Leaving Home

Everything had ended, and the only sounds around were the rain and the thunder furiously striking the sky.

Hisagi looked at the battlefield, which was a complete mess, and without showing the slightest emotion, he walked back home to pack all his clothes. He wanted to leave this place as soon as possible; if he had made a promise, he would keep it, and he would only do so by leaving this place.

He quickly finished packing, not without first changing into dry clothes that were suitable for the rain. There weren't many things he wanted to take, besides the money his grandfather had hidden somewhere.

Apart from his identification papers, there were the deeds to the apartment he had moved out of when he was younger.

Looking at his situation, he didn't feel an obligation to extend his hatred toward the cursed spirits, but rather a different kind of hunger that told him to claim the glory he deserved as the best curse assassin the world could ever see.

"Everything is packed." Hisagi stood up, and just as he was about to head toward a kind of garage where an old motorcycle was parked, he said out loud, "If you're planning to hide until dawn, there's no need. The danger is gone, and you can go home."

"Hisagi? Oh my God, are you a monster hunter like in the movies? Of course, I saw the last witch hunter, but you're on a completely different level." Aoki emerged from a metal barrel, his face pale as he looked around, wanting to know if the danger had really passed.

Hisagi glanced at the cowardly man and smiled faintly. Hiding in a metal barrel might not have been the best idea if he could be found so easily. "You can stay here. This place belonged to my grandfather, but I won't claim it. If you want it, you can have it; just report my grandfather's death as natural."


"That's not for me to answer. I never wanted to die here, burning nameless bodies for the rest of my life. Now that my grandfather is gone, there's no reason for me to stay here." Hisagi spoke as he walked toward a container where all sorts of packaged food were stored. He only wanted to take what was necessary for his journey.

He didn't want to leave Aoki without food; he'd probably need a few days to recover from this trauma, which would surely leave scars.

"Are you going to kill demons?"

Hisagi paused, looked at Aoki, and said, "You've really seen too many movies... I have nothing left here, so I'm leaving, and I'll look for a purpose now that I only have myself."

"Then let me come with you."

"I don't need you. You'd just slow me down."

Aoki clenched his fists and said, "My family was killed by monsters very similar to the one that attacked you tonight. I came here hoping that one day I could try to move past it, but even now, I'm still afraid... If you're a Jujutsu sorcerer, you could help me; teach me how to fight."

Jujutsu sorcerers? Hisagi had never heard of anything like that, but it seemed Aoki recognized him as one. So, it was possible there was an organization out there that eliminated cursed spirits.

This world, as far as he knew, was normal. There was nothing noteworthy, except for the cursed spirits that were different from anything ordinary. If one lived their life unaware of cursed spirits, they wouldn't have the faintest idea that their world was far from normal.

"Do you know how to cook?" Hisagi asked without turning around.

Aoki's eyes lit up with joy, and he said, "Of course I know how to cook! I'll wash your clothes and clean your sword."

"No need for the last part; just focus on cooking and following certain orders if you want to live to old age. But not now. First, I need to see if I still have the apartment my parents left me." Hisagi could only teach him basic things; it would be up to Aoki if he truly wanted to follow him to the end.

Slow journeys are the best way to learn about the surroundings and discover where that mysterious group of Jujutsu sorcerers might be, so he could try to join them.

Not that Hisagi was excited to find them; he knew it was inevitable that he'd run into them while eliminating cursed spirits wherever he went. But since it seemed to be a structured organization, or so he thought, they should have a way to earn money and not starve.

He might want to kill cursed spirits, but he would also need an income, or he'd be the town lunatic living in cardboard boxes, spending his days killing sewer rats.

"Give me your contact info. I'll call you when I'm settled in the city. If you're good, you'll know a way to make money by exterminating those pests." Hisagi said as he mounted his old motorcycle, which barely started.

Aoki blinked quickly, then asked, "So, you'll only call me if you need me?"

