chapter nine

Katelyn was now scared out her mind. She knew that her ex husband was not a very nice man. And now with Scott being overseas she knew that there would be a slight chance that she could protect her children from Eric.


It really makes you wonder if she should train to fight against Eric. Now to be honest Eric was not a very nice man. I mean while Katelyn was married to him. He was constantly hitting and beating her. He would also call her names and tell her that she was worthless.


He was not a man that you wanted make angry. Even if he was angry, Katelyn would always be the one that would be in the line of fire. This was because when they were married Katelyn was constantly told that she could do better and that she would never amount to anything.


 This really tore down her self esteem. So much so that when he had got arrested she had thought this day would come sooner or later.


That evening she met with another friend of ours. This friend was named Roxanne Brooks. Roxanne had two kids. Both were from a previous marriage. She left her first husband after he had beat her when she was six months pregnant with her second son. From then on she trained herself to box.


 This was to prepare herself from her first husband. She wanted to protect her children from their biological father. Just like Eric , Roxanne's first husband was not a very nice man. The only difference between her and Katelyn is that he and Roxanne were not married into a cult like Eric and Katelyn were.


Her and Roxanne met a gym.


Roxanne said "We are going to train you so that you will be prepared for when your ex husband comes back to fight you."


Katelyn said "well I just want to protect my children from him."


Roxanne said "Trust me you will be able to."


Katelyn said "I do not want to kill him."


Roxanne said "Katelyn with how evil you make him out to be. You will need to be prepared for the worst. That is why Kayla is going to meet us at the gun range after we are done."


Katelyn said "Is she going to teach me how to shoot a gun?"


Roxanne said "Yep. Kayla used to be a cop. So she should be able to teach you how to shoot a gun the right way."


Katelyn said "ok. I guess that I am ready for anything."


Roxanne said "Now that is the spirt."


Roxanne had taught Katelyn how to box. Now I can admit that Katelyn did not want to kill Eric. She honestly wanted to scare him enough so that she would be able to protect her children from him.


But with how evil she told Roxanne that he was. Roxanne and Kayla wanted to prepare Katelyn for whatever he would unleash upon her.


That evening while she was at the gun range. Gabriella was baby sitting Faith and the twins. Anyway there was a knock at the front door. So she answered it.


Katelyn's ex husband was standing right in front her.


Gabriella said "Who are you?"


Eric thinking that Gabriella was Katelyn said "Step aside loser."


Gabriella said "What did you just call me? Call me that again. Come on I dare you and I will start plucking grapes."


Eric looked at Gabriella in the eyes as she had ahold of his balls. The police that were on base pulled up the driveway. Then they arrested him.


Officer Havenston said "Do not worry Gabriella you and your sisters are safe now. I will call your mom."


Gabriella said "No you do not have to do that."


Then they left. Gabriella was happy that she able to protect her daughter and her sisters from a very evil man. Katelyn got home later that evening.


Katelyn said "Girls I am home. Did anything happened while I was gone?"


Faith said "Gaby had beaten up someone."


Katelyn said "Oh she did she."


Gabriella said "yes I did ."


Katelyn said "you are grounded."


Gabriella said "But Katelyn I protected Faith,Denise, and Amanda from your ex husband."