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Chapter 7: Unstoppable Heroes

The Land of Ooo was quiet, too quiet. Finn and Jake stood at the edge of a grassy hill, their eyes scanning the familiar landscape. But something about the stillness set their nerves on edge. The breeze that normally brought the scent of adventure now carried an unsettling weight, as if the world itself was holding its breath.

"I don't like this, man," Jake muttered, stretching lazily but failing to shake off the creeping anxiety. "Something feels off, really off."

Finn, gripping his sword tightly, nodded. "Yeah, I feel it too. Like something's about to go down."

As if summoned by their unease, the sky above them rippled. The bright hues of pink and blue twisted unnaturally, swirling together into a void of darkness. From the center of the tear, Sage Blank descended. His presence was like nothing they had ever encountered. His white, ethereal body glowed faintly, a figure of serene yet terrifying power.

Jake's jaw dropped. "What the lump is that?"

The entity hovered above them, his question-marked face giving away nothing of his intentions. His voice, however, cut through the air like a blade. "You are Finn the Human and Jake the Dog. You have faced many enemies. Now, you will face me."

"Whoa-ho-ho, another weird cosmic guy!" Jake groaned, instantly ballooning into a giant form, his stretchy body expanding in preparation for whatever was coming. "Why is it always the super freaky ones?"

Finn, his pulse quickening with excitement, couldn't help but grin. "I don't care who he is. We've beaten the bad guys before, and we'll do it again!" He tightened his grip on the Demon Blood Sword, its red edge gleaming in the soft light. "Let's do this!"

Without hesitation, Finn rushed forward, his sword raised high. The Demon Blood Sword, forged from magical essence, had seen him through countless battles. The blade whistled through the air as Finn leaped, swinging the sword directly at Sage Blank.

But Sage remained still, his quill glowing faintly in his hand. At the last moment, he moved with a calm grace, sidestepping Finn's attack. With a casual flick of his quill, the air around them distorted. Finn's sword strike missed entirely, and he was sent flying backward as the very fabric of reality bent around him.

"Whoa!" Finn tumbled to the ground, quickly recovering with a roll. He blinked in confusion. "What the..? How did he do that?"

"Hold up!" Jake shouted, now the size of a towering giant. His massive fist swung down toward Sage Blank with enough force to topple mountains. "You don't mess with my bro!"

But just as Jake's enormous punch neared Sage, the same thing happened. Sage flicked his quill, and Jake's fist was deflected as if it had hit an impenetrable wall. The force of the deflection sent shockwaves through the ground, splitting the earth around them, but Sage remained completely unmoved.

Jake shrank back to his normal size, shaking his head in disbelief. "He swatted me away like a bug! I don't like this, man."

"We're not done yet!" Finn called out, already pulling out his second sword, the Finn Sword, a weapon crafted from a paradox of his own existence. With both swords in hand, he charged again, this time slashing in a flurry of attacks, hoping that one would land.

Finn moved with the speed and skill of a seasoned warrior. The Demon Blood Sword and Finn Sword gleamed in the dim light, their edges cutting through the air as he unleashed a series of rapid strikes.

But Sage Blank remained calm, effortlessly dodging each swing with minimal movement. Every time Finn's blades got close, a simple flick of the quill sent them off course. Sage was barely lifting a finger, yet it was as if reality itself bent to his will.

"Come on!" Finn growled, pushing harder, trying every move in his arsenal, feints, flips, and combination strikes with both swords. Nothing worked. His frustration grew with each failed attack.

Jake, watching from the side, couldn't stand it any longer. "That's it! I'm going big again!"

He stretched his body once more, transforming into a giant form, this time larger than ever before. "We gotta hit him together, Finn!" Jake bellowed, his booming voice echoing across the land.

Finn nodded, dashing toward Sage Blank once more, both swords at the ready. Jake's enormous fist came down in sync with Finn's dual attack, their combined assault aimed directly at Sage from both angles.

Sage Blank, for the first time, seemed to acknowledge the seriousness of the attack. He raised his quill, and with a graceful stroke, the very air around him twisted. The space between him and Finn distorted again, bending in impossible ways.

Finn's swords were flung from his hands as he was once again hurled backward by the sheer force of the reality shift. Jake's giant punch was met with the same result, deflected like a mere breeze, his massive form crashing into the ground with a loud thud.

"This is bad," Jake grunted, shrinking back to his normal size. "We need something stronger. Something better."

Finn scrambled back to his feet, breathing heavily. "Yeah, we're not hitting him. He's… he's bending everything around us. We can't fight him like this."

They stood side by side, panting from the exertion, staring at Sage Blank as he hovered above them, calm and unreadable. The two friends had faced countless enemies, but nothing like this.

"Finn," Jake said, his voice low but steady. "I think it's time."

Finn's eyes narrowed as he looked at Jake. "You sure?"

Jake nodded. "We've faced worse, man. We can do this. We just need to go all out."

Finn's eyes lit up with determination. "Alright. Let's do it."

With a shared glance, the two of them knew exactly what came next. It was a move they had only used in the most dire of situations, when everything else had failed. They had trained for this, fought together for years. It was time to pull out their most powerful ability.

"Merge!" Finn shouted.

Jake's body immediately expanded, not in his usual giant form, but as armor. His stretchy form wrapped around Finn, his body morphing and molding to fit perfectly over his friend. In a matter of seconds, Finn was fully encased in a massive, muscular form of Jake's making, their powers combined into one entity. Jake's stretchy form flexed and hardened, becoming both flexible and indestructible, while Finn took control from within.

Jake's voice echoed through the combined form. "Alright, dude. Let's show this guy what we're made of!"

Finn, now fully armored in Jake's protective body, grinned. His sword reappeared in his hand, but this time it crackled with Jake's stretchy energy, radiating with immense power.

They weren't just Finn and Jake anymore. They were Finn-Jake, an unstoppable force.

The battle wasn't over. Not yet.


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