"Of course, you'll have until then to decide if you really want to be part of my world. Otherwise, you can stay here with my grandfather's crematorium. And if you do, burn all my belongings. I don't want to leave anything behind." Hisagi waited for Aoki to finish; he didn't want to delay the journey, so he sped off through the rain on his motorcycle.

The slow ride was due to the night. Hisagi couldn't stand staying in the same place where he had ended his grandfather's life.

He needed to get away, clear his mind, and start maximizing his skills to face the oldest demons.

About three hours later, the rain had stopped, leaving only small streams by the side of the road near a bus stop. A few minutes later, the bus arrived, and Hisagi quickly got on. The reason he didn't keep driving was that his motorcycle wouldn't get him anywhere from this point for several reasons, so he saved himself the trouble and found his new way home.

*[... Name: Shuhei Hisagi

General Attributes:

Strength: 6 [956/1100]

Speed: 7 [1150/1300]

Endurance: 5 [808/900]

Spirit: 8 [1309/1700]

Combat Skills:

Zanjutsu (Sword Art): 3 [49/300]

Hakuda (Hand-to-Hand Combat): 2 [250/500]

Hoho (Speed): 4 [790/900]

Kidou (Magic): 0 [0/100]


Name: Ryujin Jakka (All Things of this World, Turn to Ashes)

Type: The Oldest Fire Sword

Shikai Skills: 3

Shikai Abilities:

Jokaku Enjo: 0 [0/100] – (Blazing Fortress)

Taimatsu: 2 [0/500] – (Torch)

Ennetsu Jigoku: 3 [0/600] – (Inferno Hell)

Shikai Level: 4 [0/900]


Name: Zanka no Tachi

Description: Intense Flames with Blazing Aura

Bankai Level: 0 (Sealed)

Cursed Power Level:

Level: 2 [300/500]

General Status:

Spirits Sent to Eternal Rest: [1201]

Cursed Spirits Eliminated: [74]

Soul Points: [0]


"Not bad at all…" Hisagi leaned his head against the bus window, closing his eyes, trying to calm his thoughts, unsure of what else to think about besides how he defeated the cursed spirit that had possessed his grandfather's body.

There were very few people on this bus; aside from the driver and Hisagi, there were only two other passengers, so there was plenty of space.

The rice fields along the path were exceptionally green, all passing by under Hisagi's perception, even though it was dark.

Hisagi's face was reflected in the window, and only now did he pay attention to it. That young face carried an imposing and attractive appearance. His features were defined and masculine, emphasizing his virility. His angular, sharp facial structure, with a square jaw and slightly arched eyebrows, added a hint of mystery to his gaze.

The most striking feature of his appearance were his eyes, which reflected an intensity and seriousness deep within. They held a profound and penetrating expression, as if they carried a significant emotional burden. This look, known as the dead eyes, conveyed a sense of determination and resolve, yet also hid an inner pain or suffering.

His hair was carefully styled, though with a rebellious, slightly messy touch. Its dark color framed his face, accentuating his appeal and giving him an air of defiance.

He didn't really care about his appearance. After all, it was likely that his face would end up damaged by cursed spirits at some point.

He was in the city to take care of more cursed spirits, eager to kill as many as possible while figuring out how to use his newfound powers.

Hisagi remembered his old apartment where he had lived with his parents, still able to recall the scent of his mother's cooking.

But those were old memories that were becoming increasingly blurry. He didn't know when he would stop remembering them now that more impactful things filled his mind.

In such a vast world, with secrets humanity was unaware of, it would be a lie if Hisagi said he thought about things like a normal person.

Whether here or elsewhere, from now on, Hisagi would seek out cursed spirits to kill them.

As for his current strength, he felt strong and believed, with complete confidence, that he could face a first-level cursed spirit and come out alive from a special-grade one. Well, those were his thoughts, and although they came from his inexperience, he was truly sure that his unleashed power was enough to protect his life.

He would eliminate the most powerful cursed spirits that crossed his path and erase the soul marks from all the places he would visit in the future. With this beautiful vision, Hisagi fell asleep, sleeping deeply for the rest of the trip.

At least, that was the condition of his inheritance and what he was feeling at that moment.

