Chapter 1 - Awakening

This is just me writing something fun. Don't expect that much.

Though, feel free to suggest in case I continue it.


Inside a room was a tall, curvaceous young woman with glasses and long bushy auburn hair. She has a gold ring on her left middle finger, and black nails.

She wears a pair of hoop earrings, a sleeveless, short blue and red checker pattern high-neck minidress with opaque black tights, matching black detached arm sleeves, and blue (left foot) and red (right foot) ankle heel boots with gold tips. She also usually wears a white lab coat with her outfit.

Her expression felt conflicted at the situation that she finds herself in. She was looking at herself inspecting every part and started to undress to further inspect herself.

'So it wasn't a dream huh?' She muttered under her breath thinking about what had happened. The young woman was formerly someone who had died after being killed by many men that she had cucked.

She was a man before she died and the reason why she looked the way she was now was simply because she had reincarnated and reborn once again. She received a number of abilities including Omni-dimensional Travel where it allows her to travel anywhere at any time.

At the moment, she is within a personal Dimension called [ Perfect Home ] where she has control over the dimension and facilities that provide nearly anything she wants.

Finally her current form was that of Android 21 with slight change namely her massive member where it is around 6 inches flaccid and 9 Inches if fully erect but didn't have any testicles but did have pussy.

Though, she has extremely fertile semen that can easily knock a woman even how infertile they may be. This gave her an idea who to hunt and take as her broodmare. The thought of a woman heavily pregnant while getting rammed by his cock makes her rather excited.

The women were Fubuki, Tatsumaki, Nico Robin, Boa Hancock, even Freya, Hestia and every goddess who wants their own children.

'Whoops! It got hard. Let's calm down and get dressed.' She thought seeing her cock suddenly throbbed and quickly got dressed calming her mind.

'Let's see here… Status'

[ Status ]

[ Name: Vomi/Android 21 ]

[ Gender: Futa ]

[ Race: Transcendent Biodroid Physiology ]

[ Power Level: 21+ Trillion(Base )]

[ Abilities: Semi-Transcendent Ki Manipulation, Semi-Transcendent Aura Manipulation, Semi-Absolute Ki, Supernatural Intellect, Skill Replication, Instant Learning, Absorption, Transformation, Omni-Dimensional Travel, Perfect Home…. ]

Seeing her name, she decided to call herself Vomi since Android 21 seems a mouthful whenever she introduces herself. She closed her status and started to explore the place she found herself in. It was a pocket dimension that has everything that she normally needs but doesn't provide her beyond a certain limit.

'Hmmm, Alright, how about this.' Vomi was going to go on Dragon Balls and make a wish but decided to make things interesting and grabbed something then immediately a small cube appeared that exuded an infinite amount of energy. It suddenly seemed to connect with Vomi and made her smile.

"Oh, Good, can you speak?" She asked the box that was hovering in the air.

[ Affirmative. I am fully operational and awaits your command. ] It spoke in a robotic tone.

"Nice, very nice. You will be a great help to me." Vomi smirk thrilled that she would be able to do it. She didn't stop there and reached out and grabbed two fruits.

"This is overkill but who cares!?" Vomi held two fruits, one was a Chakra Fruit while the other was her all time favorite fruit the Gura Gura No Mi. Does it affect One Piece world if there's two similar fruits? It doesn't matter nor concern her.

Without a moment of hesitation, bite into the fruit and instantly formed a Rinne-Sharigan on her forehead but quickly shapeshifted since it's distracting afterwards took the crappy devil fruit and ate it.

An instant change occurred as she acquired the power to shatter the air as she clenched her fist and immediately a crackling sound was heard as she sent a powerful force towards the direction.

'This is good! I like this.' Vomi was living her childhood dream and once she was done decided to work on what she needed to do. Fortunately, she has all the knowledge and intellect of Android 21 which allowed her to invent certain things.

Using the Mother box, she was able to create a replica of Hyperbolic Time Chamber with added features, namely summoning replicas of fighters from placing her input, then the mother box simply analyzed and calculated them before creating a replica of the person.

"Alright let me try this." Vomi entered the place and it was vast with near empty blank space. The building provides food and water along with a clock that tells how long she was inside and how much time had passed outside. She removed her lab coat and started to train.

The first person that he trained with was Whis, the serene angel, floated gracefully in front of Vomi, his staff glowing faintly as he surveyed her with calm interest.

"Well, well, this is unexpected," he said with his usual composed demeanor.

"You've done a rather impressive job replicating me."

Vomi smirked, adjusting her stance. Whis hovered in front of Vomi, his serene smile unwavering.

"Before we begin, why don't you take a moment to power up? It seems you've been waiting for this," he said, twirling his staff lightly.

Vomi gave a nod, a wicked grin spreading across her face.

"Oh, you're going to regret giving me that head start, Whis."

She closed her eyes, focusing on the immense reservoir of power surging within her. First, she tapped into her Ki, the energy around her beginning to hum with intensity.

