Chapter 2: The First Encounter

Luis stood by the window, his crimson eyes scanning the courtyard below. The maid had fled, and silence now filled the room. He wasn't sure how long he had been here, or what this place was exactly. A castle, maybe? Or a mansion? It didn't matter. His mind was already racing, piecing together his next move.

This world—High School DxD—was full of threats. Devils, angels, fallen angels… they would all come into play soon enough. If his memories of the story served him right, the conflict between these factions was a powder keg waiting to explode. And he, with the power of Garou, was a walking spark.

Still, Luis had no desire to join the fray. His only goal was to live without unnecessary burdens or responsibility. But he knew better than to think he could avoid conflict forever. Power like his wouldn't go unnoticed for long.

His eyes narrowed as he caught a flicker of movement in the courtyard. A figure emerged from the shadows, cloaked in a black robe. Luis watched, his curiosity piqued. Whoever it was, they were coming straight toward the mansion.

A chill ran down his spine. His instincts told him this wasn't just some random encounter. The air around him shifted, and Luis tensed as he felt the presence of something powerful. Something not human.

The door to his room burst open with a loud bang, and Luis turned sharply, his body already shifting into a combat stance. Standing in the doorway was a tall man with short, slicked-back hair and a sharp, predatory smile. His eyes gleamed with an unnatural glow, and a dark aura radiated from him.

A devil.

The man's smile widened as he stepped into the room, his gaze fixed on Luis. "So, you're the one causing all the disturbance. I must say, you're not quite what I expected."

Luis didn't move, his red eyes cold and calculating. "And you are?"

"Ah, where are my manners?" The man gave a mocking bow. "My name is Diodora Astaroth, of the Astaroth clan. I've been watching you, and I must admit, you intrigue me."

Luis narrowed his eyes. He recognized the name. In the story, Diodora Astaroth was a minor antagonist, a devil who had an unhealthy obsession with forcing women into his service. He wasn't someone to be trusted.

"What do you want?" Luis asked, his voice flat.

Diodora chuckled, his eyes gleaming with amusement. "Straight to the point, I see. Very well. I've come with an offer. You're new to this world, aren't you? I can sense it. You're not like the others." He stepped closer, his aura growing more oppressive. "Join me, and I'll ensure you have a place of power. Together, we could rule over this world."

Luis's lip curled into a sneer. "I'm not interested."

Diodora's smile faltered for a moment, then returned with a sly twist. "Oh? And why is that? You have no idea what kind of enemies you'll make here. Power like yours will attract attention, whether you want it or not."

Luis clenched his fists, feeling the energy crackling beneath his skin. He wasn't a fool. He knew that others would come for him eventually, drawn to his strength like moths to a flame. But joining someone like Diodora? That wasn't even an option.

"I'm not here to play your games," Luis said, his voice low and dangerous. "I don't care about ruling, and I don't need your protection. So, get lost."

Diodora's eyes flashed with anger, and for a brief moment, his calm demeanor cracked. "You'll regret this," he hissed, his voice venomous. "You think you can survive on your own in this world? You have no idea what's coming."

Before Luis could respond, Diodora's aura flared violently, dark energy swirling around him. His eyes glowed with malice as he raised his hand, summoning a sphere of black energy.

Luis's body tensed, his instincts screaming at him to move. But he didn't. Instead, he stood his ground, his gaze locked on Diodora's as the devil prepared to strike.

And then, in an instant, Luis let the beast within him loose.

His body shifted, muscles bulging and skin darkening as the transformation took hold. His white hair flared like a mane, and his eyes burned brighter, a terrifying red. The air around him vibrated with raw power, and the floor beneath his feet cracked under the pressure.

Diodora hesitated for just a second, but that was all Luis needed.

With a single leap, Luis crossed the room in an instant, his fist connecting with Diodora's chest before the devil could even react. The impact sent a shockwave through the building, shattering windows and splintering walls. Diodora was thrown backward, crashing through the stone walls and out into the courtyard below.

Luis stood there, his monstrous form still thrumming with power, as the dust settled. His breath came out in slow, controlled bursts, his red eyes locked on the hole in the wall where Diodora had disappeared.

For a moment, there was silence. Then, from the courtyard, came the sound of Diodora's pained laughter.

"You… you're even more powerful than I thought," Diodora's voice echoed up from the rubble. He staggered to his feet, clutching his chest, his once smug expression now replaced with twisted admiration. "This isn't over. I'll be back… and next time, I'll come with more than just words."

With that, the devil vanished in a flash of dark energy, leaving Luis alone once more.

Luis exhaled, his body slowly returning to its normal form. He stared at the spot where Diodora had stood, his mind racing. This was just the beginning. Diodora wasn't the only one who would come after him. And next time, it wouldn't be just words.

Luis clenched his fists, his expression hardening. If this world wanted a fight, then that's what they would get. He didn't ask for this power, but if they pushed him, he wouldn't hesitate to use it.

He would crush anyone who tried to stand in his way.