Chapter 2 - Surprised

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Maki never imagined how drastically her life would change after following a mysterious woman. Now, she found herself in a strange, unfamiliar place, one that felt completely detached from the world she knew. Everything around her seemed alien.

'Where am I?' Maki muttered, scanning her surroundings with a mix of awe and unease. Meanwhile, Vomi moved ahead without a word, her pace steady as they walked until they reached an open clearing.

It wasn't her perfect home, just a random world meant to demonstrate her power to Maki and give her a clear understanding of what she was about to learn.

"This is just a random world for me to show you what you can learn. From what I've studied in your world, a select few use a strange energy, correct?" Vomi said, turning to Maki, whose dark green hair framed her focused expression as she listened intently.

"Yes, it's called Cursed Energy. What about it?" Maki cut straight to the point, causing Vomi to chuckle lightly.

'Why is she so casual about all this?' Maki wondered.

"You're so stiff. Loosen up, will you?" Vomi teased, but Maki simply stared at her in silence.

'This woman is strange,' Maki thought, watching Vomi's playful demeanor.

"How cruel," Vomi sighed playfully. "Anyway, I noticed you have a small amount of Cursed Energy, but I can sense that you're physically strong."

"That's because I was born with a unique condition called Heavenly Restriction. But something went wrong. My twin was born with a deformity, so she has a small amount of Cursed Energy, while I can't fully exert the true power of my body," Maki explained, her voice sharp. Vomi rubbed her chin thoughtfully.

'I wonder if she can actually help me,' Maki thought, her skepticism growing.

"I see. Well, let me analyze your body. Maybe I can fix that problem of yours," Vomi said as she deactivated the invisibility of her Mother Box, catching Maki off guard. The device instantly began scanning her.

[Scanning... Scan complete.] Mother Box reported. Vomi examined the holographic readout that detailed Maki's unique physique, highlighting the energy imbalance and physical limitation.

Maki watched her closely but held back her many questions, knowing it would only become tedious to ask them all at once.

'What is she planning?' Maki thought as she eyed Vomi.

"Alright, I see the problem," Vomi said, glancing up from the data. "Do you want me to fix it?"

Maki was taken aback. "What!? Are you serious?" she blurted out, surprised. No one had ever suggested they could resolve this, and she believed the only way to unlock her true strength would be for her sister to die.

'She can't be serious,' Maki thought, her suspicion rising.

"Yes. I have a technique called Forced Spirit Fission. It can separate a part of your soul. Your soul is fused with your sister's in some way. If I use this technique, that part of her soul inside you will return to her," Vomi explained calmly.

'This seems too good to be true,' Maki thought, struggling to trust Vomi.

"If that's true, then what do I owe you? You're not doing this out of goodwill, are you?" Maki crossed her arms, her suspicion clear in her posture. Vomi giggled.

"It's part of my research, gathering data. I'm not just a fighter—I'm a scientist," Vomi said, her tone light, though Maki had a sense there was more to her offer. In truth, Vomi's hidden agenda was to use Maki for breeding, but she kept that to herself.

Maki knew there was more behind Vomi's intentions, but opportunities like this didn't come easily. 'I don't trust her... but what choice do I have?' Maki thought. "...Fine. Use it on me," she said reluctantly.

Vomi stepped closer, reaching out to place her hand on Maki's chest. With a gentle push, she began to expel the part of Maki's soul that didn't belong.

In that moment, Maki felt chains within her crack and shatter. She was liberated.

Her senses sharpened, and a shudder ran through her as she felt the overwhelming power Vomi possessed, even though only a tiny fraction of it had leaked out. Vomi's perfect control over her Ki hinted at the vastness of her strength, which was incomprehensible compared to Maki's own.

'What... is she?' Maki thought, her body trembling from the power she sensed.

'She's a monster! If she likes it then nothing even that white haired bastard could not survive against someone like her.' Maki assumed that even with infinity would still lose against someone like Vomi.

She decided having someone like to be an ally is better than being their enemy. As if they could do anything if she was.

"What do you feel?" Maki regained her composure upon hearing Vomi's voice.

"It feels amazing. Whatever you do certainly works." Maki said testing her strength by striking the air and executing consecutive moves of kicks and punches that produce shockwaves. She started to get closer to the level of Toji when he was alive.

"Good, now to the next part of our little experiment." Vomi said.

"I'll be teaching you a new form of harnessing energy that will result in doing this." She pointed her fingers towards a certain direction while Maki watched as she saw energy whirl around her fingertips turning into spirit before becoming a massive beam of energy that instantly decimated an entire mountain range like it was nothing!

'T-That's i-impossible!' Maki was in utter disbelief. Vomi turned to face her with a smile.

"That's the tip of the iceberg. I'll also be teaching you techniques in martial arts but you must be ready since this won't be easy." Vomi said while Maki needed a moment to process everything.

