Chapter 3 - Last Day

Maki stood there frozen for a moment, her face flushed, her mind racing. Her heart pounded in her chest as she tried to process what she had just seen. But as the shock began to wear off, her confusion quickly gave way to anger.

"What the hell, Vomi?!" Maki shouted, her voice rising in frustration.

"Get dressed, now!"

Vomi's smirk only widened, clearly amused by Maki's reaction. She didn't seem the least bit flustered by Maki's outburst, and instead, let out a soft, mocking laugh as she leaned casually against the doorframe.

"Alright, alright," Vomi said, holding up her hands in a placating gesture, though the playful glint in her eyes remained.

"No need to shout. I'll get dressed."

Still flustered and irritated, Maki spun on her heel and stormed away from the doorway, her fists clenched tightly at her sides.

Her emotions were all over the place—disbelief, confusion, and something deeper she wasn't ready to confront.

She could still feel her heart racing as her mind kept replaying the image of Vomi standing there so nonchalantly. It wasn't just the shock of seeing her naked, but *what* she had seen that threw her off.

As Maki reached the end of the hall, she called back over her shoulder, her voice tight with frustration,

"I want to talk to you once you're dressed. *Properly* dressed."

Vomi's laughter followed her as she left.

"Sure, sure," she called back teasingly.

"I'll be ready whenever you are."

Maki didn't turn around, but she could hear the amusement in Vomi's voice, which only made her anger flare up more. She clenched her fists tighter, trying to calm her racing thoughts.

This wasn't what she expected when she came looking for Vomi, and now, she needed time to think and clear her head before their conversation.

What had just happened threw her entire understanding of Vomi—and her own feelings—into turmoil.

Maki stormed down the hall, her mind racing. She tried to shake off the image of Vomi standing there, but it lingered stubbornly. No matter how embarrassed or frustrated she felt, there was no denying the effect it had on her.

Her heart was still racing, and a heat she couldn't ignore crept through her, making her feel flushed in a way that had nothing to do with embarrassment.

She shook her head, forcing herself to focus on the real issue—her training.

'I should focus,' she told herself, pushing the thoughts aside.

'I need to talk to Vomi about the next phase of our training, that's all.'

By the time she reached a small training area in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, she had managed to somewhat collect herself.

She paced back and forth, trying to channel her thoughts away from the confusing feelings that had surfaced when she saw Vomi.

She needed to approach this conversation professionally, like the fighter she was. Whatever strange emotions were stirring inside her, she would push them down.

Soon, Vomi emerged, now fully dressed in her usual training outfit, her long hair swaying slightly as she approached. There was still a playful glint in her eyes as she looked at Maki, clearly unfazed by what had happened.

"You wanted to talk?" Vomi said, her tone light and teasing.

"I'm dressed, as requested."

Maki crossed her arms, glaring at Vomi but determined not to let her annoyance show too much. She wasn't going to get drawn into Vomi's games.

"Yeah," she said curtly, doing her best to sound composed.

"I want to go over our training. It's been half a year here, and I need to know what's next. I've gotten the hang of Ki control, flight, and the basics, but I want to push harder. I want to make real progress."

Vomi raised an eyebrow, clearly surprised by Maki's direct approach. She probably expected Maki to stumble over her words, still flustered by what had just happened.

But Maki wasn't about to let that happen. Her focus was on her growth as a fighter, not the confusing swirl of emotions she was feeling.

"Well, I'm glad to see you're still focused," Vomi said with a grin, leaning casually against the wall.

"You've come a long way, and you're adapting faster than I expected. But you're right—there's more we can push for. You've only scratched the surface of your potential, especially with Ki. You're ready for more advanced techniques."

Maki nodded, glad to finally be getting back to the subject of training.

"What kind of techniques are we talking about?"

Vomi's smile shifted into something more serious, her eyes narrowing as she considered Maki's progress.

"We're going to work on refining your energy manipulation. Ki blasts are useful, but you need to be able to control the intensity and direction on a much more precise level. And you'll need to tap into deeper reserves of power than you have so far. I can tell you've only accessed a fraction of what you're capable of."

Maki felt a surge of determination rise within her.

"I'm ready," she said firmly.

"Whatever it takes, I'll do it."

Vomi's smirk returned, though this time there was a hint of approval beneath the teasing expression.

"That's what I like to hear," she said.

"But remember, pushing yourself too hard too fast can backfire. We'll take it one step at a time."

Maki nodded, grateful that they were back on track, even if her thoughts continued to wander back to earlier.

