Horny Little Bitch in Heat

"There is no playing under the influence at- oh, my God!"

The paddle strike shocked her with how badly it bloody well hurt. Her body jarred forward with the force he could put behind it and the oil burned into her flesh, searing it.

Jezebel mouthed the words "oh, my God" again into her arm, even while she curled her hands into fists and tried to think.

"We'll be here all night if you can't even finish the sentence. I suggest you give it another shot and try harder."

She looked back to the paper almost eagerly, dying for more and dreading it all at once. It hurt, yes, but it was so much control and her body was heating to a wildfire desire as if it knew without thinking that she was on a one way track to hell and this was the kind of discipline that she needed.

Pleasure flamed from it. "There is no playing under the influ-ence! At Sulfur's! Oh, please!"

The cracks were so loud that they commanded her attention, just like he commanded it. Her usually sporadic mind couldn't even think over the sound of them. Asher had all of her attention.

"Again," he said softly.

She snorted through her nose, her pussy quivering in need, and she was suddenly insanely aware of the absence of sensation on her sex.

"There is no playing under the influence at Sulfur's." She had to gasp through it, the paddle crack in the middle that time.

Her flesh burned and she closed her eyes, not even reading anymore, just saying the words by rote.

"There is no playing under the influence at Sulfur's."

God, yes, this was what she craved. It was as if some void in her soul had been filled and she could be safe.

"There is no playing under the influence at Sulfur's."

The crack took her breath away and she had to refocus, taking some discipline from Asher's iron control, loving him for it. He had so much and she had none but he was kind enough to let her borrow it, to teach her this feeling.

"There is no playing under the influence at Sulfur's."

"Ah, you like this. Your ass is lifting back in anticipation for every paddle strike and your little cunt is dripping on my floor."

She said the words he'd given her in breathless reply and took the paddling with it.

"You'll have to clean that up with your tongue when we're done."

She said the words again, closing her eyes, burning alive. Peace, calm, stillness. Hot, flaming arousal. She said the words again and he chuckled.

"God, it's like a transformation." Asher wasn't wrong and she said the sentence, moaning with the next crack.

"Now, let's see what we've taught you. What's something we don't do at Sulfur's, little birthday girl?"

'Fuck me,' she knew the answer was only allowed to be what he'd given her. For the briefest moment her bratty personality wanted to say something different but for the first time in her life, she was too scared.

"There is no playing under the influence at Sulfur's."

"There's a good girl."

She clenched her fists and unclenched them for some kind, any kind, of outlet for her arousal, desperate as it was.

"And your pussy might be so very horny and needy, so red and swollen and in pain, but I tend to think that all that painful need will only serve as a better reminder for you to exercise better discipline in the future. I might be wrong, though. What do you think?"

Jezebel closed her eyes, knowing the answer and thinking that it was evil of him to ask it like that. It was a lot harder to not deviate from the only sentence she was allowed to say and beg for his mercy, for an orgasm.

This desire hurt on a deeper level than sexual need usually did. This was a kind that was fiendish for more release and more of his safe, wonderful discipline.

She swallowed, thinking that there was no way he would give her that release after what she had done and begging him for it would only make things worse.

She had to force the words out with a soft whimper, miserably saying it. "There is no playing under the influence at Sulfur's."

The paddle crack was sharp and she felt her legs shake, closed her eyes in defeated submission. She was forced to admit that if he didn't want her to cum, then she wouldn't.

Asher had her under absolute power and she didn't want to leave it. She kind of wished she never had to leave it and its safety.

"Good girl. Maybe I was wrong. That took some restraint to give me a proper answer."

Dare she hope? "Th-there is no playing under the influence at Sulfur's?"

He chuckled, amused, and paddled her again. "There isn't. Now, when I give you an introductory card, what's something you aren't going to do?"

That shred of hope for some release from the wildfire he'd started with this act that made her feel so fucking safe made her squeal the words eagerly. "There is no playing under the influence at Sulfur's!"

"That's right."

The paddle cracked her harder than any of the other times and her ass felt like it was in flames from the oil searing it. It felt like she should be bleeding, though there wasn't any trickling.

"You're going to be a good girl and not make me regret this. And what's something that good girls don't do?"

She shouted the sentence out, realizing there were tears on the tip of her nose. "I'm sorry! I'm really, really sorry!" She broke, finally, and sobbed full on tears onto the paper and his desk, whimpering in pathetic sadness that she had caused drama and messed up someone's fun, kinky night.

It was hard for her to feel empathy, but this man shoved her face in it like she was an errant dog, made her face it, and suddenly she could and absolutely did feel bad.

The dom hadn't deserved her bullshit when she got caught, had only been interested in a fun night.

The tears poured down and there was a soft sound behind her and then she squealed, feeling two of his fingers penetrate her.

"What are you- wait, I- Oh!"

He twisted his hand and she whimpered, pleasure assaulting her.


*Author's note*

*Don't leave without dropping a powerstone, please*

*Keep author motivated to work!!*
