Chapter 3: The Devil’s Shadow

The wreckage in the courtyard lay silent as dusk settled over the mansion. Luis stood near the jagged hole in the wall, staring out into the distance where Diodora had vanished. The fight had been brief, but the implications weighed heavily on his mind. His power was immense, beyond what he could have imagined, but it had drawn the attention of someone dangerous far too soon.

Luis let out a sigh, his red eyes glowing faintly as they scanned the horizon. I didn't want to get involved with devils or their wars… He turned away from the broken wall, retreating deeper into the room. But now, there was no escaping it.

Word would spread. Diodora wouldn't keep quiet about his power. And soon, more devils, angels, or even dragons would come looking for him, each with their own schemes. But the worst part? He didn't care. He didn't care about their politics or their power struggles.

But this world wasn't going to let him live in peace.

Luis clenched his fist, the memory of the fight still fresh. His body had responded instinctively to the threat, transforming into something monstrous and unstoppable. He hadn't even tapped into the full extent of his power. He didn't want to think about what might happen if he lost control entirely.

His thoughts were interrupted by the creaking of the door. It was the same maid from earlier, hesitantly stepping into the room. She looked more cautious this time, but there was a faint determination in her eyes.

"Master…" she began, her voice soft but steady. "There's someone here to see you."

Luis raised an eyebrow. Another visitor? So soon? His body tensed, already preparing for another confrontation. Who now?

The maid shifted nervously under his gaze. "It's… a devil, but not like the last one."

Luis stood silently for a moment, weighing his options. He could ignore it, pretend he wasn't interested, but then again… avoiding the inevitable wouldn't make it disappear. If this world wanted him to play its game, then he might as well see what the next move was.

"Fine," Luis said, his voice flat. "Send them in."

The maid nodded quickly and disappeared. Moments later, the door opened again, and a new figure stepped in. Unlike Diodora, this one was much more composed—tall, elegant, with a regal aura surrounding him. His dark hair framed a pale, sharp face, and his eyes, although cold, were not filled with malice like the last devil.

Luis recognized him immediately.

Sirzechs Lucifer.

Luis's red eyes narrowed slightly. This wasn't just any devil. This was one of the most powerful beings in the Underworld, a true king among his kind. The fact that Sirzechs had come personally was a sign that things had escalated far beyond what Luis had anticipated.

Sirzechs offered a calm, almost diplomatic smile. "You must be Luis," he said, his voice deep but measured. "I've heard about the… event earlier."

Luis crossed his arms, his gaze unwavering. "I'm guessing you're not here for small talk."

Sirzechs chuckled softly, though there was a seriousness behind his eyes. "No, I'm not. You've stirred up quite the storm in a very short time. Diodora may not be the most formidable opponent, but his family is influential. And they won't take kindly to what happened today."

Luis scoffed. "He came to me. I didn't go looking for trouble."

"I believe you," Sirzechs said, taking a step forward. "But the problem is, you've now been marked. Diodora won't be the last devil who comes knocking."

Luis stayed silent, his expression hardening. He didn't need anyone to tell him that. He already knew what was coming.

"Which brings me to my point," Sirzechs continued, his tone becoming more direct. "I'm not here to threaten you. Quite the opposite, actually. I'd like to offer you protection."

Luis raised an eyebrow. "Protection? From who? More devils? I'm not exactly the type who needs saving."

Sirzechs nodded thoughtfully. "That's clear. But your strength alone won't keep the factions at bay. This world operates on alliances, power balances. Even someone as powerful as you will eventually find yourself overwhelmed by the constant interference from devils, fallen angels, or even the Church. It's inevitable."

Luis's eyes narrowed. "And what exactly are you proposing?"

"Join me," Sirzechs said simply. "Not as a subordinate, but as an ally. With your strength and my influence, we can keep the Underworld and other factions from constantly hounding you. You won't be dragged into the politics of it all. I can ensure that."

Luis stared at Sirzechs for a long moment, weighing his words. He didn't trust easily, especially not a devil, even if it was the Lucifer himself. But Sirzechs wasn't Diodora. He wasn't driven by petty ambition or twisted desires. There was a certain level of respect in his offer, even if it came with hidden motives.

Still, Luis wasn't the type to accept alliances lightly.

"And what do you get out of this?" Luis asked, his voice cold and direct.

Sirzechs smiled faintly. "I get to keep the peace. I'm not interested in starting a war over misunderstandings, and your power… it's dangerous. If it goes unchecked, there are those who might see it as a threat. But if you're under my protection, they'll think twice before making any rash decisions."

Luis considered the offer. It was tempting in a way—having someone powerful enough to keep the other devils off his back. But it also came with strings. No alliance was truly free of obligation.

"I'll think about it," Luis finally said, his tone neutral.

Sirzechs nodded, seemingly satisfied with the response. "That's all I ask. Take your time. But be careful. The longer you remain unaffiliated, the more dangerous your position becomes."

With that, Sirzechs turned and left the room, leaving Luis alone once more.

Luis stood there for a while, staring at the closed door. He could feel the weight of the world bearing down on him. This wasn't going to be simple. No matter how much he tried to distance himself, he was now a part of this world's intricate web of power struggles.

And as much as he wanted to ignore it all, he knew that eventually, he would have to make a choice.

Stay neutral and face the constant barrage of threats… or align himself with someone powerful enough to keep the others at bay.

But Luis wasn't ready to give up his freedom just yet. He would wait. He would watch. And when the time came, he would make his move.

For now, though, he would remain the silent storm—waiting, watching, and ready to crush anyone foolish enough to challenge him.