Her aura flared up, swirling in deep shades of purple and blue, radiating power that seemed to distort the very space around her. The air crackled, as if reality itself was bending under the force of her growing energy.

Next, she activated the chakra granted by the fruit she'd consumed. Her eyes flashed with the Rinnegan's pattern, and an ethereal aura surrounded her like a second skin. The mixture of chakra and Ki fused together, causing the ground beneath her to tremble. Her body was evolving, adapting to the sheer magnitude of energy she was releasing.

Finally, Vomi's fists clenched as the power of the Gura Gura no Mi flowed through her veins. She stomped her foot into the ground, and a resounding crack echoed through the dimension.

Fractures formed in the air itself as if space were shattering like glass. The force rippled out in all directions, distorting the atmosphere and causing invisible shockwaves to pulse through the chamber.

Whis remained perfectly still, his expression calm as ever.

"I must say, you've gathered quite an array of abilities. But will they be enough?"

Vomi's grin widened, her muscles tensing with excitement.

"Oh, this is only the beginning."

She took a deep breath, the power flowing within her settling into a controlled, terrifyingly calm state. Her aura now glowed with an intense brightness, shimmering with the combined forces of her powers. Every part of her felt like it was surging with unstoppable strength, her mind racing with the possibilities.

"Alright," she said, lowering herself into a fighting stance, her eyes locked onto Whis.

"Let's see what you've got."

Whis tapped his staff gently on the ground, his tone light but teasing.

"Very well. I'll allow you the first move."

Vomi wasted no time. She dashed forward, faster than the eye could follow, her fist already pulled back and radiating the destructive force of her quake abilities. She threw a punch, aiming directly at Whis, and the air around her fist shattered in a deafening crack as space distorted under the sheer power.

But Whis was faster. With a simple sidestep, he evaded the punch effortlessly, letting the force of Vomi's attack ripple harmlessly through the dimension. The shockwave traveled far, creating fissures in the air, but Whis didn't so much as blink.

"Not bad," he mused,

"But you'll have to do better than that."

Vomi's eyes narrowed. She spun around, firing off a barrage of Ki blasts, each one infused with the chakra energy she'd accumulated. They flew at Whis from every angle, but he calmly waved his staff, creating a protective barrier that absorbed the blasts without a single crack.

Her frustration only fueled her more. Vomi released a roar, her aura expanding in a burst of raw energy as she activated her transformation. Her body glowed with a brilliant light as she tapped into her full power, her form shifting slightly as her Ki and chakra harmonized into a new, transcendent state.

This time, she vanished in an instant, appearing right behind Whis with her fist aimed at his back. She launched a devastating punch, but once again, Whis seemed to predict her every move. He sidestepped with ease, causing her to miss by inches, her punch sending a shockwave rippling into the distance.

"Your power is impressive," Whis commented as he floated above her.

"But raw strength alone won't get you far. You'll need to learn control."

Vomi growled under her breath, her mind racing. He was right, of course. She had all the power she could ever want, but without control, it was like trying to swing a sledgehammer in a tight corridor. She needed precision.

"Fine," she muttered, eyes blazing.

"Let's see how you handle this!"

Drawing upon the full force of her abilities, she concentrated her energy into a single point, creating a massive sphere of destructive power in the palm of her hand. The Gura Gura no Mi's power crackled within it, promising annihilation to anything it touched.

She hurled the sphere at Whis, the energy so concentrated it tore through the fabric of the dimension as it shot towards him. For a moment, even Whis seemed to take it more seriously, his smile fading ever so slightly as he raised his staff.

With a graceful motion, Whis spun his staff in front of him, creating a portal that absorbed the sphere of destruction just as it was about to reach him. The energy vanished into the portal, and Whis sighed softly, lowering his staff.

"You see," he said, his voice calm,

"Control is the key. Power without discipline is wasted potential."

Vomi's chest heaved with heavy breaths as she glared at him, but she knew he was right. Her attacks, while powerful, had been reckless. She had been too focused on overwhelming force and not enough on the finesse that Whis was clearly demonstrating.

Whis gave a small smile, his tone softening.

"You've made good progress for your first attempt, but there's more to learn. Shall we continue?"

Vomi grinned, wiping the sweat from her brow.

"Yeah. I'm not done yet."

After a while, Vomi continued to train numerous masters. Though it is not perfect, it was still enough for Android 21 to train her abilities and master a large list of techniques from Forced Spirit Fission, Cloning, Hakai, etc. Even though she has absorption, Vomi wasn't able to acquire any abilities from them since they are just data without the essence of the people.

After 10 years of training nonstop, Vomi stepped out having grown significantly stronger than before. Her power level went up to 210+ Septillion at base power capable of shattering reality and dimension. She even learned martial arts like Renewal Taekwondo, Water Streaming Rock smashing fist, Whirlwind Iron Cutting Fist, etc.

