He Is A Control Freak

Jezebel knew Asher could get her under control, but what if that wasn't where she wanted to be?

Isn't it, though? How wrong could it be? Wasn't she getting sick of the drugs every night and the ups and downs that went with them?

Wasn't she getting tired of balancing the Ecstasy hangover with Lortabs and Vicodin while trying to plan out when she could take the next stack?

The weekend before that, she had woken up counties away after having roofied herself so she could play a fun little memory loss puzzle with herself. She was pretty sure she'd been date raped, but the pastime had seemed like it might be worth it...

But now it was starting to seem so... dull. The memory loss puzzle had been too easy when she had Siri set to get her safely home.

God, she hated being bored, almost as much as she hated the idea of being a homeowner. Being tied down to something like that? Gross. Maybe Asher could keep her from getting bored? But he scared her.

'That's what's going to keep you from boredom, you idiot. Being afraid.' She thought.

Idiot was right. God, she was so confused. She had been confused since trying to decide on a major. It felt like she was deciding a final course for her life plan and she hated plans and now everything was spinning out of control and all she could do was take one drug and then the next to try to distract herself from the feeling of being a rat in a cage.

But now she could think about something else besides drugs instead. Him. She wasn't sure if that counted as being any better, but maybe sex would be at least mentally better for her.


Asher was waiting for her when she knocked on his door, feeling a strange blend of subdued calmness and leftover energy while coming down from the Ecstasy.

The hangover was somewhere not nearly as painful as alcohol but slightly more shitty than Vicodin. Asher studied the look on her face when she knocked.

"Interesting. You almost look peaceful with serotonin depletion."

"I'm not sure how much fun this will be for you," she said softly.

"It's not about being fun. What is it about, girl? Look at me when you answer."

She met his eyes and felt that peace. He had these pale, green eyes, and now that she was calmer and not riding a horny high, she could focus on the little details like that.

Sadly, this kind of peacefulness wasn't a real calm. For most people, it was actually depression. For her, it just felt peaceful in the sense that she wasn't all over the place. It was a sad peace, but that coolness that Asher had anchored her again.

"It's about how I made a deal to orgasm and that six punishments with orgasm is the same as one punishment without."

He smiled. "Ah, this makes me even more interested to see the real you over the next few days. Which reminds me. If you take anything and I notice you on it or on a hangover besides this one, I'm going to conclude that these lessons aren't doing you a bit of good and we'll start over until you get it right."

She stared at him, stunned. "That wasn't what you said!"

Asher lifted an eyebrow. "Unless your drugs are more important than the card you claim to want so badly to get into Sulfur's. If that's the case, then we can forget all of this right now, and you can leave."

She gave him a dark look. "Can I drink?"

"Lightly. I want you to exercise some fucking control and show me you can handle being in my doors. That's the point of all this. Get that through your thick skull."

Asher stared down at her for a moment with something that looked close to his version of frustration, and even that was cool.

But then, when she glared back, his expression changed into something more wicked and playful.

"How about we make another deal?"

She blinked, wary. Each deal with him felt like it should come with blood and a golden pen. And yet the last deal had ended up with her going back to Sulfur's, even if it was through the back door.

"What kind of deal?"

He led her to his office again, considering his thoughts. "You don't strike me as a very drug addicted person. You seem more the type to take it out of impulse and boredom. Does that seem correct?"

He made her feel predictable, and she hated that, but he was also right, and she didn't want to lie to him when she felt like maybe he could control her.

Maybe Asher would be the first person she couldn't manipulate, someone who wouldn't put up with her shit. That thought aroused her whether she liked it or not, and she couldn't ignore that.

"Yes, sir."

"You're already coming here for daily punishment. How about if you get bored, I will allow you to come to me to curtail your boredom? To me only, mind you, and if you can come see me while staying in possession of your senses, I'll keep you company."

Asher practically purred it, obviously wanting her agreement. Jezebel flinched because it felt like a strange kind of noose was being slipped around her neck.

"Will you just talk to me or get coffee if I want?"

Asher's smile was wolf-like and made her shiver even though his answer should have made her happy. "Of course, Pet."

"O-okay. Wait, I'm not agreeing to date you, though, right?"

He chuckled. "Scared of my cage?" It came out mocking. "No, you're not. Just for time. Besides, if you wish to spend more time with me, then I'll be able to see if you're behaving."

Even while the warnings went up her spine, her mouth opened. "Okay. Okay, yes, I'll take that deal."

"Wonderful. Now, strip naked and sit in this chair."


*Author's note*

*Stares at coffee mug number seven, realizes it's actually the same mug refilled seven times*

My cultured readers, if you're wondering why two chapters had the protagonist accidentally lost in a kinky tunnel – now you know why.

Sleep is but a distant memory, replaced by your wonderful comments that I refresh every 5 minutes.

Please feed my unhealthy obsession with your thoughts. A review, a like, even a "bruh" in the comments... I'll take it all!

*Sips coffee. Realizes mug is empty. Weeps silently*
