A Lioness in a Frenzy

Asher led Jezebel through a back door in the upstairs of the club, and she had been mortified to realize he lived in that place. God, she had fantasized about getting in the door for months, longed for it, and Asher lived there and never had to go home.

With the sudden jealousy came a spout of drug fueled excitement, where she'd told him he was lucky and it was amazing, and she wished she never had to go home. And then she'd stopped when she saw his expression, so vaguely amused and patient while she rambled on.

Every step after that had made her more and more afraid. When he opened the door to his back office, she realized there were toys even back here, and they weren't the beginners' toys that were allowed on open door nights like that night. Canes and full whips and all manner of hard play implements lined the walls.

This was Asher's motherfucking office. She swallowed at the knowledge, watching his steps. She walked sporadically, in nervous skips, while his walk was even, calm. Jesus. Holy Jesus. She was so far out of her league it was insanity.

'Alright. You can do this. It's just one time, and he's not that bad. Just don't look at his eyes too much.' But of course, after she thought it, she couldn't look at anything but his eyes. They were like shards of the most calming ice, soothing her and her wild edges.

Even the drugs had started to become boring in Jezebel's life lately, the ups and downs of serotonin use and depletion from Ecstasy becoming so predictable after she took it once a week. But those eyes... Like soothing stars. They reminded her of pictures of space, how vast and empty it looked.

"Are you even fucking listening to me?"

Shit. "I'm sorry." His eyes narrowed and she shivered. "I'm really sorry, honest. I was just thinking that I'm scared and I shouldn't look at you too much but looking at you calms me down so I can't stop and I really am sorry."

Asher's mouth relaxed. It wasn't quite a smile, but it was something else to calm her. "Take your sash off and bend over the desk. You'll work yourself up imagining things if I let you get that far."

She obeyed, shaking again at the strict note in his voice. Asher wasn't anything like her fun, playful dom who hadn't taken a lot of control at all. That dom hadn't even insisted on things like honorifics, had just wanted to lightly play.

No, Asher's very voice and every mannerism demanded she call him "sir", even while he made her shy to say that word, made her scared to draw his attention to her at all.

Asher was entrancing though, impossible for her to ignore. He wasn't even an overly large person or anything like that, but his sheer self possession and exacting command was the real giant part of him.

She trembled when he got a bottle of something that looked kind of like lubricant and a paddle. "Oh, God..."

"Hush." It quieted her, that voice, and she finally closed her eyes to just let it glide over her, to feel the comfort of obedience.

And it was a comfort, to be directed, to feel like she was under some kind of structure when her life continually spiraled out of her control. There had never been any structure at all in being a wealthy orphan with a trust fund.

No, she was blatantly a spoiled brat who was also too smart for her own damn good sometimes. When she opened her eyes again, she felt a little more secure, a lot more collected.

'Just pretend like it's a game.'

But almost immediately, her mind retaliated, This doesn't feel anything like a game.

No, this felt real. This felt like she'd trespassed against a king of some kind by playing games and was going to pay for it.

Her thoughts shut up as soon as he turned back to her, everything going so still it stunned her. Her body waited for his orders and command, and her mind followed suit, going peaceful.

She loved it.

Asher's eyes softened at whatever he saw in her face and he came back from the filing cabinet with a stapled couple of papers, flipping to one page in particular.

When he set it down in front of her, she whimpered. It was the agreement she had to sign to walk into his play bar.

Her heart thundered even while her mind was still blank and blissfully quiet for once in her life and she jumped when she felt him stroke her ass, rubbing whatever was in that lubricant bottle into her flesh with a medical glove on his hand.

It was cool at first, soothing, and his petting was even, circular motions. She sank into that touch, gasping when he finished off his strokes with four slaps, one to each asscheek and one to each thigh.

By the time he walked to the trash can, threw away his glove, and came back, she realized what he'd rubbed into her skin. Well, she didn't know exactly what it was, but she knew what it did.

The burn from his slaps sang into her flesh and the oil he used ensured the burn went on... and on. She glanced at the paddle and had to look back to his eyes to calm herself because it had holes in it and it was long and thin, hard finished wood.

Asher met her gaze for a moment, holding it, and then pointed to a sentence on the page.

And by that time, Jezebel had a feeling she knew what that sentence would read, where this was going. This is a lot less fun than Secretary made it seem.

No, the oil wasn't in that movie and this man was pure iron control that didn't allow for any reprieve or argument. There wasn't a touch of lust in his gaze, not that she could see, and that's what made it all the more humiliating and terrible.

Because she was dripping, her sex swollen with need, and she could feel the amount of cum between her legs.

Surely he would notice with those eyes that had noticed her drug use even though she had hidden it really well. There was no way he wouldn't be able to tell.

If Asher did, he didn't address it at first. She couldn't decide if that was worse or not because there was no heat at all in his voice. He was perfectly collected and she was laid absolutely bare.

"Spread your legs wider and read that sentence."

She obeyed him almost automatically and she was somewhere far away from her body, in a kind of shock that she would find herself here and with this man. God, his voice was merciless. It was terrible.

It was amazing. Peace flooded through her along with the fear and a hot throbbing desire somewhere deep in her being.

"There is no playing under the influence at- oh, my God!"


*Author's note*

*My deepest apology for the late update.*

*Motivate me to drop more chapters.. Drop a powerstone or two*