The people in the front seats paid no attention to the young man sitting alone in the back, holding a wooden staff, so the bus quietly advanced all the way.

"Passengers, we've reached our final destination!"

The middle-aged driver made his usual announcement, and Hisagi woke up. He looked at the darkness outside the bus window and then around him, where large and small houses came into view.

"Looks like I've arrived in the city..." Hisagi stretched, put away the things he was holding, and took his staff, which doubled as a support for a cloth bag. Walking toward the bus door, he thanked the driver and stepped out.

When he came here, it was entirely on his own, with only his grandfather overseeing his residence and the transfer to his school.

"Well then, the first thing to deal with is my hunger!" Hisagi licked his dry lips after not eating anything for more than ten hours.

Since living with his grandfather, he had become notoriously gluttonous. Japanese meals consisted of a lot of vegetables and fish, so it was typically light food. But here, he could enjoy the food he liked best without anyone bothering him.

For a seventeen-year-old boy, the amount he ate at home was definitely excessive. However, Hisagi never wanted to hide that and was certainly a very straightforward person. He wasn't embarrassed by silly situations and usually expressed what he thought.

After walking a dozen meters and checking the map on his phone, he realized there was a noodle restaurant nearby. However, just across the street, he saw a stand run by an old man selling noodles.

"Definitely having dinner there. Old folks have a magic touch for noodles. Hisagi smiled and hopped over to the food stand.

When he got to the stand, he saw the old man talking to a man holding a camera and said to the owner, "Sir, I'll have three bowls of noodles!"

"Alright, find a seat, and the food will be ready in a few minutes." The owner didn't even bother to look up. The stand was a small cart with a table and four chairs on one side and seating right in front of the cart, so Hisagi sat in front of the cart.

After a long silence, the old man finally looked up and saw Hisagi sitting and watching the foreigner recording a video while waving at the camera. Looking around, there was no one else, so he felt a bit strange but said nothing.

"Is this kid going to eat all three bowls by himself? No, no, maybe he won't finish them. His parents or friends must be coming soon; that must be it." The owner thought this, and it was certainly probable, as it often happened. Soon enough, three large bowls of noodles appeared in front of Hisagi.

It wasn't until Hisagi finished one bowl after another, all by himself, that he caught the attention of both the owner and the foreigner filming the food. Was all that food really for him alone?

This appetite…

It was certainly an overwhelming amount of food. In fact, the last person to eat so much at this place only managed two bowls.

But Hisagi didn't care about this and kept eating. After finishing, he paid the bill, grabbed his things, and left. A bit farther away, his instincts naturally made him burp.

"That kid!" The old man shook his head as he watched Hisagi leave with a satisfied smile. Who knows? Maybe his technique had improved a lot, as people couldn't seem to eat just one bowl.

The foreigner, who had finished recording, asked the owner, "Do Japanese people usually eat that much food?"

"Not really… By the way, what are you recording for?"

"Mark Wiens, you can check out my content right here."

Hisagi, who heard this, muttered, "He should be more realistic with his reactions while eating; I've never seen him dislike a dish, and it's impossible to like everything."

"You like my videos? Ha ha ha, thanks! It's always amazing how kind Japanese people are to foreigners." Mark, who had somehow turned the camera back on, started recording everything again.

The owner, who heard what Hisagi said, smiled awkwardly.

Hisagi was truly full; those bowls of noodles were very generous, and the taste was great. This time, he would sleep in a capsule for the night, or maybe decide to stay at an internet café.

Japanese internet cafés are both cafés and hotels. There's a wide range of amenities here, and they're no different from conventional hotels. For students, these conditions are better because of the lower costs.

A separate room, TV in front of the bed, clean bathroom, full toiletries, oven, microwave, washing machine, refrigerator, and even a shower.

If not for Hisagi being so frugal and wanting to save his money, he could live in places like this for a longer period, as they perfectly met his needs.

However, having a nice apartment in Tokyo meant he wouldn't waste money on internet cafés, which were actually quite expensive.