ACE, the slave.

The slave seller looked at him, scanning him from up to down.

'He's having a good physical body, this one can afford me much money' the slave seller thought making him to smile.

He then grabbed his hands, he was surprised for few seconds then regain his normal expression.

"Good! Just as he did, here you just have a surname and nothing else. You don't have any existence, you leave for your masters and mistress" he said to them.

He moved away from Ace but then he glance at him for seconds then continued.




They were standing on the harsh sun, waiting for the customers to come and choice them.

Then suddenly, a boy succeeded to remove the rope that was attached to his wrist and started to run.

"Catch him! Hold him!" Shouted à guards to the others.

Unfortunately for the boy they caught him.

"What do you wanted to do?" Thé slave seller darkened his eyes

The boy didn't reply.

"Beat him up until they will be No skin left on his skin" ordered the slave seller.

"No please! Not that please!" Cried the young boy.

The guards grabbed him, threw him on the floor and he kneeled . When one of the guards lifted the whip someone interrupted.

"Beat me either" Ace said

"What?" The slave seller, the guards and the others slaves wondered.

"Whip me instead" he repeated.

The startled expression on the slave seller disappeared leaving place to a laughter.

"As you wish, the super hero" the slave seller indicate with a nod to his guards to take Ace instead. They cut his rope , placed him to kneel, they torn his shirt, his back could be perfectly seen.

They started to whip him, he could feel each whip , it was paining as he expected.

He hoped that they could beat him until he die.

He wanted to die but he didn't have the courage to suicide himself and he hated so much those that do it, for him they were weak and cowards. Even though he is weak right now, he was definitely not a coward, so he preferred that something should kill him and right now he thought of this whip.

The others slaves felt pity for him but they could say and do nothing.

Ace vision was becoming blurred, he wasn't feeling his back , he could feel how the whip was tearing his skin , he felt to the right side and fainted.





"This man is suicidal, boss" one guard said.

They were looking at Ace that was in a room , having bandage with green herbs on his back, he was sitting on his belly.

"I'm still wondering that he's still alive , he took 2000 whips on his back" the guards added.

"He's not normal but what intrigued me is those red hairs not everybody have it . They told me that he's coming from IRISCHESTER" As the slave seller said it the guard startled.

"Do you think that he is the….." he didn't continue.

"His hands were so soft…" murmured the slave seller.

"I just hope that it will not create any problem to us" the guard said with concern.

"Don't worry, the person assured me that this young man doesn't exist anymore"





Ace slowly opened his eyes. He found himself in a place that wasn't familiar.

"It's hell? I finally die?"

"You're finally up and no you are still perfectly alive " a voice said.

Making Ace to blenched and hurt himself.


"Oh sorry, I didn't meant to hurt you" said the person.

Ace gently sat on the bed. He saw the young boy that he took the whip on his place.

"I wanted to thank you for saving me from the whip" the boy said with a smile.

Ace sighed of pain.

"I have not done it for you" he said .

"Even so, I wanted to thank you " he insisted.

"I slept for how many days?" Ace asked.

"2 days" he replied.

"My name is Baltar and you Ace isn't it?" He smiled.

"Baltar, what is a young boy like you doing here? How old are you?" Ace asked.

"I'm 15years old and it's a long story. Well my entire name is Baltar ALONZO"

"A Spanish name , it's far from here" Ace said.

"Yes, I'm an orphan. My parent died in an accident and I was brought into an orphanage been a troublesome person, when the slave seller came they decided that it will be me that was going to come here in YEMET, this dark kingdom" Baltar explained.

"I see.."

"And you? Why are you here?" He asked.

"I was caught in a group of thieves , so they decided to sell me to the slave seller as a slave" Ace lied.

"So you are a thief?" Baltar wondered.

Ace nodded.

"Well, everyone is a kind of thief so" Baltar smiled.

Ace wondered to the respond of the young boy.

"Have they started to sell some slaves?" Ace asked.

"Yes, we were 40 when we came but today we remained 10 of us" he sighed heavily " I hope I will be sold in a place where I can eat as I want" he added.

Ace allow a faint smile on his lips.





Everyday Baltar visited Ace. Ace wondered how he did all this time for the customers not to choose him as their servant . He visited him, telling him jokes trying to brighten his journey, since Ace was closed in this room for him to heal perfectly.

3weeks passed and Ace was already perfectly heal but something was different today Baltar didn't visit him , Ace learned from the guards that he was finally sell to one of the richest person in YEMET.

"Atleast he will eat as he wants" Ace said to himself.




The next day, only 3 slave remained. They were placed horizontally for them to be choose.

The customer arrived, he scanned them and then finally said.

"I want him" he pointed at Ace.

"Good choice my governor" the slave seller smiled.

"What's his name?"

"Ace, Ace the slave" the slave seller said