chapter 7

"I'm full," I said while rubbing my stomach, unable to eat anymore. I only ate one plate out of the dozen that were brought. I thought it was a waste to just ignore the food, so I didn't know what to do...

"Husband, I can finish the food if you don't mind," Luna said to which I looked towards Stella and Shizu. They were both sitting on the side of the table opposite Luna, with me sitting on Shizu's right lap and Stella's left lap. They would have fought, so I had no choice but to do this to keep the peace.

"I take it as your reward for defeating me... even though you were lucky," Stella said with a snort, and to that Luna wasted no time as, with a flash, the food on the table began to disappear. My eyes widened seeing such a sight, she was moving so fast she was leaving behind after images.

"That's hot," I said lightly, seeing a woman who could eat... well, let's say I found that attractive. But my words caused me to get looks from Stella and Shizu, at that, I gave them an innocent look, which melted away their displeasure.

Well, Luna wasted no time in finishing all of the food. The shocking thing was that she wasn't full, she saw it as a snack... I wonder if she would like another... cough, never mind that thought.

Well, we left the restaurant and headed off toward the dorms.

"Hey Luna, I want to have a body as strong as yours. Can you teach me?" I asked to which Luna blinked lightly.

"I rather not husband, the willpower needed isn't small. You should focus on magic." She said with an uneasy look, but I shook my head, unwilling to let go.

"F-fine, but first you will join me for my morning training," Luna said to which I jumped in joy, much to Stella's annoyance, all while Shizu frowned, unsure about the training she was talking about.

"Well, this is my dorm. Come get me so we can train together." I said to which Luna nodded seriously while sizing up my body. She was unsure if I could spend a night with her, so she put it to mind to train my body.

"Then, I will come get you in the morning," Luna said lightly, before walking off. I watched her leave, ignoring Stella's mumbling. Stella opened the door before stepping in, wanting to shut the door on Shizu, but Shizu forced her way in.

"Blaze, do you want me to sleep here with you? You can come into my room if you want." Shizu said causing veins to grow on Stella's forehead. 

"Is that allowed? I don't want you to get in trouble," I said making Shizu think for a second before she went on to ask about where I would sleep. There were 2 beds, and not that much room.

"When will your stuff arrive?" Shizu asked to which I awkwardly scratched my head,

"I don't have anything..." I said with slight embarrassment. Shizu frowned for a moment, but she nodded.

"Tomorrow I will take you shopping... Stella, go buy him a toothbrush, along with pajamas," Shizu ordered, enraging Stella who marched over and angrily pulled Shizu out of her dorm. To say the least, they fought for some time until Shizu had no choice but to go to her dorm as there was a risk of her facing trouble from this.

"She is so annoying," Stella said in annoyance but paused while looking at me, who was just watching everything play out with a speechless look.

"Cough, I have an extra toothbrush. Let's go brush our teeth." Stella said to which I nodded before we both went into the bathroom. I couldn't reach the mirror, so Stella had to pick me up, allowing me to sit on her arm while resting my back on her breast. Like that, I brush my teeth with her.

"Oh, we should take a bath... alone," Stella said with a blush at the thought of something. I nodded lightly, although I was disappointed as I wanted to see more of her figure, I quickly finished washing myself and left her to take her bath.

"You can use my phone while I'm taking a shower." She said seeing as I would have nothing to do while waiting for her. I thanked her while looking at the thing called a phone... it was a ring.

I was left speechless while putting the ring on. Stella blushed seeing how I put it on my ring finger, but she said nothing while watching the hologram which appeared in my palm. I took the hologram of a phone, and I felt the illusion of holding something that was real.

I took the phone with both hands and found I could enlarge the phone into a tablet, or shrink it into a flip phone. I played with it for some time, and seeing this Stella smiled while she went to take a shower.

After playing with the phone for some time, I went on to go ahead and see if I could find information on magic online. As expected, there were videos or places out there that taught the basics of magic, although I did find that it was illegal to teach spells online since one didn't know who they were teaching magic to. It wasn't so easy to teach magic, so they could only teach what magic was, how mana worked and the list went on.

'Mana isn't lifeforce, in this world, Mana is what makes up the thing around us, from the air, trees, dirt, and living beings. With the help of a magic formula, one could give mana tasks on what to do. but magic formula alone isn't enough as it needs chants to help focus and control the mana.' I thought while going through the sea of information and videos.

From the looks of things, using magic was simple. All you needed to know was the formula and the chant. High-level mages could cast simple spells without the need for a magic circle or a chant.

But there was also something many seemed to overlook, one needs to have their will inlined with the spell. But this was basic stuff I was finding online, I could understand why there was missing information.