Chapter 3

[A/N: Almost forgot to give some warnings for this novel. As a Dragon, MC would have to fight his dragon side, so you would have MC throwing away human morals at times. This would be seen when it comes to women, treasures, and his goals. Over time, he would cast away his humanity and fully accept his dragon side, which is also one of the key reasons he and the Paradox Dragon were equal, a part of him rejected himself and thought he was still human.]

The Earth of this world was almost a perfect reflection of my old Earth, the only difference was the size of this planet which was 10 times bigger than my old Earth, plus the map of this Earth was completely different as it had 3 continents.

The smallest continent was the human continent. The second largest was the demi-human continent, home to elves, beast-man, and many other unique races. The largest continent was home to the forbidden continent, a god had died there. The blood of a god wasn't normal, monsters were born from the god's blood, along with countless unknown lifeforms that luckily couldn't leave the continent.

The human continent although wasn't the strongest, was home to some of the world's strongest powerhouses, many of which were blessed by the gods, and many of which carried the bloodline of the gods.

The human world also carried many unique things, such as cars powered by mana crystals, phones charged by the mana in the air, and the list went on. The explanation for this was actually simple, years ago, someone from my old world came to this world and seemed to have spread the concept of earth technology across this world.

Anyways today was a special day, it was the opening day of the Hero Academy. An academy that was created by the heroes who have retired to ensure that the future world can keep growing. Be it humans, elves, or beast-man, they were all gathering to start their first day at this academy.

To enroll in this academy wasn't simple, only the most talented of people could enter, or those with special backgrounds. I had to travel to this point in time to ensure that I could enjoy the academy when it was at its prime.

Anyway, I was amongst the students who entered the academy and found ourselves at the auditorium. I was a child form, looking around 8 years old. This was different from everyone around me who looked to be 13 to 18 years old.

I looked 8 years old, but this was my 17-year-old form. Looks like Omnifarous wasn't as perfect as I wished, thanks to creating that power using Contradiction, some mistakes happened.

"What is a kid doing here?" A teen asked while looking at me. I had on the uniform of the academy, my appearance was that of a black hair kid with the end of my hair a crimson red. My eyes were a beautiful crimson color, which drew the eyes of many.

"He is so adorable!" Before I could react, I was picked up by a woman who pressed me hard against her chest as she hugged me. I was caught off guard by such an act, normally I would try and fight back... but dragons were perverted lifeforms, so how could I fight back... for a moment my dragon side almost won, but I quickly tried to break free for air, while wondering why this person's voice was so deadpan.

"Sorry little guy." She said seeing she almost killed me, I secretly cursed for making this human body of mine need air, just to remember I made myself as human as possible to best gain knowledge.

"Who are you?" I asked, and I was instantly charmed by her beauty She was truly beautiful, and although her face showed zero emotions, her beauty was unmatched. Seeing my look, her deadpan look remained, but her eyes seemed to smile.

"I'm Shizuno, call me big sister Shizu." She said emotionlessly.

"I'm 17 years old," I said with a sigh, stunning her for a moment. She lifted me a bit higher so she could give me a look over for some time, and blinked as she couldn't believe that I looked like an 8-year-old.

"How could you be older than me?" She asked. She was 15 years old, so she had a hard time believing my words. 

"I age slower than most humans, although my mind ages faster. Can you put me down now?" I asked with a sigh, to which Shizuno shook her head, flipping me around, having me sit on her arms, with my back pressed against her lovely chest... this wasn't too bad.

"You're too adorable, we are now friends." She said calmly, leaving me speechless. I was just kidnapped and no one cared? Wait, a few cared, but why must they only be females? My dragon side wanted to enjoy this, but I had to hold it together.

We took a seat in the middle role of the auditorium, where the girls surrounded me, but luckily Shizu created ice to shield me, causing me to relax lightly, while realizing I would need to stay near Shizu for my own good.

"I will protect you," Shizu said while patting my head, causing me to blush in shame. I was the primordial dragon, an all-mighty being with near no equal... how far have I fallen, all for knowledge? 

