Inheriting Wills

"Only by saving resentful and tormented souls can I gain points to become stronger." The so-called points that Hisagi mentioned are soul points—something special that he needed to become stronger after forging a connection with the sword that granted him all these powers five years ago.

These points correspond to an accumulation of rewards that Hisagi can gather, without manipulation, for his basic statistics. Soul points are earned by being the guardian of a soul that leaves its mark in a specific place, like where people lay their deceased loved ones to rest, or in this case, a crematorium.

Since discovering that he could be the guardian of the dead and, with the abilities granted to him, eliminate cursed spirits, as labeled by that aged voice in his head, he inherited the legacy of Shingekuni Geneysai Yamamoto upon taking his weapon, a man who had been extremely powerful in his time.

These soul points are special, as they enhance the abilities tied to the legacy he obtained. The stronger the cursed spirit he eliminates, the more points he gains. Thanks to this, he will grow stronger and, one day, might grasp a fragment of Yamamoto's true power hidden within his sword.

Since he didn't have direct access to his general and special attribute panels, Hisagi took every opportunity to collect points and grow stronger, so he could exterminate the cursed spirits he despised so much. Naturally, this hatred ran deepest for those who harmed innocent people—after all, that was the will of the one who gave him the power to eliminate evil.

But he still wasn't ready, perhaps because he was not yet worthy.

The voice that had spoken to him when granting him this power told him he had to be worthy, respect the rules, and be someone who watches over the safety of humans under the influence of cursed spirits.

Hisagi never expected that he would also inherit part of the personality of that honorable, powerful being, along with his hatred for the cursed spirits that dwelled in this world.

But now it was different. This time something changed when he fought against that cursed spirit. He felt a force and a desire to keep pushing forward, awakened from his very soul, regardless of the wounds. The will of Shingekuni Geneysai Yamamoto burned in his muscles. It always had, even since he was a child, but never as strongly as now, when it combined with his own desire to exterminate the cursed spirit that had infected his grandfather with its vile blood.

His grandfather, who had cared for him when he couldn't fend for himself in this mysterious world, taught him the cultures of this country and was undoubtedly a pillar of support in this lonely place.

Though he hadn't met him until after his father's death, his grandfather was exactly the father figure he had needed at that time. That was why he stayed to care for this crematorium.

But now that he had inherited a will far more powerful than he could have imagined, Hisagi had a much more important mission—to eliminate all the cursed spirits in this world. To guide the tormented souls who had fallen victim to cursed spirits and lead the cursed spirits themselves to the light, preventing them from further wounding the scars once inflicted by humans.

Humans were the cause of the cursed spirits becoming their executioners. No matter how innocent a man may be, sooner or later, he would pay for the sins of others, and this would continue until the cursed spirits were exterminated. But under Hisagi's watch, this force from another world would not interfere with the human realm.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

At that moment, Hisagi had no soul points, as they were all automatically assigned. He hoped that this time he would be worthy of inheriting Yamamoto's initial power. That man was incredibly powerful, with an unshakable will to eliminate cursed spirits. His approval required meeting extremely high standards because, after ten years of living in this world, Hisagi had not yet earned that right.

Just moments ago, he thought that despite learning everything about the cursed spirits and much about this new world, he didn't want to venture into treacherous waters without at least half the power he could wield if only he could gain the right to use Yamamoto's legacy.

Meanwhile, Hisagi wasn't too worried about it and didn't rush. But now that he had eliminated a powerful cursed spirit with just his physical strength and inherited martial arts, that missing desire awakened.

Now, Hisagi's main focus was to gain more experience and improve his body as much as possible so that he might one day be worthy of inheriting the legacy of that man, whose power was still sealed within the sword.

And what gave him comfort? He was grateful not to know too much about this world because that meant there was nothing to worry about. Whatever would happen, he would face it head-on—that was his nature, and he embraced it. He didn't want to be burdened by future events and live in agony. That wouldn't be a pleasant way to live.


But at that moment, thunder began to roar in the sky as if it knew something. Strong winds howled, and the fierce storm that had arrived in an instant seemed to be just entering its worst moments, illuminating the dark surroundings with each crack of lightning and shaking the earth with every impact.

Thick raindrops slammed against the top of the nearby building where Hisagi stood, creating a sharp, metallic sound as they hit.

A gust of cold wind appeared out of nowhere, blowing over Hisagi's soaked body, which was absorbed in an intense killing intent.

