Chapter 4

"... I'm Stella Vermillion." The crimson-haired beauty said while avoiding eye contact, unable to look me in the eyes after the event that had just played out. Stella is a beautiful young woman of average height with a beautiful face, white skin, and ruby eyes. She has long crimson hair tied into twin tails using yellow ribbons. She has a captivating body, her boobs are very very big, and a voluptuous figure.

"Blaze Dragonheart," I said calmly, leaving her stunned by my name. The last name in this world carried weight, Vermillion was the name of the royal family of the Vermillion empire, and Dragonheart was the royal family of the Dragon Heart empire.

The Vermillion royal family were demi-humans who carried in them the blood of the vermillion bird, but after countless years their bloodline abilities had disappeared. Stella was special amongst her people as she was the offspring of a dragon demi-human which reawakened a few gifts of the vermillion birds and the dragon race.

"Well, we're going to be roommates from now on. It's nice to meet you, " She said with a smile, to which I gave her a confused look.

"I'm a male and you're female, I believe we should bring this matter up to the academy," I said lightly, to which she thought for a moment before nodding in agreement.

"You do have a point, what was the academy thinking." She said while opening the door, she paused as Shizu was about to knock on the door. Shizuno blinked while looking at her, before looking down at me.

"What are you doing in his room?" She asked emotionlessly, although there was a chilling tone to her voice.

"What does it have to do with you?" Stella asked crossing her arms, instantly not liking this woman.

"She is my roommate, we were just going to talk to the teachers about this matter," I said seeing the two slowly giving off their aura.

"I see..." She said while picking me up, having me sit on her arms while resting my back against her chest. This stunned Stella, and seeing how used I was to this, she realized this wasn't the first time.

"Blaze, you should be more careful of strangers. From the moment you saw her, you should have called for me." She said lightly while walking off, completely ignoring Stella whose face turned dark in rage at such a show of disrespect.

"Put him down," Stella said angrily while she pulled a long golden sword from seemingly nowhere. Shizuno turned to look at Stella, allowing me to see the sword... and instantly my eyes glowed seeing a treasure.

"No," Shizuno said as ice gathered around us, and seeing this Stella willed flames to cover her sword, ready to cut down her enemy. 

'I should take her sword... but why stop at her sword when I could have both her and the sword?' I thought hungry for the two treasures, but I quickly returned to reality before jumping out of Shizuno's hands and going on to stop the two.

"Stop fighting. We can all be friends, right? I mean, you two are the only friends I have." I said, not knowing what to say, but this caused the two to pause before they slowly nodded as if coming to an agreement.

"Fine, guess we could come to some sort of an agreement," Stella said while putting her sword away. I tried to study how she did it, but so far I had no idea how the magic of this world works, I was looking forward to learning it.

"I can allow you to look at him," Shizuno said while picking me up once more, but this enraged Stella. It took some back and forth, but soon they agreed to hold my hand, as we all walked... I wasn't happy with this, I was enjoying my throne...

[A few minutes later]

"What do you mean? You meant to do that?" Stella yelled in shock at Merlin who was looking at us with a smirk.

"Yes, he is just a little kid. So what is the problem?" Merlin asked with a teasing smile, causing Stella to be at a loss for words, while her mind flashed back to the monster she saw... what was so little about that?

"If that's so, then he should stay in my room," Shizuno said lightly, making Merlin shake her head.

"Sorry Shizuno, but I had placed Blaze with Stella. I had you next door thanks to your brother." Merlin said leaving me confused as to why she would do that. I looked at her for some time, before deciding we needed to speak alone.

So, when Stella and Shizuno left, I stayed back to speak with Merlin alone, which the two allowed. This caused Merlin's relaxed and playful smile to disappear as soon as the two left.

"You know who I am?" I asked calmly, to which Merlin nodded her body as tense as it could be.

"So what do you hope to gain from this?" I asked with a deep frown

"Fundings. The Vermillion royal family asked me to play matchmaker between you and their princess. It seems like they had news of who you were, in fact, news of who you are as known by many of the royal families," Merlin said lightly,

"I didn't come here for love but to simply learn magic... I don't want to let my lust cloud my judgment... for you will be in my harem if such a thing happens." I said sizing her up with lust, but I quickly shook my head, regaining my sense of reason.

"I don't mind, it's not like I can resist if primordial wishes to take me. But I ask for one thing, and I will happily marry you." She said and I nodded almost instantly.

"Then state your wish," I said without a second thought before I shook my head, I couldn't make choices off lust alone... but this wasn't off lust. With Merlin out of all people as my wife, wouldn't that make her the perfect teacher? She would teach me in class, outside class... in our bed...

"Protect Midgard... you don't even need to do much, giving humans the means needed to protect ourselves is more than enough. I will happily be your wife," Merlin said lightly, to which I nodded at how simple that wish was.

"A simple wish, then as of this moment you're my wife. As I learn magic, I shall help you all." I said while turning to leave.

Merlin watched me leave before she grinned. She had jumped at the opportunity of being the principal when she heard of the news of a primordial here, the news was kept guarded extremely well, but in the end, she was able to find it. Why? She wanted to do just this. She wanted all of the knowledge, she wanted to know more of the primordials, the universes, and the multiverse. Her body and heart were a small price to pay. She would have even sold her soul, this was nothing to her.