Sword's Mystery.

The clash of Zabuza and Kakashi on the bridge is about to reach its climax. Kakashi was also looking exhausted as he just now recovered, to finish the with one move he uses his Ultimate jutsu, Chidori to rip Zabuza's heart. As he lunged toward Zabuza, his hand a lightning bolt aimed at the heart. The air was heavy with tension, the sharp hum of electricity is echoed in zabuza's ear. Zabuza, who is exhausted and bloodied, stood his ground, his pride keeping him upright despite knowing his end was near.

Naruto, however, had other plans.

Naruto rushed towards Kakashi, Naruto's legs are using all the strength he had left, his heart pounding as he pushed his body beyond its limits. The belief burned in his mind: I have to be the one to kill Zabuza. Only then will his sword recognize me. This is the first step to gaining its recognition, this is what my instinct is driving me..

Naruto's body flickered as he used all his energy into a desperate burst of speed, moving faster than the eye could follow. To the others, it seemed as though Naruto had teleported, appearing behind Zabuza in a flash. But the cost was heavy—his energy was completely drained.

Sasuke is running, jumping from one spike to other and escaping from sudden spikes. Sasuke is about to reach the front lines.

Kakashi's hand, glowing with the deadly energy of Chidori, was just inches away from Zabuza's chest when Naruto is seeing Kakashi is about to make his move and kill Zabuza, With every litlle ounce of strength left in his body, Naruto swung his sword in a sweeping curve. As the razor-sharp blade sliced through the neck, severing Zabuza's head from his body, Blood erupted from his neck.


The cut was cleanly made through Zabuza's neck. As the sword come out from one neck side to other, kakashi hand got penetrated into zabuza's heart.

1) naruto sliced the head, so naruto killed zabuza first

then 2) kakashi chidori moved into the zabuza heart. 

with the sheer force of the swing of the sword, the Zabuza's head gets moved a long distance and it lands on to the bridge and rolls over and over.

Sasuke finnaly reached the front lines and he gets shocked seeing Kakashi, Headless Zabuza and Naruto who is standing with them with a sword.

'What am I missing Here?'


Some thing struck Sasuke's leg, as he checked it...Its Zabuza's head.

Sasuke gets chills. He froze, staring down at the lifeless face with a mixture of shock and unease. His gaze went to Naruto, who collapsed to the ground, completely spent. Sasuke's thoughts raced seeing Haku. 'Who is this guy?  Why is he protecting Sakura and Tazuna? What am I missing here?

As Zabuza's lifeless body fell, his famed sword, the Executioner's Blade (Kubikiribōchō), slipped from his hand. The massive blade tip gets clanged against the bridge and fell toward Naruto's hand. The moment the sword made contact with Naruto, his vision blurred, and an otherworldly scene appeared, not one that can be seen in Ninja world.

Naruto's Vison:

The sky was crimson, and a blood-red moon loomed ominously above. The ground was a sea of skulls, stretching endlessly in every direction. There are many skull peaks are there. In that there's massive hill of skulls in front of Naruto, it has stairs carved into its surface. At the peak of the hill, something shone with an otherworldly bright light. The vision felt vivid yet surreal, as though it belonged to another plane entirely.

Naruto's heart raced as he tried to take it all in, but the vision vanished as quickly as it came. His eyes refocused on the real world, and the sword bounced from his hand, landing just inches away from him. The distance between Naruto and sword is visibly very less. Naruto tried to grab the sword forcing himself, but his body is not supporting him. His body became numb to move. He tried to reach out again, but no use.....

Understanding his inability, Naruto compromised to hold sword for now, and Naruto is gone into sleeping.

Seeing Zabuza's head, Gato gets terrified, as his army is already in chaos with Haku's jutsus and main man he hired is headless deadbody now and his subordinate is sided with other party. without seeing his back, Gato ran towards the shore, his goons also ran following Gato.

Haku released the ice prison for Sakura and Tazuna.

 Kakashi is exhausted but standing, Naruto is dozed off and there is visible tension between Sakura, Sasuke and Haku they are glancig at each other.


Naruto energy is drained because, he flighted Haku, used Ghostery technique, Soul Manupulation and now used for fast movement.

These all happened in a single time frame. to describe them I used cuts over different persons.😁😁

I don't know, how to represent the sound of blood flowing from neck, when a clean cut is made. so, used 'SURP' , If its wrong correct it.

Today I hided more from my friends and secretly wrote this. hehe.