After some time, Maki agreed seeing this will benefit her more than she hoped for. Vomi was ecstatic and brought her towards the facilities that will be their training room.

"Just so you know, inside has a different time from normal where a day here is a year inside." Vomi explained while Maki greeted shock after shock. She didn't hesitate and follow her inside where they arrived in a massive mansion that had everything that they needed to keep them occupied.

"A year should be enough to make you the strongest in your world. Tell me why do you pursue strength anyway?" Vomi asked.

"...Because I want to spite my clan. Someone who has no cursed energy is stronger than them is what I wanted." Maki answered showing her distaste for her clan.

"Is that so?" Vomi said as they took their first step outside and Maki was greeted by a white space that stretched as far she could see. Unlike the real hyperbolic time chamber, it has a night and day cycle.

Maki stepped into the boundary and instantly fell into her knees as she struggled to breath and felt the surrounding burning. She was gasping for air and felt light headed almost passed out.

"Control your breathing and concentrate. This place has fluctuating temperatures to let you adapt to it and train your mentality." Vomi watched her struggle unfazed by the condition she was in. If she were to die then that means that's her limit.

But if she overcomes it then, Maki will become stronger. She stared intently towards Vomi as she stood up even though she was struggling to still manage to stand up despite the condition.

"Good, you're getting the hang of it," Vomi said, watching as Maki, determined to grow stronger, pushed herself harder.

"Now, keep running until you can't move anymore."

Vomi stood with her arms crossed, her sharp eyes following Maki's every movement. The air in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber was dense, suffocating, and the endless white void seemed to stretch on forever.

It was a place where time itself felt distorted—where moments seemed like hours, and fatigue could overwhelm even the strongest minds. Maki's steps grew heavy, her breath labored, but her determination remained unshaken.

Her feet pounded against the ground, sweat pouring from her brow as she pushed past the discomfort.

Each lap grew more grueling, the resistance of the chamber's unique environment weighing her down like a hundred invisible hands pulling her back. Her muscles screamed for relief, but Maki ignored the pain. She had to get stronger—there was no other option.

"Focus on your breathing," Vomi instructed, her voice calm yet firm.

"This place will break you if you don't adapt. You have to let it become part of you. Don't fight the pressure, embrace it."

Maki nodded through gritted teeth, adjusting her breathing, trying to sync her body with the overwhelming atmosphere. Slowly, she began to find a rhythm. Her pace steadied, her steps becoming less forced, as if her body was learning to move within the strange gravity of the chamber.

Vomi watched with a critical eye, noting the subtle changes. Maki's stamina was improving, her movements less erratic, more fluid. The chamber, which once seemed so hostile, was slowly becoming less oppressive, though it was still an unforgiving place. Maki was adapting, her body and mind growing stronger in tandem.

After what felt like an eternity, Maki finally stumbled to a halt, her chest heaving, her legs trembling. She dropped to one knee, gasping for breath, but there was a glimmer of victory in her eyes. She had survived, she had adapted.

"Well done," Vomi said, her expression softening ever so slightly.

"You're stronger now. But remember, this is just the beginning."

Vomi walked over to Maki, her eyes still fixed on the young warrior's exhausted form. Reaching into her coat, she pulled out a small cloth pouch and untied the string, revealing a handful of green beans. She took one and knelt beside Maki, who was still catching her breath on the cold, hard ground.

"Here, eat this," Vomi said, handing the bean to Maki.

Maki, barely able to lift her trembling arm, took the bean and weakly bit into it. She was skeptical at first—how could something so small help her when she felt on the verge of collapse? But the moment the bean hit her tongue, a wave of energy surged through her body.

Within seconds, her aching muscles relaxed, and the fatigue that had nearly overwhelmed her vanished as if it had never existed. Even the minor cuts and bruises she'd acquired during training healed before her eyes. She blinked in astonishment, looking down at her hands and flexing her fingers.

"What... what was that?" Maki asked, her voice filled with wonder as she looked up at Vomi, who was now standing beside her.

"Senzu bean," Vomi replied, slipping the pouch back into her coat.

"An item that can instantly heal injuries and restore your stamina. Consider it a reward for pushing yourself."

Maki's eyes widened in surprise.

"That's amazing."

"It is," Vomi agreed. She extended a hand to help Maki up.

"Come on. Now that you're rested, we're moving on to the next phase."

Maki stood, her body feeling completely rejuvenated, as if the brutal training session she'd just endured hadn't even happened. She followed Vomi across the endless white void of the chamber, her mind still processing everything she'd experienced so far.

Vomi stopped and turned to face her.

"Now that you've begun adapting to the chamber, it's time to unlock your ability to use Ki."

Maki blinked, slightly confused.

"Ki? Is that what you used earlier?"

Vomi's lips curled into a faint smile, as if amused by Maki's question.

