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Chapter 6: The Realm of Ice and Madness

The Land of Ooo glittered beneath a twilight sky, casting hues of pink and purple that glistened against the towering blue ice structures of the Ice Kingdom. It was a cold, unforgiving landscape, filled with razor-sharp spires of frost and sheets of frozen rivers. The wind howled through the kingdom like a living creature, its chill biting into everything it touched. At the heart of this frozen expanse sat Ice King, his throne perched atop the highest peak of his towering ice castle.

The once-mighty wizard slouched lazily in his grand chair, his long blue beard trailing across his chest, bored. His crown, glowing faintly with its mystical energy, pulsed above his head, the source of all his power. Penguins shuffled around the room, oblivious to their master's growing impatience.

"I need Finn and Jake. Where are those two when I need to stir things up?" Ice King grumbled, flicking his hand and creating a small swirl of snow in front of him. "What's the point of all this ice magic if I can't show it off?"

But as if in answer to his complaints, the air in the throne room suddenly became unnaturally still. The icy chill that usually made Ice King feel at home deepened to an unfamiliar intensity, sending a shiver even down his spine. His breath, usually visible in the cold, now condensed into thick white clouds, freezing faster than usual.

Ice King stood abruptly, looking around. "Huh? What's this?"

A ripple passed through the very fabric of the room, and without warning, the walls began to warp, bending inward as though some unseen force were pressing down on them. The ice groaned and cracked under the pressure.

From the heart of the disturbance, a figure emerged, Sage Blank, his crystalline body glowing faintly, the eerie question mark on his face shimmering in the dim light. His presence distorted the space around him, warping reality as he moved. He stepped forward, his movements calm but imbued with an undeniable force.

Ice King straightened, his shock quickly turning to indignation. "Who dares to enter the realm of the Ice King uninvited?" he shouted, raising his hands as blue sparks of magic flickered around his fingertips.

But Sage Blank remained silent, his gaze locked on the Ice King, his stillness almost mocking.

"You think you can just waltz in here and, what? Challenge me? You don't know who you're messing with, buddy!" Ice King bellowed, gathering energy into his palms. "You're about to see just how powerful I am!"

With a sweep of his arm, Ice King summoned massive spikes of ice from the ground. They shot toward Sage Blank like spears, cutting through the air with terrifying speed. The wind howled as the ice spears hurtled forward, their jagged edges gleaming in the dim light.

Sage Blank didn't move. His faceless form remained still, the question mark glowing slightly brighter. As the spears neared him, he flicked his quill gently. The ice javelins disintegrated before they could even touch him, bursting into fine, harmless mist that drifted to the ground.

Ice King blinked in shock. "What?! No way!" His voice cracked with frustration. "You think you're so tough? Let's see how you handle this!"

He flung his arms wide, summoning a colossal blizzard. Snow and wind swirled violently, the storm filling the entire throne room with its ferocity. The howling wind made the walls shake, and even the ground trembled as the blizzard raged, thickening until nothing could be seen beyond the veil of snow.

The Ice King's laughter echoed through the storm. "Ha! Let's see how you like my Blizzard of Eternal Frost! Nothing can stand against it!"

Yet Sage Blank remained unmoved in the center of the storm. The winds whipped around him, the snowstorm raging at full force, but he was untouched. His glowing form stood tall and still, as though the storm itself bent around him, unable to touch his crystalline body.

With a flick of his quill, the blizzard froze in place. Every flake of snow and gust of wind hung motionless in the air for a split second before dissolving entirely, leaving the room in eerie silence.

Ice King's face fell. His icy confidence shattered as he realized his most powerful storm had been neutralized effortlessly. "What… how…?" he stammered, his voice trembling with disbelief.

Sage Blank slowly lifted his hand, the quill poised between his fingers. The air around Ice King thickened as though reality itself was being pulled tighter, compressing around him. Ice King felt the weight of Sage's power bearing down on him, his crown dimming as the magic within it began to flicker.

"Hey! What are you doing?" Ice King yelled, panic creeping into his voice. "You can't just take my powers! That's… that's cheating!"

Sage Blank remained silent, his quill weaving through the air. The energy in the room shifted, and suddenly Ice King felt the very essence of his magic being siphoned away. His crown, once glowing brightly, now dulled, the gem atop it dimming as his power was drained into the void.

"No! No, no, no! Not my crown!" Ice King cried, stumbling backward as he tried to summon another spell, but his hands were heavy, and the magic wouldn't come. His powers were slipping away, leaving him weak and vulnerable.

Sage Blank tilted his head, his quill still working its way through the space between them, sealing away the Ice King's powers as though they were nothing more than words on a page to be erased.

Desperate, Ice King tried one last time to gather his strength. "You don't know what you're doing! Without my crown, I'm just… I'm just…" His voice faltered, the energy in his body completely drained. The once-mighty Ice King collapsed to his knees, his power stripped from him.

Sage Blank lifted his hand again, and the walls of the Ice King's palace began to fold inward. The icy fortress contorted, the spires collapsing in on themselves as the space warped and twisted. The entire kingdom bent under Sage's will, reshaping itself into an impenetrable cube of ice, with the powerless Ice King trapped at its center.

"No, no, no!" Ice King screamed, pounding weakly against the walls of his prison. "Let me out! I have princesses to kidnap! Fights to lose!"

But his voice echoed in the cold void, unheard and unanswered.

Sage Blank, his task complete, turned away from the frozen prison. Another piece had been placed on the board of his grand game. He stepped toward the next rift, his gaze shifting toward the far reaches of the Land of Ooo, where a young hero and his loyal companion awaited.

A boy with a sword and a yellow dog. Finn and Jake. They would be next.

Sage stepped into the portal, disappearing into the dark void.