Chapter 5

"Blaze, are you hungry?" Stella asked trying to pull me towards a store that was selling sweets, but Shizu pulled me away, wanting to protect my poor teeth. We had just left the principal office.

"Hungry? I have been hungry since yesterday, it's easy to ignore the hunger after a few days." I said with a bored yawn, when food comes up, I get sleepy. I trained my brain to do this, this way I could eat sleep.

"You haven't eaten since yesterday?" Shizu eyes widened in shock, to which I just nodded. Stella and Shizu both looked at each other and for the first time in their lives, the two girls who came to dislike each other came to agree upon something else other than the fact I was adorable. 

"No wonder you're so small, how are you going to grow if you don't eat right?" they dragged me off to a restaurant, where they quickly ordered me food, and my eyes glowed seeing so much food placed before me. I had to remove my saliva dripping from my mouth.

Yesterday was the day in which I had created my human form when I appeared before the Dragonheart Emperor, let's say he had to pull a lot of strings to get me enrolled into the academy as quickly as possible. I guess that's why he had to spill the beans about me being a primordial who wanted some knowledge. 

"Thank you... I owe you two." I said seriously. These two girls have won my heart, and I shall reward them with being my wife.

"You don't owe me anything, eat up," Shizu said emotionless, although her eyes were soft.

"You say that like you're the one paying!" Stella said giving Shizu a death glare, which Shizu ignored completely, annoying Stella, but she quickly looked over as I took my first bite.

I opened my mouth, taking in the soup which seemed to have been created using the meat of some magical beast. As soon as my taste buds came into contact with the food... I felt like my world exploded. Tastes that I never imagined existed were experienced, a world of unimaginable flavors that caused my mind to pause, freezing as I went paralyzed, needing some time from my human side to comprehend such magical and heavenly things I was sensing.

"Blaze, are you okay?" Stella and Shizu panicked seeing a teardrop falling from my eye, I ignored them, closing my eyes while facing the sky... At this moment, my story could end and I would be at peace,

"It's beautiful," I said with an at-peace smile. Without knowing, a magical circle appeared above me, I had yet to even learn how to use mana, or what it was. My mana was outside my control, and all thanks to the enlightened state I was within, a spell never before seen was created.

The magic circle was golden in color, a rare color for magic circles. But from that magic circle, a ray of golden light fell upon me, hitting my soul. Before everyone's shocked eyes, my soul floated out of my body, ascending to the heavens.

"Blaze!" The two girls panicked as they quickly used mana to grab my soul, and put it back into my body, snapping me back to reality. Before I could say anything, Stella hugged me tightly as she began crying, leaving me speechless.

"What?" I asked in confusion,

"Your soul almost passed on," Shizu said emotionlessly while pulling Stella off me. I was left speechless and confused by her words, but after some focus, I felt something different in my mind. I had experienced casting a spell.

I closed my eyes, focusing on that experience, and thanks to my endless talent, It allowed me to quickly understand what happened.

By the way, about my endless talent. It came with many sub-abilities, such as instant mastery, fast development, and the list went on. But it had one limitation, I couldn't go from 0 to 100 instantly.

For example, let's say you have instant mastery. The power to master anything and everything without limit. But let's say you were born within a white and black room, where you grew up. You never came across anything that could help you learn, so no way to understand the concept of numbers, speak, shower, and anything like that. All you knew was black and white, how to crawl since you didn't know the concept of walking, and other things.

Now, let's say you're instantly taught something as hard as rocket science, would you still be able to instantly comprehend everything without zero concept of the words being said to you, the words being written to you, and the numbers being thrown at you? Would you instantly be able to master it all and go on to answer every question when you were taught as if you had a good foundation for such things?

If the answer is yes, that means what you had isn't instant mastery, but something greater. Instant mastery just removes the time needed to master something, but if it would take till the end of time to master something, instant mastery wouldn't kick in until you have a good foundation of knowledge first.

So, although I was a super genius, and quickly began to understand the state I was in just a moment ago, I had no foundation to work on and would need to learn... of course, if I had the power of contradiction, I could just master it and understand it. But if the Paradox dragon could turn my contradiction into a paradox, so could other omnipotent beings out there. I need to master my powers, and to do that I plan to first know everything needed to know with magic and learn to improve my magic to grander heights before I touch upon my power of contradiction.

Anyways, back to my mind, I could feel the state I had been within was special, a state where I was one with the world. I couldn't put my finger on it yet, but at that moment I cast the spell, I was truly at peace, this led to my will connecting with the will of the world, leading to the spell being cast without my knowledge. 

So, with this in mind, magic had something to do with a person's will and the world. I didn't use my magical energy and instead used the magic in the air around me. I didn't know if this was common or not, I also didn't know if people of this world used chants to cast spells.

Although I wanted to ask some questions, I chose to remain quiet, letting my mind race with the questions I planned to look into later.

"Just what spell was that? You didn't even chant." Shizu said once she got Stella off me. I shrugged at her words as I didn't even know the effect of the spell,

"All I know was that at the moment, I felt satisfied with life... as if I lived all my life for this moment," I said lightly while going on to eat the food, crying once more about how good the food was. Forget that salted water, and trash I used to eat... this was heaven.

"Oh..." The two girls gave me a look of pity. In the royal family, they eat food light years above what I was eating at the moment, so of course they felt pity for me that such simple food almost killed me.

'I can't believe I almost died... I can't die, not until that bastard is dead.' I thought calmly, then again if I died, I would just return to my dragon form. I should be the weakest primordial, after all, how many contradictions take place across the multiverse? But the fact I was the strongest was also a contradiction. But should that mean my mindset was also a contradiction? 

For example, if I loved something, I would destroy it. If I hate something, I will protect it. Should my likes and dislikes contradict my actions? Well, that was simple. I was a genius, I had quickly mastered my power during the battle with Paradox, and in that battle, I learned to have my concept under my will.

I was sure right now, with a clear head and not lost in that berserk-like state that I was within, I could defeat Paradox.

"Hey... that spell you had cast. It is new?" An elf with a spear resting on her back asked while standing over me, looking down upon me with glowing green eyes, a sight which caused Shizu and Stella to go on guard.

