In the Shadow of Legends.

I had done it now. My skills were weak for now, but the important thing was that they were there. I would practice, and eventually, these "basic" levels would grow into mastery. With the right training, I could grow stronger, even surpass Roger someday.

Just then, I looked up and saw Rayleigh's face peeking over Roger's shoulder, his eyes glinting with amusement. Without thinking, I reached up and tugged at the loose tendril of his hair, which dangled close to me. He chuckled softly, his hand resting on Crocus's shoulder as he watched me.

"You've got quite the grip for a little one," Rayleigh said, smirking. "I think we're going to have our hands full with this one."

Roger laughed, his booming voice echoing across the ship. "Ha! That's what I like to hear! This kid's going to have the makings of a king! I can feel it."

I couldn't help but smile inwardly. They had no idea how right they were. I wasn't just any child. With the powers I now possessed, I could reshape this world in ways they couldn't imagine. Anyways moving on "Status"

[Thomas King]

[Age: 1]

[Strength: 3]

[Physique: 3]

[Agility: 3]

[Vitality: 3]

[Devil Fruit: None]


– Swordsmanship (Basic)

– Armament Haki (Basic)

– Observation Haki (Basic)

– Conqueror's Haki (Basic)]

[Special Skills:

– Voice of All Things (Basic)

– Devil Tree(Top)

– Worldly Summoning(Top)

– Ship Overlord(Top)]

[System Skills:

– Copy(Top)

– Evolve(Top)

– Identify(Top)

– Storage(Top)]

I couldn't contain my excitement. Seeing my new Status made everything feel more real. The fact that I, a mere infant in this world, had such skills already was exhilarating.

A wide grin formed on my face, even if my one-year-old body couldn't quite express the overwhelming joy I felt inside.

I stared at the panel, taking in the details. Seeing those skills listed was empowering, but I needed to better understand what each of my system skills did. My excitement wasn't just because I now had abilities, but because I had a pathway to grow them.

"Copy," I whispered in my mind. As if answering my call, information appeared in front of me, explaining the function.

Copy (Top): This skill allows you to copy any skill from a person, creature, or object at its basic level. You may not directly copy mastered or advanced versions of the skill, but with practice, copied skills can evolve.

It was exactly what I needed. As long as I was around powerful people like Roger, Rayleigh, and the crew, I could steadily build up my arsenal. Just copying them at the basic level was enough to give me a head start.

Next, I mentally activated Evolve.

Evolve (Top): Any copied skill or skill you possess can be upgraded by continuous practice. Skill levels progress through Basic, Intermediate, Advanced, Mastery, and finally, Top, which represents the pinnacle of ability in the world.

This was the key to my growth. I might have copied Roger's Haki abilities at their basic levels, but through hard work, I could evolve them all the way to mastery and one day, even beyond. The idea of reaching Roger's level, maybe even surpassing him, sent a shiver down my spine.

Next was Identify.

Identify (Top): You can see the basic information of anything you focus on. This includes people, objects, and even environments. The depth of information depends on your level of focus.

This skill seemed incredibly useful for gathering intel. I could analyze the strengths of my opponents, identify rare materials, or figure out mysterious objects and locations. Knowing my surroundings and what I faced would give me an edge in dangerous situations.

Finally, I checked Storage.

Storage (Top): A unique space of infinite capacity where items can be stored. Time does not flow in storage, meaning perishable goods do not degrade with limitations such as it cannot store living beings.

Infinite space, the implications of this were astounding. I could store weapons, supplies, treasure or anything. The fact that time didn't flow meant that I could carry fresh food or dangerous materials without worrying about them decaying or exploding.

I was just a child for now, but these skills would make my growth meteoric. If I practiced and trained these skills properly, my level would skyrocket in no time.

Knowing that skills like Haki could be pushed to their limit was both reassuring and thrilling. I had a long road ahead of me, but with the system's abilities, I wasn't afraid.

"Ha ha ha, what are you smiling at, little one?" Roger's booming laugh snapped me back to reality.

I giggled, knowing full well that none of them had any idea of the power I was quietly cultivating. I was one year old now, but soon enough, I'd grow into a force to be reckoned with.

For now, I would watch, learn, and grow stronger. With the Copy skill, I could absorb everything the world had to offer, and Evolve would allow me to climb from Basic to Mastery and beyond.

As I looked out at the sea, I made a silent vow to myself. I am going to reach the Top.

This world had a delicate balance, and I didn't want to break it not yet, anyways. The Paramount War would be the turning point, the moment when everything changed. That's when I would make my true debut, and make my presence felt across the seas.

But until then, I would play my part quietly, growing in power slowly, only showing an appropriate amount in front of the others. I couldn't afford to stand out too much just yet. The world wasn't ready for me. Not yet.

Roger, Rayleigh, Gaban, Crocus these men were legends, and I was in their midst. It was perfect. I could train in silence, learning from the best, copying their abilities when necessary. But my real power would remain hidden, evolving in the shadows.

(Just you wait), I whispered to myself, a smile tugging at my lips. (Once the Paramount War begins, I'll be ready).

But for now, it was all about control. I couldn't afford to let the Roger Pirates, or anyone else, suspect how fast I could grow. I'd stick to what's "reasonable" in terms of progress, taking things slow.

Everyone would think I was just a normal child, growing stronger little by little, but in reality, my power would be building beneath the surface.

Shanks and Buggy, they'd become the focus soon enough, and I would stay in the background, watching, preparing. I couldn't risk affecting the cannon storyline too much, those events were critical. I need to avoid the spotlight until then.

They shaped the world as it needed to be. But when the war came, when Whitebeard made his final stand, and the world was thrown into chaos, that's when I would strike.

Until then, I would stay unnoticed. Just another child on the Oro Jackson.