"Yes that's right and more." Maki's heart raced with excitement.

"How do I unlock it?" Maki asked, her voice filled with anticipation.

Vomi's expression grew serious.

"It's not something you can force. Ki comes from within, but to access it, you need to learn to control your mind and body as one. You've already taken the first step by pushing past your limits in this environment. Now, it's time to go deeper."

Maki stood still, focusing her thoughts, unsure of where to begin. Vomi stepped closer, placing two fingers against Maki's forehead.

"Close your eyes. Focus on your breathing. You need to feel the energy within you—deep inside. It's like a flame, small at first, but with the right control, it can grow into a powerful force."

Maki closed her eyes, concentrating on her breathing just as she had earlier during her running.

At first, all she could hear was the sound of her own heart, beating steadily in her chest. But then, slowly, she started to feel something—something faint, but unmistakable. A warmth, deep in her core, flickering like a tiny ember.

"There," Vomi's voice guided her.

"Do you feel it? That's your Ki."

Maki nodded slowly, focusing harder on the sensation. The warmth began to grow, spreading throughout her body, like the ember was turning into a flame. Her hands started to tingle, and the air around her seemed to shift ever so slightly.

"Good," Vomi said, stepping back.

"Now, don't force it. Let it flow naturally. The more you push, the more it will resist. Just let it expand."

Maki's brow furrowed in concentration, her breathing deep and steady. She could feel the energy rising, stronger now, as if it was coursing through her veins. The sensation was strange, almost overwhelming, but she held onto it, trying not to let it slip away.

Suddenly, a faint glow appeared around her body—barely visible, but undeniably there.

Vomi's expression shifted, a rare hint of approval crossing her face.

"You're doing well. Keep focusing. Soon, you'll be able to control it fully."

Maki opened her eyes slightly, catching the faint glow around her hands. Her excitement surged, but she quickly refocused, determined not to lose the progress she had made. This was just the beginning, and she knew there was still so much more to learn.


Half a year had passed inside the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, each day pushing Maki to her limits under Vomi's relentless training. They had taken only a single day of rest to allow Maki's body to recover, giving her time to adjust to the overwhelming atmosphere of the chamber. The rest of the time, Vomi had her mastering the use of Ki—control, flight, energy blasts, and more.

Maki's natural talent as a martial artist shone through as her skills progressed rapidly. Her movements became sharper, her energy more focused, and each training session left her feeling more powerful.

She had grown stronger physically, but something else was happening as well. As the days turned into weeks, Maki found herself growing closer to Vomi.

At first, it was admiration—the kind of respect a student feels for a master. But slowly, her feelings began to shift into something more.

She couldn't deny the attraction she felt. The way Vomi carried herself stirred something inside Maki that she had never experienced before.

Yet, there was a conflict within her. Vomi was a woman, and this was new territory for Maki, who had never thought about her feelings in this way.

What Maki didn't know was that Vomi had noticed this change in her and had subtly been influencing her emotions, manipulating her mind in ways Maki didn't fully understand.

Vomi's power over Ki extended far beyond combat, allowing her to subtly shape Maki's thoughts and feelings.

Before long, Maki found herself unable to resist Vomi's presence, and she even began to agree to being part of Vomi's harem, though her emotions remained confused and conflicted.

Today, after another exhausting training session, Maki was looking for Vomi. She had wandered through the vast white expanse of the mansion, following the faint sensation of Ki that led her to Vomi's quarters. Arriving at the door, she knocked softly, waiting for a response.

When the door swung open, what greeted her left her speechless. Vomi stood there, completely naked, her figure illuminated by her room. Maki's breath caught in her throat as she quickly averted her eyes, her cheeks burning with embarrassment.

"Why are you naked?" Maki asked, her voice slightly trembling as she tried to keep her gaze fixed on anything but Vomi's body.

Vomi smirked, her tone casual as she replied,

"I like sleeping naked. If you're interested, you could always join me." Her voice carried a teasing lilt, clearly enjoying Maki's flustered reaction.

Maki's annoyance was immediate, and she opened her mouth to snap back, but the words died in her throat as her eyes involuntarily dropped lower. Her gaze froze on something she had not expected—hanging between Vomi's legs was a large, unexpected sight.

Maki's mind seemed to blank out for a moment as she stared, confusion and shock overwhelming her.

"W-what...?" she stammered, barely able to form the question that burned in her thoughts.

Vomi's smirk deepened, her amusement obvious.

"Surprised?" she asked, tilting her head slightly.

"I take it you weren't expecting this."

Maki's heart pounded in her chest, her mind struggling to process what she was seeing. Vomi wasn't just a woman—she was something more. The conflicting emotions Maki had been wrestling with now seemed to crash together, and she could barely form a coherent thought, her body tense with confusion and something else she couldn't quite name.