She couldn't deny that what she had seen affected her deeply, and no matter how much she tried to focus on the training ahead, that lingering sense of confusion and attraction still gnawed at her.

But for now, she would focus. There was still so much to learn, and she wasn't about to let anything—no matter how complicated—get in the way of that.

Another half-year had passed inside the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, and Maki had grown exponentially stronger. Her power now rivaled the legendary warriors she had once only heard stories about. She could easily hold her own against opponents like Saiyan Saga Vegeta, and her mastery over Ki and martial arts had reached a level she never thought possible.

But as her strength grew, so did her feelings for Vomi. The more time they spent together, the more conflicted Maki became. She couldn't deny her respect for Vomi as a fighter.

Vomi was relentless, pushing her harder than anyone ever had, yet she was always there to guide Maki when she needed it most.

And despite Vomi's constant teasing—those sly smirks and suggestive comments that used to irritate her—Maki found herself enjoying Vomi's company more than she'd ever admit aloud.

Knowing that Vomi had a male organ, despite appearing as a woman, only deepened Maki's inner turmoil. It was strange and confusing, yet it fascinated her.

There was something about Vomi's strength, confidence, and even her playful arrogance that stirred Maki in ways she hadn't expected.

She found herself thinking about Vomi often, wondering if it was okay to feel this way. Was it alright to be drawn to someone like Vomi.

Vomi, of course, had noticed all of this and had been subtly manipulating Maki's emotions from the very beginning.

She had planted seeds of attraction in Maki's mind, pushing her closer and closer to falling for her completely. Maki's respect for Vomi had blossomed into admiration, and her conflicted feelings were slowly evolving into something deeper, something harder to resist.

Now, on the last day of their training, the two were sparring in the chamber. Their movements were swift, a blur of motion as they exchanged powerful strikes and energy blasts that sent shockwaves reverberating throughout the endless white void. Each blow they traded could easily decimate planets, their power having reached unimaginable heights over the past year.

Maki was giving it her all, her focus razor-sharp as she attacked Vomi with everything she had. Ki flared around her, her energy blasts crackling with raw power as she darted forward, launching a rapid series of punches and kicks.

But no matter how hard she tried, Vomi always seemed one step ahead, her movements smooth and controlled, effortlessly dodging Maki's attacks or deflecting them with the barest flick of her wrist.

Despite the intensity of the sparring match, Vomi was holding back. Maki knew this.

Even though she had grown stronger than ever, Vomi was still far beyond her in terms of skill and power.

It was both frustrating and exhilarating—pushing herself to the limit, knowing that Vomi was still toying with her, yet respecting her enough to engage in this fight.

Maki's breath came in ragged gasps as she leaped backward, gathering her energy for another strike.

She wiped the sweat from her brow and stared at Vomi, her body aching from the relentless assault.

But despite her exhaustion, she couldn't help but admire how effortlessly Vomi moved, how in control she always was.

"Is that all you've got, Maki?" Vomi teased, her smirk ever-present as she hovered above the ground, her arms crossed.

"You're not going to beat me like that."

Maki's eyes narrowed, her competitive spirit flaring up again.

"You're not even trying," she shot back, frustration creeping into her voice.

"Stop holding back!"

Vomi chuckled softly, her eyes glinting with amusement.

"Oh? Are you sure you can handle me at full power?"

"I can handle it," Maki growled, her fists tightening as she focused her energy.

Vomi's smirk softened, a more serious expression crossing her face. She landed lightly on the ground, meeting Maki's gaze.

"Alright then. Let's see what you've got."

The air around them crackled with energy as Maki charged forward once more, her aura blazing bright as she aimed a powerful punch at Vomi.

But before she could make contact, Vomi disappeared, reappearing behind her in the blink of an eye. Maki spun around just in time to see Vomi's hand raised, ready to strike.

For a brief second, their eyes met—Maki's filled with determination and raw emotion, Vomi's with an unreadable intensity.

And in that moment, something shifted between them. Maki's heart raced, not just from the battle, but from the growing attraction she couldn't deny any longer.

Vomi smirked again, her hand lowering as she stepped back, ending the sparring session.

"That's enough for today," she said, her tone firm but gentle.

Maki stood there, breathing hard, her fists still clenched. She wanted to push further, to keep fighting, but the moment was gone.

And as she looked at Vomi, standing so confidently before her, she knew that her inner conflict was far from over. She was falling for Vomi—hard—and no amount of training could prepare her for what was coming next.

