Three Wishes of Power.

My name is Thomas King, a recent high school graduate with a love for anime, navigating life in central London. I've lived here most of my life, and while it's a sprawling city of history, culture, and endless activity, it often feels like a place full of memories I'd rather not linger on, especially now that I'm an orphan.

With summer holidays in full swing, I'm trying to enjoy the last days of freedom before life gets more complicated. London is vibrant in the summer. The streets are alive with tourists crowding places like Trafalgar Square, the Thames bustling with boat rides, and the parks: Hyde Park and St. James's especially are full of people taking advantage of the rare sunshine. It's a city of contrasts, with towering skyscrapers like The Shard casting shadows over centuries-old landmarks like Westminster Abbey and the Tower of London.

But even with all this, something feels missing. The city has a way of making you feel small. Even though it's filled with people, there's a kind of loneliness here, like everyone is moving at their own pace, chasing their own dreams, or running away from something. I guess I fall into that last category.

I'm single, not really looking for anything serious right now, though sometimes it hits me that being alone is all I've really known. For now, I'll just make the most of this summer, binge my favorite hentai, anime, manhwas and maybe figure out what's next for me in this ever-busy city.

Today was supposed to be a lazy day. I only left the house to grab some snacks. Living in central London means there's always stop nearby, and it didn't take long to find a convenience store. After browsing through shelves and picking up the things I wanted. I headed to register.

Two people with hand guns wearing a mask covering their faces stormed in the store. They immediately poited guns at some people. I had my earphones in, lost in thought. As my brain regisrered everything, it was already too late.

The last thing I heard before getting shot was panicked voice, yelling everyone to comply. Then everything went dark.

Tada! and that's how I fucking left the world with a bang in a literal way. In the most literal way possible.After death, everything went just dark.

There was no pain, no sound, just endless blackness. I floated there for what felt like an eternity, trapped in a void, until suddenly, I felt a pull, like something yanking me out of the nothingness.

In an instant, I found myself standing in front of an enormous, faceless shadow. It towered over me, a swirling mass of darkness and power, its presence both unsettling and commanding.

"Congratulations, mortal," a deep, echoing voice boomed from the shadow, vibrating through the space around me. "You have been selected for a resurrection in the fantasy world of One Piece."

My jaw dropped. One Piece? Resurrection? What the hell? This had to be a dream or some weird hallucination from dying. Before I could process it, the shadow continued.

"You have three wishes," it said, "and a basic system panel to view your status. You will also be able to learn basic versions of skills from others before you go. Additionally, you may choose the location and timeline in which you will be reborn."

My mind was spinning. This was like every fan's dream. The world of One Piece? Three wishes? A system to help me learn skills? It was unreal. But if this was real, I couldn't afford to waste my opportunity. I needed to think carefully about my wishes, my new life, and how I'd fit into one of the most dangerous and exciting worlds imaginable.

I swallowed hard, trying to compose myself. "So… just to confirm," I said cautiously, "I get three wishes, a status system to track my abilities, and I can choose where and when I'll be reborn in the world of One Piece?"

"Correct," the shadow intoned, its voice unwavering. "Use your wishes wisely. You will not be given another chance."

"Umm!... does the system panel allow me to learn or copy skills from others?" I asked, still processing the whole situation.

"Yes," the faceless shadow boomed, "but only at its basic or foundational levels. You will have to practice and increase their level further yourself."

I nodded. "Thank you, I understand." I stood there, my mind racing as I considered what to wish for. This was my chance to shape my new life in One Piece, so I had to get it right.

After a few moments of silence, I finally spoke. "For my first wish, I want the power to create devil fruits. The fruits I create will be free from the sea water curse and, once eaten, will be in their awakened form instantly."

There was a brief pause before the shadow responded. "That is possible, but you will not be able to create devil fruits that already exist."

I nodded, that seemed like a fair limitation. "Got it."

"For my second wish," I continued, "I want the power to summon any anime, hentai, or manhwa character into this world, and they will be 100% loyal to me."

The shadow shifted slightly, its voice deepening with caution. "That may pose a problem. Many characters from other worlds exceed the power limits of One Piece. Some may even be rejected by the world's will since they do not naturally belong here."

I paused, considering the potential complications. After a moment, an idea formed. "What if the characters I summon have backgrounds within this world? And I would have to go fetch them, integrate them into the story."

The shadow considered my proposal. "The summoned characters will be restricted to females, and the system will show you their location once summoned. They will also be tailored with backgrounds that fit the world."

"Okay," I agreed. That worked in my favor, anyway. Loyalty and custom backgrounds? Perfect.

"For my third wish," I said, grinning, "I want full control over my ship. I want to be able to steer it with my will, know everything happening on board, and for the bound ship itself be able to upgrade luxuriously and technologically."

"If it's just the ship, I can grant that," the shadow confirmed.

Finally, I took a deep breath before my last request. "For the timeline and my birth, I want to be born as an unfortunate baby in the New World and grow to be handsome like Sung Jin Woo. I want to be discovered by Gol D. Roger, and I want to be four years younger than Shanks."

"That can be arranged," the shadow said, its voice final, as if the decision was already made. "Now then… are you ready to go?"

I nodded, my heart racing with anticipation. "Yeah, I'm ready."

The dark space around me began to ripple and distort, and the faceless shadow loomed even larger, its presence swallowing the world whole. Before I could process what was happening, everything dissolved into a bright, blinding light. The pull I'd felt earlier was back, stronger this time, yanking me toward my new life.

And just like that, I was gone. Ready to start my journey in the world of One Piece.