"Hahaha now I'm satisfied. Well then, what world should I go to first?" Vomi had a large selection of places to go and ponder a bit. She can do virtually anything and suddenly an idea pops into her mind.

'Yes, I think that place is a good start. Hopefully I land in the right place.' She opened a portal heading towards a place landing in a forest having set to a certain location. Vomi spread her senses searching for someone who possibly has dense Ki and immediately found the person she is looking for.

Vomi started to walk towards the location hearing the sound of intense training and arrived to see a young woman with dark green tied in a ponytail tail.

'She has potential. Her heavenly restriction makes her life force rather dense and the Curse energy blocking her potential.' Vomi continued to observe her training, swing her sweat and despite her scars made her even hotter. Even before, during her time as a man, she admired strong women like Maki.

'Healing her is easy but it ruins her beauty in my opinion.' Vomi can easily heal her but seeing her like this, especially the fanart she saw during her past life made her several times hotter.

Vomi watched Maki swing a shinai pretending to hit someone and her fluid movement was rather amazing, almost like a mesmerizing dance. Her stance was steady, feet planted shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent to absorb the impact of each movement. She took a deep breath, feeling the weight of the wooden sword, its smooth grip familiar in her hands.

With a sharp exhale, she launched into a fluid series of strikes. Her arms moved with precision, each swing of the shinai cutting through the air with a sharp *whish*. She shifted her weight from foot to foot, her body flowing effortlessly from one stance to the next, as if every muscle had been trained for this moment.

Her eyes remained focused, narrowed in concentration, as she imagined an opponent in front of her. She delivered swift, controlled strikes—first to the head, then to the torso, and then a sweeping horizontal cut aimed at the legs. The rhythm of her movements was like a dance, honed by hours of practice, her breathing synchronized with each motion.

As sweat began to bead on her forehead, Maki paused for a moment, adjusting her grip on the shinai. Her fingers flexed slightly, and she shifted her stance, adopting a more defensive posture. She spun, bringing the shinai in a tight arc behind her before thrusting it forward with sudden force, mimicking a counterattack.

The power behind her strikes grew with each repetition, the sound of the shinai meeting the air like the crack of a whip. She pushed herself harder, her muscles burning from the exertion, but she welcomed the familiar strain.

As the session wore on, Maki's movements slowed, her breath coming in deep, steady inhales and exhales. She lowered her shinai, her body still tense but controlled, every muscle honed from the intense training. Her eyes suddenly flickered and turned towards Vomi who had her arms crossed. Her face was serious and her body was tense, finally sensing Vomi.

"Who are you!? How did you get here?" Maki asked no demand while Vomi smiled, stepping forward while Maki frowned. It was worth noting that the mother Box was invisible

"No need to be alarmed. I'm not here to harm you if I did…" She vanished before Maki's eyes, unable to see her movement and then heard a voice behind her.

"It can be as easy as swatting a fly." Vomi said while Maki shuddered and tried to attack by performing a back kick but her foot was stopped by Vomi's pinky.


Maki was bewildered seeing her attack stopped with a single finger!? Even if her heavenly restriction were weak should still deliver a substantial amount of damage yet her intruder hardly reacted and stopped her even though her intuition told her even if Vomi didn't stop the attack and hit her in the face still wouldn't damage her.

"Amazing right? I can see some potential from you." Vomi said as Maki stepped back unsure what to feel but she can't fight nor escape. Her only option is to listen to what this person's reason to be there.

"...who are you? And what are you here?" Maki asked

"My name is Vomi. I'm a scientist who travels places and I somehow stumble here." Vomi said immediately hypnotizing Maki trying to make her feel that she knew her all her life making it easy to steal her away. In other words, Vomi is charming Maki who started to feel at ease.

Vomie can't help but lick her lips, wanting to pounce and pinned Maki to have her way with the Zenin girl but decided to ripen the fruit first.

"Do you want to get stronger? I can provide you the ability for it if you're willing to follow me? Of course you can refuse but I won't ask again." This is a lie since Maki will certainly accept because Vomi made her susceptible to it.

"...What is it to you?" Maki asked even though she under Vomi's control still let her act as if her choice was hers. Vomi's lips curled up even further, lifting Maki's chin.

"We will see what you can offer after." Vomi said even though Maki knew this could be a trap but she felt compelled to follow her.

"How can you make me stronger? Are you a sorcerer?" Maki asked more questions and Vomi put her finger on Maki's lips.

"I'll tell you everything once you agree to follow me." Vomi said and a brief silence followed before Maki gave her answer.

"...Alright, I'll follow you." Maki couldn't believe she agreed and Vomi clapped her hand in excitement.

"Great!" Vomi created a portal and Maki was astonished at what she saw while Vomi stepped forward and gestured for her to follow. Maki unsure what to expect but went inside leaving her world. The moment she comes back will be the complete annihilation of the Zenin Clan.