here suggests that they may already know about the system's activation."

Jill's grip tightened on the baton. He could feel his body reacting faster, as if his senses had sharpened beyond what he was accustomed to. He didn't need SEA-Z to tell him that this was no ordinary break-in—it was a calculated strike.

The doorknob rattled.

Jill moved swiftly, positioning himself against the wall beside the door. The metal creaked as the lock was forced open, and the door swung inward. Two men in black tactical gear stepped into the dimly lit apartment, weapons drawn.

Without hesitating, Jill sprang into action. His movements were fluid, almost instinctual. He swung the baton with precise force, striking the first intruder's wrist, causing the gun to clatter to the floor. The man barely had time to react before Jill followed up with a hard jab to his stomach, sending him stumbling backward.

The second man raised his weapon, but Jill was already in motion, twisting his body to dodge the shot and bring the baton down on the side of the man's head. He collapsed in a heap.

Breathing heavily, Jill stood over the two unconscious men. He looked down at his hands, still gripping the baton, and realized just how quick his reflexes had been. It was as if SEA-Z had enhanced not just his body but also his instincts.

"Host, you must leave immediately," SEA-Z urged. "More will come once these men are discovered. We need to relocate and continue the mission from a secure location."

Jill glanced at the fallen intruders one last time, a chill running down his spine. This wasn't the life he had signed up for, but there was no turning back now.

He grabbed his jacket and bolted out the door, not knowing where the next step would lead him, but certain of one thing—he was no longer in control of his own fate.