Let's Make Some Noise.

[sorry for the delay. as I had said before, exam has occurred since this Monday, so I gone through it. 5 days, 5 exams from 2 to 5. Today is the last, after exam we went for a movie. Now I got time so I am writing this. since, exams are over there will continuous updates with min breaks, as I have project but I can deal with it.]

[Difficulties of writing as a student: 1)I live with other two in college hostel, and I should not let them know that I am writing this. If they know, then unnecessary publicity takes place and it damages me and my writings. 2) unexpected events, unexpected meetings, unexpected tours, unexpected roams, etc.... will occur to me.]

[what I want is, you to contribute, then I will contribute mine. This optional. Its up to you and I am not gonna leave this fanfic, I may take some leaves but not leaving. my contribution is like, moving else where and writing these and coming back to my hostel, some times not attending some group meetings/ chats like that. hehehe.]


Inside the sphere

Naruto is concentrating his qi, as he creating a beautiful story. Visible sweat drops appeared on Naruto's forehead as Naruto altered memories of Haku, the well story made a perfect connection. after completion of fragments connected as a completed sphere. The manipulated memories had fused perfectly in the mind of Haku.

Haku gained his consciousness, he slowly opens his eyes and sees Naruto.

"Master"...Haku looking around and his body asks Naruto, "what happened to me? Why are you in my domain? Master." Haka asked out of Curiosity to know what happened to him.

Naruto's expression remained calm and authoritative as a Master of the servant. "The enemy used a trick to control your mind and force you to attack me. I dealt with him, but his influence lingered in your mind and You activated this domain out of confusion, but I subdued you and corrected your mind. Now, you're free."

Haku's eyes glistened with gratitude. "Thank you, Master. I owe you again."

Naruto waved his hand ad says, No need to worry about it.

Naruto's voice dropped into a commanding tone. "Listen Haku. No one outside knows about you. and they don't know you are my servant. I'll create a made-up story, and you must cooperate. Do you understand?"

Haku nodded without hesitation. "Yes, Master."

Outside the Sphere

The sounds of battle filled the bridge. Kakashi and Zabuza clashed fiercely in the distance. Kakashi's Sharingan tracked every movement, of Zabuza and his strikes. Zabuza struggled to keep up, his injuries from their last encounter are hindering him. Zabuza didn't take suffecient rest, his pride to take care of the bridge builder, made this situation. Zabuza is standing upright, but his breaths are in dis-order, his strength is decreasing.

Closer to Tazuna and Sakura, Gato and his goons are advancing, their laughter and lecherous grins sending chills down Sakura's spine. She tightened her grip on her kunai, she is visibly trembling with fear and tension, watching their lecherous gazes. She silently prayed for reinforcements 'Naruto, come fast .....you bastard! what are you doing?'

As the gang closed in, just ten meters away from Sakura.

Then, the sound of shattering ice sounded across the bridge.


Gato, his goons, Sakura and Tazuna, everyone's attention snapped to the source of the noise Kakashi and Zabuza are in their own fight. The massive ice sphere surrounding Naruto and Haku collapsed, Ice crystals are scattered and fell on the bridge.

From the inside a huge mist came out, as the mist gradually decreased two faint shadow appeared, two figures emerged side by side—Naruto and Haku.

Sakura seeing Naruto made her heart filled with joy of relief. "Naruto, you came! I feel like I've been reborn."

Sakura and Tazuna shocked seeing Haku beside Naruto and not attacking. As, Sakura now observed Naruto there is no damage on him or his wears. 'what happeed inside ?, why they are not fighting? , how he managed to fight unharmed?' these are the question her mind is asking and she has no answers for it. Gato and his goons are also gets confused to see Haku beside Naruto, they know Haku is of Zabuza's team.

Naruto's piercing gaze scanned the whole area, lastly landing on Gato and his goons. "It looks lively out here." He turned his head slightly towards Haku. "Haku…"

Haku responded immediately, bowing his head slightly. "Yes, Master."

Naruto smirked, his tone carrying a mix of authority and menace. "Let's make some noise."

Hearing this Sakura, Gato gets even more shocked as naruto revealed his master-servant relationship. 

Without missing a beat, Naruto pointed toward Sakura and Tazuna. "Haku, protect them. Create an ice wall around them and unleash ice spikes from the ground—make them appear at random places on the ground where these goons are landed."

"As you command," Haku said, his hands weaving signs. An ice barrier erupted around Sakura and Tazuna, cutting them off from the advancing goons. At the same time, razor-sharp ice spikes began shooting from the ground unpredictably, forcing Gato's men to scatter in panic.

Sasuke, who had just reached the back of the goons, found his path obstructed by the spikes. He cursed under his breath, his pace slowed as he kept leapinh from one spike to another.

Amid the chaos, Naruto's instincts sharpened. His eyes gaze went to Kakashi and Zabuza's fight in the distance. He could see Zabuza faltering, his breaths are shallow. Zabuza is almost at the death's door step and Kakashi is preparing for his final strike.

A surge of urgency gripped Naruto. He clenched his fists and ran towards Kakashi and Zabuza with full speed, Naruto is screaming from inside. "Don't you dare kill Zabuza, Kakashi!"

(there's a reason for this.)

(....to be continued.)

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