Chapter 2

The world of Dragun, a world where the strongest beings were dragons. This world is endless, and overflowing with mighty lifeforms with the capability to shatter mountains, overturn the sea, destroy the sky, and shake the endless multiverse, with few able to even destroy the multiverse itself.

Without the void, outside the the universes, one would find primordial energy gathering. This was the purest form of energy, the highest energy that was born with the creation of the world. The multiverse shook, and the nearby universes shattered and broke apart.

Logic and reason twisted and turned around the spot where this primordial energy was gathering. What was destroyed was fixed, and what was fixed was broken. Up became down, true became false and false became true. The impossible became possible, and all reason and logic were thrown out of the window.

"Looks like we have a new sibling." A Black Dragon said in a deep and sagely voice while looking at the book in front of it, trying to find where this was fated to happen, only to find that it was being written as it happened... no, the rate it was being written was faster then it was happening, and slowly things which would happen in the future began to appear in its book.

"Odd, you were not fated to be born," The Black Dragon said while the book shrank, entering its opened chest, where the book floated. The dragon looked next to where the birth of its siblings would soon appear, and there stood a skeleton dragon, this was the Dragon of Death.

"There are two of them... and unlike us, they seem to be different." Death said looking at its new siblings with a gentle smile.

"Two?" The Dragon of Destruction, A huge orange-red dragon asked while lazily appearing next to Fate.

"yes. They embody just one concept, unlike us who also embody our opposite. I'm both life and Death, Fate is both the embodiment of fate and freedom, and Dream is both the embodiment of dreams and reality... but they only have one thing." Death said lightly, curious about what was happening.

"This could mean problems." A half asleep dragon said with a bored yawn, realizing the problems that would come. Everyone nodded in agreement, and as the primordial energy began to disappear, revealing 2 eggs as big as the universe...

"They are going to fight as soon as they meet, Eternity! Move them apart." Fate said, and Eternity wasted no time and moved both eggs to each end of the multiverse. Eternity was the Dragon of Space and Time, Eternity was pretty much the whole multiverse. Everything existed within Eternity, even the void,


The sound of eggs cracking echoed across the multiverse, and slowly they watched as the first dragon was born. A huge black and red dragon stepped into this world, the aura this dragon gave off creating countless things which shouldn't be possible to happen, happen around it.

The void shouldn't normally be able to give life yet around this dragon, life began to start to develop. He wasn't giving life, he just made it so that the void could give life. Many believe that the void had no time, but in truth time and space existed everywhere. Otherwise, there couldn't be space between universes. 

On the other end of the multiverse, they watched as the Blue and White dragon stepped out from its egg, it was immune to the holds of logic and common sense. It was moving without moving, it saw everything without looking, and it blinked without blinking.

"A Paradox and a Contradiction," Fate said lightly, looking at the two dragons getting into touch with their concepts before they went on to let out mighty roars that shook the multiverse.


'Wow, I feel so powerful.' After letting out a powerful dragon cry, I felt at peace. I was the embodiment of Contradiction. I couldn't die so long as the concept exists... but what was this feeling? Something out there bugged me, something which went against contradiction.

I looked around, my eyes growing sharper and sharper with every passing second, I soon learned to see deep within the void, before seeing past them. I was a super fast learner, I soon saw the mighty dragons which were eyeing me with looks of interest, but I ignored them and looked past them... and there I saw it. Something which went against me.

That blue and white dragon also noticed me, and it instantly grew tense while showing me its teeth, and that bugged me. But before I could react, the blue and white dragon suddenly appeared before me, appearing before me without the need to move, walk, or anything like that.

It hit me without needing to attack, sending me rocketing backward and slamming into the edge of the multiverse. I let out a roar of rage, and using the power of contradiction, I blocked the attack the blue and white dragon didn't launch. 

I attacked, using the power of contradiction to clash with the power of a paradox. The power of contradiction gave me the power to do what was impossible, and a paradox went against common sense and reason but still was true and possible.

"I shall turn your contradiction into a possibility!" The Paradox dragon said angrily seeing me trying to turn the paradox he was creating into contradictions. He was doing the same to me, turning my contradictions into paradoxes. 

"Know Your Place!" I roared in rage, the fact my contradictions were being turned into paradoxes that fueled this dragon power enraged me. But it was the other way around as when I turned a paradox into a contradiction that strengthened me, it enraged the dragon.

We clashed, our shock waves shattered universes like it was nothing. We slammed through the countless universes, erasing everything in our path. We were both evenly matched, about equals in just about everything.

"Enough!" after destroying trillions of universes, and nearing the heart of the multiverse, the original universe, the dragons moved to stop us, pulling us apart. Fate took hold of us, making it so we were fated to never meet. The Dragon of Destruction erased the fact we would ever meet, while Eternity made it so space would never allow us to be remotely near each other.

"Let me kill that bastard!" The White and Blue Dragon roared, while I shook my head, snapping back to reality. I placed a hand to my head, confused as to why I was swallowed by such huge rage towards that Paradox.

"Who are you?" I asked lightly,

"I'm Death, you gained your sense of reason quickly." Death said lightly, walking around me to see what a contradiction looked like. 

"I'm Destruction," the Red and orange dragon said calmly,

"I'm dream..." The Sleepy dragon said while turning into a dream, returning to its domain, where it could sleep in peace.

"Don't mind him, Dream hates having to wake up, he is most strongest in his domain." Death said with a smile.

"I'm Fate. Contradiction, your power is unique," Fate said while looking at me for some time, for with my power, only Paradox could face me. For Paradox could turn contradiction into a paradox,

"Yeah... well, I'm going to go find a place to call my home," I said lightly, we were not speaking English, but instead a language known as the primordial tongue. I knew this thanks to my cosmic awareness, which gave me almost any information in the multiverse so long as it wasn't hidden by someone.

So, I knew enough, be it the future or the past, I was almost all-knowing. So with that in mind, I flew off, entering the main universe where I planned to find my domain. 

Each universe was like a seed, a seed that has grown to be known as the Yggdrasil. The branches of each tree held an infinite number of leaves, each leaf was a realm within the universe. Each tree holds infinite roots, each root being a timeline.

In other words, every universe held an infinite number of realms, and an infinite timeline, each timeline holding an infinite number of realms. This would put my capability at Mid 1-C seeing as I shattered so many universes without me trying.

But that wasn't important right now, I went to the main timeline of the main universe and went on to enter the main realm. Of course, while doing all of this, my size shrank, with my full size, I was bigger than the universe. 

"Well, how do I take on a human form?" I asked myself while standing on the moon, looking down upon Earth. I closed my eyes and went on to create a transformation skill. My body slowly transformed, turning more human.

'Can I use contradiction to buff my ability to create skills?' I thought not liking how weak the transformation skill was. I tried to use my power of contradiction and create Omnifarious. 

[Omnifarious]- The user has complete and absolute control over their own physical being, allowing them to manipulate their shape, density, size, and quantity or to be solid, liquid, gaseous, or pure energy. They can spread their form into smaller segments that keep their ability to transform and recombine as they wish. The user can take any form that they can imagine, independently from the laws of physics and logic.

'Okay... would that dragon be able to erase this ability thanks to being born from a contradiction? Most likely, I shouldn't try and gain knowledge using a contradiction, I should go to Earth and start learning the magic system of this world.' I thought while looking at the best magic academy on earth before I took on a child's form. It was time to start learning, build an unmatched foundation and so much more...