"So cute!!" As if it was some anime, a group of girls cried out seeing my blush, and I died a little knowing that Fate was seeing all of this. I have blocked off their cosmic awareness, but Fate was everywhere, and the same for Eternity. 

I just looked at the ground, too disappointed in myself. I should have just gone to a universe out there, forcefully stole all of its knowledge, and went on with my day. But nope, I had to come here.

"Silence!" The Principal arrived, she was a white-haired human, known as Merlin. She was the most powerful mage on earth, without an equal. When I saw her, I subconsciously let out some steam from my nose, I wanted to go over there and force her down, bite her neck, and make her my mate... but I quickly shook my head, I wasn't a dragon. Sure Merlin was hot, easily the most beautiful human I have seen, but I couldn't have such thoughts, I was here for purely knowledge. 

The whole auditorium went quiet, while Merlin looked around. Merlin's eyes landed on me, she had sensed the gaze I had given her, her eyes narrowed for some time before looking at the ice that surrounded me, before looking at Shizu.

"Welcome to the Hero Academy..." Merlin went on to make a speech that I didn't care to listen to. Shockingly, she informed us we were all going to be of the same year. But 6 months later, there would be a test to see who should graduate to the next grade and who should remain in the same grade.

She talked for a long time, and once she was done we were allowed to leave and head to our dorm room.

"I will take you to your dorm, I will give you my number so you can call me when you want to go out," Shizu said emotionlessly. I nodded lightly, moved that she was so nice, I should make her my mate... but I quickly shook such thoughts out of my head while giving her a paper which had my information. 

"You're my next-door neighbor." She said lightly, causing my eyes to brighten. My bodyguard was nearby, I watched as she shielded the paper from the females, before she disappeared with me in her arms, leaving behind an Ice Clone. This left the females not knowing that she had left until it was too late.

"Thanks," I said gratefully, to which she nodded without showing any emotions, although her eyes said she was happy.

"Sometimes beauty is a curse... I will protect you." She said while rubbing my head, it was clear she carried a story, which left me curious.

We soon arrived at my room, where she put me down before my door while pointing at the door next to mine.

"I will be next door," She said while scanning her student ID at a scanner, which allowed the door to open, and for her to open the door. I looked at my ID and looked up at the scanner which forced me to stand on my tippy toes.

"Cute..." She said with a lost look seeing the sight, and this made me depressed. But it also gave me a question, why was it that male students were living so close to the females? Sighing, I opened the door while waving at her, and entered.

"Why am I so small," I mumbled while closing the door, and pressed my head against the door for some time, and after I had calmed myself, I turned around just to pause seeing a girl who was undressing. She had frozen, seemingly hoping that if she didn't move no one would see her.

"... Sorry, I seem to... wait, my ID opened the door, what are you doing in my room," I said in shock while looking at the beautiful crimson-haired beauty before me.

"This is my room... what is a kid doing here?" She asked finishing up putting her bra on, she was just shocked seeing me enter the room, but since I was a kid, she wasn't on guard.

"I'm 17 years old," I said almost in tears, and to this, she looked me up from head to toe, not believing my words, but seeing my look, the arrow of cuteness hit her. Not bothering to put on clothing, and only in her bra and panties, she picked me up and hugged me tightly.

"W-what are you doing?" I asked scared I couldn't control myself with such beauty. She rubbed me in her breast, causing something in my pants to start growing, hitting her stomach. This caused her to pause, and she was shocked at the sight down below. She looked up and saw me in pain as my pants were too tight.

"I need to go to the bathroom," I said in embarrassment, her face turned red and she quickly let me go, allowing me to rush to the bathroom, although my movements were weird. I quickly closed the door behind me and dropped my pants. I wasted no time in starting to jerk off while closing my eyes to picture the sight of what I had just gone through.

'How is a kid's thing so big.' Meanwhile, the crimson-haired beauty was questioning reality...