The Disruptor.

My name is James Corvus and I have a question for you guys.

Do you guys believe GODS exists?. If not you better start believing, because they are 100% real.

And how do I know this ? cuz' I'm one of them – duh. Well, I wasn't always! I used to be a regular 9-to-9 salaryman (yeah, not even the classic 9-to-5), slogging through life, wishing I could change it all. I wasn't special, just another cog in the machine. Until, well... I died.

And before you ask, no, it wasn't the legendary truck-kun that got me. My death was a little more… cosmic. A couple of idiot lower gods were fighting, accidentally tearing a hole in space, and I got sucked into it. Poof—gone from Earth, just like that breaking away from the shackles of reincarnation cycle.

I spent what felt like an eternity drifting in a void outside of time and space. No body, no mind, just a wandering damaged soul with nothing but the emptiness around me. It wasn't peaceful—not at all. I was forgotten, lost until he found me.

The God of Creation, the Supreme One. He pulled me from the void, pieced me back together, gave me form again—though how, even I can't explain. But here's where it gets complicated.

He brought me to the divine realm and that's how my damaged soul got in contact with divine energy.

My soul came into contact with divine energy, the pure stuff that shapes reality itself. So when the Supreme God made me a new body, it wasn't just any body—it was divine and funny thing was nobody noticed this.

I became a High God just like that.

That sounds cool, right? Except, at first, I didn't even knew it.

He explained me the reason for my death. How I'd accidentally broken free from the reincarnation cycle, how my soul had become something beyond mortal comprehension.

He offered me two choices: I could reincarnate, start over in another world, or I could transmigrate into a new one with my current form. Obviously, I picked the second option.

But here's where the fun begins. I was rejected by the reincarnation cycle of that world, after trying many different worlds every world I tried to enter rejected me the Creation God instantly understood the problem.

My mortal soul came into direct contact with the divine energy scattered by Creation God and my body was made made from divine energy of divine realm itself. I wasn't just some random soul he realized that he accidentally created a High God.

Before you ask, yes there are tiers among us for example :

Lower Gods – control elements like Wood, Ice, Water, Fire, Gravity, Earth, Wind, Thunder, Metal, Dark, Light, etc.

Middle Gods – control things like Karma, Fertility, Knowledge, Fun, Growth, Sickness, Strength, Speed, Vegetation, Drought, Space, Time, Destruction, Life, Death, etc.

High Gods like me control authority over the emotions and desires that drive existence itself - Love, Hate, Envy, Pride, Greed, Lust, Gluttony, etc and are not affected by anything such as the Laws or will of world . Their control exists everywhere even among Gods.

And at last The Supreme God of CREATION the source of it all as he's the only one of his kind.

These god gain faith and belief from their followers throughout various worlds or the laws they control to maintain their power . The Creation God is the only exception to this.

Well I know what you want to ask, why am I considered a High God ? What Laws do I control, Good question!.

I was too powerful to exist in those mortal realms. My presence disrupted the laws of reality, made me an anomaly, a "glitch" and that's what I am now. The God of Disruption "The Glitch."

It's because I'm an anomaly and one of a kind as I have a trace of divinity from the Supreme God himself, and I control the law of the creator himself but at a weaker level. Surprising right !

Now I go by the name GLITCH as I'm an accident created by the god of creation. I have the power to Disrupt and Create worlds and it's laws itself.

But here's the catch. I have all this power, the ability to disrupt and create worlds but I'm restricted from doing anything. I can't meddle with worlds directly. No interference, no grand gestures, nothing. It's like being given the keys to a race car and told, "Sorry, you're underage and can't drive it."

At first, I thought, Cool, being a god means I can watch everything unfold from my throne in the divine realm. But after a while? It's suffocating. Do you know what it's like to watch endless possibilities unfold in front of you and not be able to touch them? To create worlds but never step into them? To see your creations live their lives without knowing you exist?

It makes you feel… detached. The more I watched, the less I felt connected to the people in those worlds. I wasn't James Corvus anymore. I wasn't even human.

I'd transcended that, and with every passing moment, I felt more like some cosmic observer, less like the guy who once worried about deadlines and bills.

But here's the thing, I miss it. I miss being human. I miss the struggle, the chaos of not knowing what's next. Being a god, everything's predictable.

You see all the patterns, the outcomes, and nothing surprises you. That unpredictability, the uncertainty? That's what life is about. But I don't have that anymore.

It's too boring being a God and do nothing so, I asked the Supreme God for a favor. "Let me create my own world, for fun, just to watch." I figured, if I couldn't directly interact with these worlds, at least I could create something that would keep me entertained. He agreed, under one condition: I could only observe, never interfere.

So for my first world I created the world of ONE PIECE an anime world from my previous world and reincarnated a dying soul from my previous world in it.

I granted him three wishes with just a basic system panel to monitor his own progress and right to choose the timeline and place to be born. What changes will he bring to the world and how it will affect the world Let's see.

But as I sit here, watching, I can't help but wonder will this boredom ever end? What if even creating worlds isn't enough. I crave something more. Maybe I'll find a loophole, a way to break free from these divine rules. Or maybe, just maybe, I'll learn to accept my place as a god.