The Bonds Forged in Battle.

The winds of the Grand Line howled as the Oro Jackson sailed forward, cutting through the turbulent seas. Days turned into months, and Gol D. Roger's name echoed across the world, turning our crew's journey into a hot topic for every pirate and government official alike.

With each clash, each battle, and every pirate fallen before us, Roger's influence only grew stronger.

The presence of the Roger Pirates was like a storm, unstoppable, untamed, and relentless, sweeping through every corner of the Grand Line.


It all began when we crossed paths with the notorious Speed Pirates, a crew feared not only for their ferocity but for the unmatched agility of their captain, Godspeed.

This pirate had gained his infamous reputation after consuming the Speed-Speed Fruit, a rare ability that granted him unimaginable velocity in battle and unrivaled swiftness on the seas. His speed alone was enough to send shivers down anyone's spine.

But this time, speed wasn't enough, the Speed Pirates launched a brutal assault on our ship, with Godspeed himself darting across the deck like a blur. His figure moved so fast that for a moment, it seemed even the Oro Jackson might falter under the barrage.

Some of our crew were struck down before they even had time to react. Then Roger stood forward as some of our crew fell, with one swing of his legendary saber Ace, the entire battle changed.

Godspeed, who had terrorized the seas for years, fell to his knees, bloodied and defeated.

The battle raged on for two whole days, as Rayleigh, Gaban, and the rest of the crew fought off Godspeed's remaining forces. But they stood no chance. Our unity and power overwhelmed them.

In the end, the annihilation of the Speed Pirates was the only outcome. This news sent shockwaves across the Grand Line, and the reputation of Gold Roger grew even larger.

The crew celebrated the victory for days. Rayleigh always laughed for hours, teasing Roger about his name being misprinted as Gold Roger instead of Gol D. Roger on the wanted posters.

This wasn't the end though as the Oro Jackson sailed further into the Grand Line, the crew encountered even more formidable foes.

Pirates like Silver Axe and Captain John, the remanants of the once-feared 'Rocks Pirates' whose names inspired fear and respect in equal measure, challenged Roger, hoping to rise in fame by defeating him.

But for all their strength and ambition, both fell before Roger's might. After their humiliating defeats, they fled, leaving behind their broken crews.

The Roger Pirates stood victorious once again. With each battle, our crew's reputation soared, and bounties across the board skyrocketed. Rayleigh, Gaban, and even the younger members like Shanks and Buggy began making names for themselves.

Among all clashes Ochoku, a warrior pirate of great renown and also a remanant of Xebeck's crew, was different. His mastery of combat was undeniable, and his challenge to Roger was a spectacle to behold.

For days, the battle seemed endless as the two clashed, their swords striking with thunderous force. Rayleigh, Gaban, and the rest of Roger's crew stood back, watching in awe as our captain fought like a man possessed with ghost.

Both fought each other trying to get an edge over the other, unwilling to succumb before the other falls. But in the end, even Ochoku could not stand against Roger. Defeated and humiliated, Ochoku made the choice to flee rather than face Roger again.

Another victory for Roger, and another chapter written in his epic journey towards greatness. His crew, unified and indomitable, continued their voyage, stronger than ever before.

As the time flew by on one certain day, the Oro Jackson crossed paths with a pirate unlike any other 'Patrick Redfield'. Known for his mysterious aura and deadly ambition, Redfield was a pirate few dared to challenge.

But Roger, always seeking strong allies, saw potential in Redfield. In a surprising move, Roger extended an invitation to the enigmatic pirate after they fought to a draw, offering him a place on his crew.

Redfield, intrigued by Roger's vision and the power he commanded, took his time to consider. But in the end, he chose a different path. Redfield's ambitions could not align with another's, not even Roger's.

He rejected the offer, choosing instead to sail alone, a lone wolf on the dangerous seas. Roger, as always, respected his decision, his charisma and influence leaving even those who walked away with admiration.

With each passing encounter, Roger's name grew more fearsome. His reputation began to carry weight, not just among pirates, but among the powers that governed the world.

Though not yet the King of the Pirates, Roger's name was whispered in hushed tones as the man who could reach the pinnacle of piracy. His adventures were now the talk of the Grand Line, and with each battle won, the legend of One Piece, the ultimate treasure, began to resurface on the seas.

Watching all this happened with my own eyed as I quietly sharpening my skills to grow stronger everyday amid these people surrounding me was in itself a crazy ride for me. Being here on the ship and being a part of this crazy journey was something else.

It was fun as sometimes....wait! let me correct, almost everytime as Rear Admiral Monkey.D.Garp chasing our tail trying to sink, trap or ambush us at every chance he got.

Almost every time we narrowly escaped, hearing his loud cursing echoing in the distance. The old man was tough, and he always seemed one step behind us, but we'd always manage to get away.

Shanks, Buggy, and I practiced with our small iron swords aboard the ship. We often challenged or should I say ambushed Rayleigh, Gaban, and the others, only to get beaten black and blue.

Shanks always had a knack for escaping at the right moment, only to get caught and beaten later, to which Buggy and I enjoyed watching.

As the Oro Jackson sailed from island to island, each stop brought with it new battles, new challenges, and new adventures. We fought countless foes, and with every fight, I grew a little stronger. But no matter how dangerous things got, I always had the crew's protection.

I, the youngest on board, had become something of a beloved little brother to everyone. Even Shanks and Buggy, despite their constant bickering they kept an especially close eye on me during fights.

Whenever we'd engage in a brawl, they made it their mission to ensure I was never in harm's way, taking down enemies before they could get close to me.

Buggy, the little money grubber, was particularly amusing. Though he'd complain about everything and treasure gold more than life itself, he secretly had a soft spot for me. He'd sneak off during our stops and buy little trinkets or food he thought I'd like, always pretending it was no big deal.

It wasn't hard to figure out that Buggy had a secret stash of money he hoarded away for moments like these, but I didn't mind. The little gestures meant more than anything.

At first, it was surreal, being surrounded by these people who I had once viewed as fictional characters from an anime in my old world. I knew their stories, their futures, the legacies they would leave behind. In my mind, they were legends, distant figures I admired from afar. But as time passed, something changed.

They stopped feeling like just characters from a story. They became real.

As I sailed alongside them, fought by their side, and shared meals and laughter with them, I realized these were not just legendary pirates, they were my family. Roger, Rayleigh, Gaban, Shanks, Buggy, and the others they welcomed me, protected me, and taught me something each moment we spent together, whether in the heat of battle or day to day chores.