Hisagi didn't react. He didn't feel anything, as if he were immersed in the sensation of the battle that had ended just moments before.

"You may cry now, my dear heir." At the same time, through the sky, an aged voice resonated with a melancholic tone that Hisagi could not endure. The next moment, his fighting spirit was extinguished by a pain that pierced his chest.

Crack! Crack!

Hisagi collapsed to his knees, clutching his chest with his right hand. The pain that once meant nothing now hurt so much that he couldn't make a sound.

His grandfather, his dear grandfather, had disappeared...

Hisagi was now alone...

"If only I had been more devoted..." Hisagi's empty eyes expressed in simple words how he felt at that moment.

[Congratulations, You have met the requirements to be the heir of the Flame God's legacy!]

"[You have killed a weakened First-Class Spirit, you have gained 3000 Soul Points!]"

"[Fight with honor and bleed in battle, you have earned the right to interact with your General Attribute Panel!]"

A systematic voice echoed in Hisagi's mind, but he could barely breathe under the overwhelming sensation of reality.

Until now, most of the cursed spirits he had killed were those near a small village not far from the city. These cursed spirits had either just been converted or had only been active for a few months, so whenever he went to the village, he would eliminate them.

Those that weren't a threat, he normally left untouched, but the consequences of that were felt tonight.

[Opening General Attribute Panel!]

In the next moment, from the depths of Hisagi's soul, a mysterious power surged, and he saw a panel appear in his mind. By closing his eyes, he could see the dazzling, flaming display and an unimaginable amount of information.

*[… Name: Shuhei Hisagi

General Attributes:

Strength: 6 [956/1100]

Speed: 7 [1150/1300]

Endurance: 5 [808/900]

Spirit: 8 [1309/1700]

Combat Skills:

Zanjutsu (Sword Art): 2 [49/300]

Hakuda (Hand-to-Hand Combat): 2 [250/500]

Hoho (Speed): 4 [790/900]

Kidou (Magic): 0 [0/100]


Name: Ryujin Jakka (Reduce All to Ash)

Type: Fire

Shikai Skills: 3 (All Things of this World, Turn To Ashes.)


Name: Ryujin Jakka

Description: Intense flames with a burning aura

Shikai Level: 0 (Sealed)


Name: Zanka no Tachi

Description: Infinite flames capable of extinguishing the world

Bankai Level: 0 (Sealed)

Cursed Power Level:

Level: 2 [300/500]

Overall Status:

Souls sent to eternal rest: 1200

Cursed Spirits Eliminated: 74

Soul Points: [3000]


Only after a few minutes did Hisagi collect himself. He was much stronger emotionally than he had thought. Soon, he realized that those feelings of loss were slowly fading, replaced by a promise.

"I will kill all the cursed spirits…"

After murmuring these words, Hisagi didn't bother adding soul points to his general attributes, as they were already terrifying after releasing his sword's initial power.

Instead, he first added 100 soul points to his Shikai release skill, and soon, a warm current filled his body as a staff materialized before his eyes.

[Ryujin Jakka Sword, Fire Zanpakuto, sealed and can be released at the owner's will!]

"Now I have the power…"

After raising his Shikai to level four, Hisagi, who thought he had plenty of soul points, was alarmed to discover he had spent 1600 just to level up his sword's Shikai form to level four.

[You have earned the right to release your Zanpakuto's Shikai!]


Shikai Skills:

Jokaku Enjo: 0 [0/100] – (Burning Fortress)

Taimatsu: 0 [0/100] – (Torch)

Ennetsu Jigoku: 0 [0/100] – (Flames of Hell)

Shikai Level: 0 [0/100]


Hisagi proceeded to level up his last two skills, raising Ennetsu Jigoku to level three and Taimatsu to level two, and managed to raise his swordsmanship to level three.

With this kind of growth, as long as he continued to increase his strength properly, wouldn't he be considered a powerful human capable of eliminating Cursed Spirits?

He was thinking about all that power, those burning flames shining on his sword. He knew that with just his Shikai, he would be so powerful that no being could stop him, as long as he reached the peak of his power.

A god in the body of a human, but for now, he had to be cautious.

Of course, Hisagi didn't mind improving his skills little by little. This was one way to become strong, but he could still enhance his abilities through his own merit, and he would do so. After all, he had a will to honor and a promise to fulfill.