It’s just Ace.

The thunder outside was heard, a heavy rain was pouring into the kingdom of YEMET.

Yemet is an arid place with 9months of dryness and 3 months of the rainy season. This harsh climate made Yemet to be a forbidden place for strangers, making it a real advantageous military side for them and that's what make most of the Yemetians very resistant.

It was effectively the rainy season at 6am, In a room was a long red hairs were seen on the bed, his sleep wasn't good as if he was making a nightmare. He was turning , tossing on the bed and mumbling.

"No.. Father….. not it….stop…. Amber-ruby!" He woke up suddenly after shouting the name of Amber-ruby.

He was still sitting on his bed, sweat all over him. He placed his right hand on his right eye, looking at the door but his mind was very far.

"You really don't want to leave me alone, huh my guiltiness ?" He said to himself.

When someone opened the door.

"Still the same nightmare, my lord?" A young boy with black hairs, very tanned skin with gray eyes said.

Ace nodded softly.

"You should go and visit the healer Namaya, you know she is very good. Those nightmares are very frequent" the young man said with concern.

It was Baltar, a young man of 18years old working as a servant for Ace. He was the only person that Ace really trust in this kingdom, he saw him as the little brother he never had and it was reciprocal. Baltar saw him as his elder brother and moreover as his hero, Ace was the man that save him from been kill.

"And I told you several times that it's not necessary" he stood from the bed.

"My lord you should, every morning you look paler, skinnier as if you were seeing a ghost and they were following you in your nightmares" he directed himself to the curtains and opened it, for pure air to enter and the odor of the rain to enter since rain was rare.

"Not a ghost but ghosts" he mumbled looking his reflection in the mirror.

"Pardon?" Baltar asked.

"Nothing" he placed a fake smile on his lips.

Baltar prepared the bath for him.

"My lord, today will be a charge journey" Baltar said with enthusiasm pouring perfume inside the bathtub.

"Why?" He asked not really interested.

"It's the RAINY CEREMONY , where we thank the gods for the benediction of the rain this year again" Baltar explained with a smile.

"You know that I will not have time to party and I don't even like it" He said still indifferent , he directed himself to the bathtub.

YEMET kingdom was very different from Irischester in all aspect. Be it in the environment, the dressing, the season, the people, all was different.

The chamber for example was rustic, was full of different beautiful mat, the wall was made up of dry stone but they were a little touch of modernity like in the bathroom .

"I know , you a great warrior you have to protect the kingdom" Baltar almost putted.

"But it will be fun, for once my lord just have some party. They will be beautiful ladies, even those belly dancers and all the rest" he added.

Ace snorted been irritated by baltar's word, he sighed heavily.

"Okay, I will see"

After some minutes, Ace was ready for the day, he was dressed exactly as the yemetians warrior . A black baggy(trouser) with a small golden amor on the chest with a black shawl.

Someone knocked and then entered.

"My lord the NKUMKUMA is calling you" the soldier bowed.

"Okay I'm coming".





Three years passed since he has been threw in Yemet.

The reason why he's call Lord is a long story, he went through alot of things before been called LORD.

Ace was going to the crown room. The door was widely opened with guards beside it. He entered.

He reached near the crown chair and bowed.

"NKUMKUMA" he called with respect.

"You know that the rainy ceremony is today?"

"Yes, Nkumkuma"

"I want you to be part of it, forget about your mission in KAHMIT. The ceremony will be also an opportunity to celebrate you. Since three years you are here, you prouve that you are someone of great use" The nkumkuma said.

"As you wish nkumkuma"

"It's not all, I want you to bring the princess to choose her jelwery in Ahmet's shop de m, he's the best in his work. You know he lives around the dunes and it's very dangerous".

Ace stood up and nodded.

The nkumkuma was a man in his 60s but it wasnt seen. He was very fresh with broad shoulder, still having chocolate abs that was seen because his dress wasn't covering his abs, long white hairs with gray eyes, having muscles. He was a handsome man.

Ace left, as he walking in the corridor, he thought again of how he reached here. He wondered that the royal members even the people of YEMET didn't recognize him.

The royal family knew that the Irischester kingdom had a prince called ACE RAYS they didn't even know his face nor for Logane except for the king and Queen. Here the name RAYS has disappeared. He was just known as ACE.





The next day, Garyl sold Ace as a slave. He didn't really mind, he was soulless empty as ever.

He lost his Father, the woman he love , his kingdom and he couldn't see his mother nor his sister.

So sold as a slave by his uncle was nothing for him.

They arrived in YEMET, they descended from the almost old bus attached to one another as dogs. They placed themselves horizontally and the slave seller arrived, inspecting them.

"Here, forget who you were, where you come from, here , you are just a random slave working for your master and mistress" the man said loudly.

"You!" He pointed at Ace. He approached him.

"What's your name?" He asked.

He didn't reply , then of a sudden he received a whip on his back.

"Speak!" The guards ordered.


"Ace who?"

"It's just ACE" he said almost murmuring .




Nkumkuma = KING