As the sparring session ended, Maki stood panting, her body still sore from the intensity of their training. Vomi approached her with a teasing smile, extending a hand to help her up.

"You did good today, Maki," Vomi said, her voice laced with a playful tone.

"But you know, I'm still waiting for the day you land a hit on me."

Maki took her hand, allowing Vomi to pull her to her feet. She could feel the heat rising in her cheeks, but she quickly masked her blush with an annoyed expression, brushing off her flustered feelings.

"Yeah, well, you're not exactly making it easy," she muttered, trying to sound irritated.

Vomi laughed softly, clearly enjoying Maki's reaction.

"That's the point. It wouldn't be fun if it were easy." She reached into her pocket and pulled out a senzu bean, handing it to Maki.

"Here, eat up. You'll feel better."

Maki took the bean, her irritation fading as she bit into it, feeling her fatigue and soreness melt away almost instantly.

As much as Vomi's constant teasing got on her nerves, she couldn't deny how much she appreciated her.

Vomi had pushed her to become stronger, but there was more to it than just training. Maki had grown to trust her, and that trust had turned into something deeper, something she wasn't quite ready to confront yet.

"Thanks," Maki said quietly, trying not to meet Vomi's gaze for too long as they started walking back toward the mansion within the Hyperbolic Time Chamber.

They entered the mansion, the familiarity of it offering a comforting contrast to the intensity of their training.

As they reached their rooms, they went their separate ways to clean up. The shower's warmth was soothing against

Maki's skin, washing away the sweat and exhaustion from the day. Once she was dressed, she felt more refreshed and ready for the evening ahead.

Later, the two sat down for dinner at a simple wooden table. The air between them was light and casual, and as they ate, they found themselves slipping into easy conversation.

"So," Vomi said between bites, her gaze fixed on Maki.

"What do you plan to do once we get out of here? You've grown so much. I imagine there's a lot waiting for you in your world."

Maki paused, her fork hovering over her plate as she thought about the question. Her world.

The place she was supposed to return to once this training was over. But as she considered it, there wasn't much she felt attached to.

Her clan had rejected her, leaving her with nothing but painful memories and a sense of betrayal. The only person who meant anything to her in that world was her twin sister.

"I... I don't really have much waiting for me," Maki admitted, her voice low.

"The only person I care about is my sister. My clan... they've always hated me, rejected me. I plan to... deal with them when I get back."

Vomi raised an eyebrow, intrigued.

"Deal with them?" she echoed, leaning forward slightly.

"What do you mean?"

Maki's expression hardened, her eyes darkening as she spoke.

"I'm going to massacre them. All of them, except for my sister. They don't deserve to live after what they did to me."

Vomi nodded, not shocked by the revelation, but curious about Maki's resolve.

"And after that? What will you do once they're gone?"

Maki hesitated, the question catching her off guard. She had always been so focused on revenge, on wiping out her clan, that she hadn't thought much beyond that.

Her mind drifted to Vomi, the woman who had trained her, teased her, and who had become something far more important to her than just a mentor.

After a long pause, Maki looked directly at Vomi, her heart pounding in her chest.

"I... I was wondering... would it be okay if I stayed with you? After everything's over?"

Vomi's eyes widened slightly, feigning surprise, though inwardly she smiled.

This was exactly what she had been planning for, manipulating Maki's emotions step by step until she would willingly follow her.

But instead of showing her true intentions, Vomi softened her expression, letting a warm smile cross her lips.

"You want to stay with me?" Vomi asked, her tone playful yet sincere.

"I have to say, I'm flattered."

Maki's face flushed again, but she didn't look away this time.

"Yeah. I don't have anything left in my world. You... you're the only one I want to follow."

Vomi leaned forward, her hand reaching out to gently touch Maki's arm.

"Of course you can stay with me. I'd love that," she said, her voice soft and genuine.

"And don't worry, I'll take good care of you. We'll have a lot of fun together, trust me."

Maki's heart fluttered at Vomi's words, and despite the conflicting emotions inside her, she couldn't help but feel comforted by the warmth in Vomi's voice. It felt right, somehow, like this was where she was meant to be.

"So, where are you going anyway?" Maki asked, trying to shift the conversation away from her own feelings.

Vomi leaned back in her chair, her smirk returning as she spoke.

"I'm going to explore different worlds, gather data, and enjoy myself while doing it. There's so much out there to see and experience. And now that you'll be with me, we can do it together."

Maki nodded, a sense of calm settling over her. Maybe she didn't have everything figured out yet, but staying with Vomi felt like the right choice.