chapter eight

Katelyn was put on a lot different medications because of her PTSD. Gabriella and Faith still do not about her past in the Mormon faith. Not knowing this Gabriella wondered if Katelyn was hiding something from the family. One day Gabriella was again going through Katelyn's things. She had found a box that was marked "Mormon /Figure Skating stuff".


In this box she found a copy of the Book of Mormon, a lot of different figure skating outfits, photos of Katelyn and her first husband, and an ultrasound. This was the one thing that she thought that was weird. On the back of the picture of that ultrasound.


It said "Henry B Thompson conceived May 19th died in the womb January 15th." Now knowing everything about Katelyn's past. This made her blood boil. Then she found a letter that Katelyn had wrote to her first husband.


The letter went like this…


"Dear Eric

I am leaving you. I cannot take this anymore. You are not the angel that your mother said that you were. The beatings is the one thing that need to stop. If you want me to stay with then things like that must not happen anymore but I do not have faith in you that you will stop what you are doing. And Bishop Machinery is not doing about the situation So, I am doing the only thing that I can do to break free from you. I used to love you but that love that was between the two of us has slowly begun to die. I wish that you would change but I know now that even that is not going to happen.



Katelyn "


When Katelyn had gotten home from work. She said "what are you doing with that stuff?"


Gabriella said "Finding out the truth."


Katelyn said "Gaby you do not know the truth."


Gabriella said "Well then tell me truth."


Katelyn said "Alright fine. That stuff is from my past. In the past I was a part of the Mormon cult. Now to be honest to you my dear Gaby. I was married before I met your father. I had gotten married into the cult known as Mormonism. And my husband was very abusive towards me. The bishop of my congregation would not do anything about the beatings. So, I took matters into my own hands. I wrote a letter to him telling that I was leaving him. I then reported him to the police and he was arrested. While he was prison I sent him the divorce papers. I had also filed a restraining order against him."


Gabriella said "wow you are so brave."


Katelyn said "Thank you but it is not about being brave. It is about just doing the right in the time of the situation."


Gabriella said "Well I am so sorry that you had to go through all of that."


Katelyn said "You do not have to apologize. I should not been a part of that cult in the first place."


Then there was a knock on the front door.


Gabriella said "I will get it."


So, Gabriella opened the door. Standing there were two male Mormon missionaries. One of them said "Hi my name is Elder Fredrick son and this is my companion Elder Harrison."


Gabriella said "You are wasting your time. My family and I do not want to join your church. "


Then she slammed the door in front of their faces.


Katelyn said "why did you do that?"


Gabriella said "I stood up for you. "


Katelyn said "Thank you but you did not have to do that."


Gabriella said "I wanted to."


Katelyn said "thank you."


And then Katelyn gave Gabriella a big. Now she knew that she could trust Gabriella with her past. The only one that she had not told yet was her husband Scott. Hopefully if he were to find out the truth he would accept her and love her for telling him the truth about her past.


That evening while she was at work. She had got a call on her cell phone. It was a call from the Nauvoo police department. She had thought that this was strange since she had not spoke to the police ever since she watched her ex husband get arrested.


She said "Hello?"


The voice on the other line said "Hi loser guess what?"


She knew that this was the voice of her ex husband.


She said "what Eric?"


Eric said "you had better be prepared. I am going to get you."


She said "You cannot do that I have restraining order against you."


Eric said "Not anymore. It is now null and void."


That was when she had dropped her phone onto the ground.


Jonathan turned around and said "Are you okay?"


Katelyn said "He is back."


Jonathan said "who is back?"


Katelyn said "My ex-husband."


Jonathan said "I will call my wife. She is a part of the military police force that is on base. They will be able to protect you."