Chapter 4: A Devil's Offer Rejected

The flickering candlelight cast long shadows on the stone walls of the mansion as Luis paced back and forth. Sirzechs Lucifer had left only moments ago, but his words echoed in Luis's mind. The offer of protection. The warning that more devils, fallen angels, or worse would come after him. But that wasn't what gnawed at him.

It was the strings attached.

Luis gritted his teeth, his crimson eyes glowing faintly in the dim room. He'd lived under the thumb of others before, bending to their rules, playing by their expectations. Here, in this world—no, in this second life—he wouldn't bow to anyone. Not to devils, not to angels, and certainly not to someone like Sirzechs, no matter how reasonable he seemed.

Yet, as much as he wanted to avoid all of it, the weight of this world's politics was closing in on him. He could feel the eyes of powerful beings on him, lurking in the shadows, waiting for their moment to strike. And his confrontation with Diodora had only hastened the inevitable.

Protection? Luis scoffed to himself. He didn't need protection. What he needed was time. Time to figure out how to wield his monstrous power without drawing more attention.

But time was a luxury he didn't have.

A soft knock echoed through the room, pulling him from his thoughts. Luis turned sharply, his senses heightened. His instincts told him this wasn't just another maid.

The door creaked open, and a figure stepped inside, dressed in dark, flowing robes. She moved with an eerie grace, her long silver hair cascading over her shoulders. Her face was pale, with delicate, almost ethereal features, but it was her eyes—piercing and calculating—that told Luis she wasn't to be trifled with.


Luis's eyes narrowed. He recognized her as well—Sirzechs's queen and one of the most powerful devils in the Underworld. Her presence here meant that Sirzechs wasn't done yet.

"I apologize for the intrusion," Grayfia said, her voice cool and formal. "But I was sent to deliver a message."

Luis crossed his arms, his expression unreadable. "What does your master want now?"

Grayfia didn't flinch at his tone, her face remaining neutral. "Sirzechs-sama respects your decision to consider his offer. However, there's more you should know."

Luis tensed slightly but kept his gaze fixed on her. "And what's that?"

Grayfia stepped forward, her silver eyes locking onto his. "While Sirzechs-sama wishes to avoid conflict, there are others in the Underworld who do not share his sentiments. Diodora's family, the Astaroth clan, has taken offense to your… handling of their member."

Luis's fists tightened at his sides, but he said nothing.

"They've already begun mobilizing their forces," Grayfia continued. "And they aren't the only ones. The fallen angels have also caught wind of your presence. They are curious… and wary. You've become a beacon of sorts."

Luis's blood ran cold, though his expression remained calm. A beacon. That was exactly what he didn't want. He had been in this world for barely any time at all, and already, he was a target. And for what? Defending himself against some self-righteous devil?

"Let them come," Luis said finally, his voice low and dark. "I'm not afraid of a fight."

Grayfia regarded him carefully, her expression unreadable. "You misunderstand, Luis. This isn't about a single fight. This is about the future. If you remain independent, more and more factions will come for you. Some will want to recruit you. Others will want to eliminate you."

Luis turned away from her, staring out of the window into the night. He knew what she was saying was true. He had known from the moment he had unlocked this power that he couldn't stay under the radar forever. But that didn't mean he was ready to bend the knee.

"I didn't ask for this," Luis muttered under his breath, his voice barely audible. "I didn't ask to be dragged into your world's politics."

"And yet, here you are," Grayfia said quietly. "With the power to change it all."

Luis clenched his jaw, his mind racing. He didn't want to be some pawn in this world's game. He wanted freedom, to live without worry, without constantly looking over his shoulder for the next threat. But was that even possible anymore?

He was silent for a long moment, the weight of the situation pressing down on him.

"Tell Sirzechs I'm not interested in alliances," Luis said finally, his voice colder than before. "I'll deal with whatever comes my way, on my own terms."

Grayfia didn't react immediately. She studied him for a moment, her gaze calculating. "Very well," she said at last, her tone measured. "But know this: refusing Sirzechs-sama's offer does not mean you are free from the consequences. The Underworld will not forget your actions today. And neither will the other factions."

With that, she turned and left, leaving Luis alone once more.

The silence in the room was suffocating.

Luis let out a long breath, running a hand through his white hair. He had made his choice. He wasn't going to align himself with devils or angels or anyone else. If they came for him, he would fight them. He wasn't weak anymore.

But as the weight of Grayfia's warning settled in, Luis couldn't help but feel a sense of dread creeping in. His decision had set the stage for something bigger, something that was spiraling out of his control.

And the worst part?

He wasn't sure if he cared.